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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.4.3 Hess's Law Applications in Thermochemistry

Understanding Hess's Law

At the heart of thermochemistry, Hess's law asserts that the total enthalpy change in a chemical reaction is the same, irrespective of the route taken from reactants to products. This principle is underpinned by the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.

Key Concepts

  • Enthalpy Change (ΔH): Represents the heat absorbed or released during a reaction at constant pressure.
  • Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions: Understanding these reactions is crucial, as Hess's law applies to both, allowing for the calculation of energy either absorbed or released.

Thermochemical Cycles

Thermochemical cycles provide a visual framework to apply Hess's law, breaking down complex reactions into simpler, measurable steps.

Formation and Combustion Cycles

  • Formation Cycles: Involve the creation of compounds from their constituent elements.
  • Combustion Cycles: Entail the burning of substances in oxygen to form water and carbon dioxide, typically releasing energy.

Interpreting Thermochemical Cycles

Interpreting these cycles requires a solid grasp of chemical equations and the ability to manipulate them algebraically, ensuring substances that appear on both sides of the resultant equation are in the same physical state.

Skills: Calculating Enthalpy Changes

Applying Hess's law involves algebraic manipulation of known enthalpy changes to determine unknown values. This section outlines the steps and skills required for accurate calculation.

Using Hess's Law

  1. Identify Known Values: Start by gathering known enthalpy changes, either from standard tables or previous experiments.
  2. Equation Manipulation: Adjust these equations, reversing or multiplying as necessary, to align with the target reaction.
  3. Algebraic Summation: Sum the enthalpy changes of these manipulated equations to find the overall ΔH for the reaction of interest.

Data Presentation

Clear and logical presentation of calculations is vital. Begin with the known enthalpy changes, followed by their algebraic manipulation, and conclude with the calculated ΔH for the target reaction.

Practical Examples

Exploring practical examples solidifies understanding and demonstrates the real-world application of Hess's law.

Thermal Decomposition of NaHCO₃

Investigating the decomposition of sodium bicarbonate into sodium carbonate, water, and carbon dioxide offers an excellent example of Hess's law in action.

  1. Known Reactions: Utilise known enthalpy changes of formation for all substances involved.
  2. Reaction Pathway: Construct a pathway from reactants to products, using intermediates with known ΔH values.
  3. Calculation: Apply Hess's law to these steps to calculate the overall enthalpy change for the decomposition.

Hydration Reactions of MgSO₄

The hydration of magnesium sulfate is another illustrative example, where anhydrous MgSO₄ reacts with water to form the hydrated salt.

  1. Known Data: Use known enthalpy changes of formation for anhydrous and hydrated MgSO₄, and for water.
  2. Thermochemical Cycle: Design a cycle that represents the hydration process, linking reactants to products through known entities.
  3. Enthalpy Calculation: Employ Hess's law within this cycle to find the ΔH for hydration.

Using Calorimetry with Hess's Law

Calorimetry experiments provide direct measurements of enthalpy changes, which can then be applied to Hess's law calculations for more complex reactions.

Direct Measurement

In a calorimetry experiment, the heat exchanged with the surroundings is measured, allowing for the calculation of ΔH for the reaction occurring within the calorimeter.

Application to Hess's Law

Measured enthalpy changes from simple calorimetry experiments can be used as known values in Hess's law calculations for more complex reactions, bridging the gap between theory and practice.

Example Experiment: Dissolving Potassium Chloride

A classic experiment involves dissolving potassium chloride in water and measuring the enthalpy change using calorimetry.

  1. Measure ΔH: Determine the enthalpy change for dissolving KCl in water.
  2. Hess's Law Application: Combine this measured value with known enthalpies of formation to calculate ΔH for a related but more complex reaction.

Challenges and Limitations

While Hess's law is a powerful tool in thermochemistry, it's important to acknowledge its limitations and the potential challenges students may face.

Accuracy of Data

The accuracy of Hess's law calculations is directly tied to the precision of the enthalpy values used. These values can come from standard tables or experimental measurements, each with its own potential for error.

Measurement Errors

In laboratory settings, errors in measurement can arise from imperfect insulation of the calorimeter, inaccurate temperature readings, or incomplete reactions, all of which can skew results.

Complex Reactions

For highly complex reactions, finding a pathway that only involves known enthalpy changes can be daunting and sometimes impractical, requiring a deep understanding of the reaction mechanisms involved.

Enhancing Understanding

To master Hess's law, students should engage in a variety of activities that reinforce the concepts and skills outlined.

Practice Problems

Solving a wide range of problems involving Hess's law enhances familiarity with its application, improving problem-solving skills and confidence.

Lab Experiments

Participating in calorimetry experiments not only provides practical experience with measuring enthalpy changes but also illustrates the real-world application of Hess's law.

Real-World Applications

Exploring how Hess's law is applied in industrial chemical processes, such as in the production of ammonia via the Haber process or in energy production, can provide context and inspiration for students.

Hess's law is a cornerstone of thermochemistry, offering a systematic approach to understanding and calculating energy changes in chemical reactions. By delving into its principles, applications, and practical examples, students can develop a robust understanding of this fundamental concept, enhancing their overall competence in chemistry.


Hess's Law can indeed be applied to reactions under non-standard conditions, but the calculations need some adjustments to account for the changes in enthalpy with temperature, pressure, or concentration. Under non-standard conditions, the enthalpy changes of reactions can differ from their standard values. To account for these variations, the Van't Hoff equation and the concept of reaction quotient (( Q )) can be used alongside Hess's Law to estimate the enthalpy change under the specific conditions of interest. The Van't Hoff equation relates the change in the equilibrium constant (( K )) with temperature to the enthalpy change of the reaction, providing a way to calculate how ( \Delta H ) varies with temperature. For changes in pressure or concentration, Le Chatelier's principle may also be considered, particularly how these changes affect the equilibrium position and, by extension, the reaction enthalpy. However, these adjustments can complicate the calculations significantly, making them more theoretical and less practical for direct experimental application.

While Hess's Law primarily deals with the enthalpy changes in chemical reactions, it can indirectly assist in assessing the feasibility of reactions when combined with other thermodynamic parameters. The feasibility of a chemical reaction is not determined by the enthalpy change (( \Delta H )) alone but also by the change in Gibbs free energy (( \Delta G )), which also considers entropy (( \Delta S )) and temperature (T). The relationship ( \Delta G = \Delta H - T\Delta S ) highlights how enthalpy change plays a role in determining a reaction's spontaneity. A reaction is more likely to be feasible if ( \Delta G ) is negative. Through Hess's Law, if the calculated ( \Delta H ) for a reaction is highly exothermic, it suggests that the reaction could be feasible at certain temperatures, assuming entropy change does not significantly oppose spontaneity. However, it's essential to understand that Hess's Law alone cannot predict feasibility; it must be used in conjunction with entropy considerations and the broader context of Gibbs free energy.

Hess's Law is termed a 'law' in chemistry because it is a fundamental principle that has been repeatedly confirmed through experiments and observations, much like other scientific laws. It is a specific application of the first law of thermodynamics, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed in an isolated system. Hess's Law elaborates on this by explaining that the total enthalpy change in a series of chemical reactions is the same, regardless of the path taken by the reaction or the number of steps involved. This is because the enthalpy change is a state function; it only depends on the initial and final states of the system, not on the path taken to get from one to the other. In practical terms, this allows chemists to calculate the enthalpy changes of reactions that are difficult to measure directly by using other reactions with known enthalpy changes. This principle is crucial in thermochemistry for understanding how energy is conserved and transferred during chemical reactions.

Inaccuracies in using Hess's Law can arise from various sources, primarily related to the experimental determination of enthalpy changes and the quality of data used in calculations. Some common sources of error include:

  • Measurement Errors: In calorimetry, inaccuracies can arise from imperfect insulation, leading to heat loss or gain from the surroundings, and from imprecise temperature measurements.
  • Purity of Reactants: Impurities in reactants can lead to variations in measured enthalpy changes, as they may participate in side reactions or alter the reaction pathway.
  • Physical State Assumptions: The physical states of reactants and products must be accurately represented in the thermochemical equations used, as the enthalpy change depends on these states.

To minimize these inaccuracies, rigorous experimental techniques should be employed, including using well-calibrated instruments, high-purity chemicals, and conducting experiments under controlled conditions to ensure that the physical states of substances are as intended. Additionally, when using literature values for enthalpy changes, it is crucial to use reliable and consistent sources to ensure the data's accuracy.

The concept of mean bond enthalpy relates closely to Hess's Law in that both are used to calculate reaction

enthalpies, albeit from different perspectives. Mean bond enthalpy is the average energy required to break one mole of a given type of bond in gaseous molecules. When calculating the enthalpy change for a reaction using bond enthalpies, the process involves breaking all the bonds in the reactants (which consumes energy) and forming new bonds in the products (which releases energy). The overall enthalpy change (( \Delta H )) for the reaction can be estimated by summing the energies involved in breaking and forming these bonds.

This approach aligns with Hess's Law, which states that the total enthalpy change for a reaction is the same, regardless of the pathway taken. Using mean bond enthalpies to calculate reaction enthalpy essentially uses a hypothetical pathway where all bonds are first broken, and then new bonds are formed. While this method provides an estimate that can be useful for understanding and predicting reaction enthalpies, it is important to note that mean bond enthalpies are average values and may not precisely represent the bond energies in a specific molecule. Consequently, while useful, this method may not always yield as accurate results as directly applying Hess's Law using enthalpy changes of formation or combustion, especially for complex molecules or reactions involving multiple steps.

Practice Questions

Calculate the enthalpy change for the formation of water (( \Delta H_f )) from its elements, given the following enthalpy changes: the enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen is -286 kJ/mol, and the enthalpy of vaporisation of water is +44 kJ/mol.

An excellent A level Chemistry student would approach this problem by first understanding that the formation of water from its elements involves the reaction of hydrogen gas with oxygen gas to form liquid water. Since the given data includes the enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen, which is the enthalpy change when hydrogen is completely combusted in oxygen to form water vapour, the student recognises the need to adjust this value to account for the enthalpy of vaporisation of water to obtain the enthalpy of formation of liquid water. The student would then write: "The enthalpy change for the formation of water (( \Delta Hf )) can be calculated by adding the enthalpy of combustion of hydrogen to the enthalpy of vaporisation of water, as this converts the water from gas to liquid, the state it is in when formed from its elements. Therefore, ( \Delta Hf = -286 kJ/mol + 44 kJ/mol = -242 kJ/mol ). This result indicates that the formation of water from its elements is exothermic, releasing 242 kJ/mol of energy."

Using Hess's Law, calculate the enthalpy change (( \Delta H )) for the thermal decomposition of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃) into calcium oxide (CaO) and carbon dioxide (CO₂), given the enthalpy changes of formation for CaCO₃, CaO, and CO₂ as -1207 kJ/mol, -635 kJ/mol, and -394 kJ/mol respectively.

A top-performing student would start by noting that Hess's Law allows for the calculation of the enthalpy change of a reaction by using the enthalpy changes of formation for the products and reactants. They would write: "The enthalpy change for the thermal decomposition of CaCO₃ can be calculated using the enthalpy changes of formation for the reactants and products. The reaction is CaCO₃ (s) → CaO (s) + CO₂ (g). According to Hess's Law, ( \Delta H = \Sigma \Delta Hf (products) - \Sigma \Delta Hf (reactants) ). Substituting the given values, we get ( \Delta H = [(-635) + (-394)] - (-1207) = -822 + 1207 = 385 kJ/mol ). This positive value indicates that the decomposition of calcium carbonate is endothermic, requiring 385 kJ/mol of energy to proceed."

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