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AQA A-Level Chemistry Notes

1.1.5 Electron Arrangement and Behaviour in Atoms and Ions

Electron arrangement in atoms and ions is a critical concept in A-level Chemistry, underpinning much of what is understood about chemical properties and reactivity. This section delves into the intricate world of electron configurations, especially for elements up to atomic number 36, and elucidates their significance in relation to the periodic table.

Introduction to Electron Configuration

Electron configuration is the term used to describe the arrangement of electrons in an atom's or ion's orbitals. It is pivotal in determining how atoms interact with each other and form chemical bonds.

  • Shells (Principal Energy Levels): Electrons orbit the nucleus in various energy levels known as shells. These shells are labelled K, L, M, N, and so on, moving outward from the nucleus. Each shell can hold a different maximum number of electrons, generally increasing with distance from the nucleus.
  • Sub-shells (Orbital Types): Within shells, there are subshells named s, p, d, and f. Each subshell has a different shape and accommodates a certain number of electrons: s (2), p (6), d (10), and f (14).

Electron Configuration Notation

Electron configuration notation is a systematic way of representing the arrangement of electrons in the orbitals. For example, the notation '2s²' indicates that there are two electrons in the s orbital of the second shell.

  • Aufbau Principle: Electrons fill orbitals starting from the lowest energy level.
  • Pauli Exclusion Principle: Each orbital can hold a maximum of two electrons, which must have opposite spins.
  • Hund's Rule: Electrons fill degenerate (equal energy) orbitals singly before pairing.

Patterns in Electron Configuration and Periodic Table Relation

The arrangement of the periodic table is directly related to the electron configurations of the elements. This structure reveals patterns that are crucial to understanding chemical properties.

  • Periods and Electron Shells: Each row in the periodic table corresponds to the filling of a principal energy level, or shell. For instance, elements in the second period (Lithium to Neon) fill the 2nd shell (L shell).
  • Groups and Valence Electrons: Elements in the same column or group have similar valence electron configurations, explaining their similar chemical behaviors. For example, the Group 1 elements all have a single electron in their outermost shell.

Electron Arrangement in Chemical Properties and Reactivity

The electron configuration profoundly influences an atom's chemical properties and its reactivity.

  • Chemical Reactivity: Atoms tend to react in ways that achieve a full valence shell, often emulating the electron configuration of the nearest noble gas. This drive explains many common chemical reactions, such as the tendency of alkali metals to donate an electron.
  • Ion Formation: In forming ions, atoms gain or lose electrons to achieve a more stable electron configuration. This change can significantly alter an atom's reactivity and properties.
  • Bonding Patterns: The number and arrangement of an atom's valence electrons determine how it bonds with other atoms, influencing the formation of ionic or covalent bonds.

Mastering Electron Configuration Notation

A deep understanding of electron configuration notation is crucial for predicting and explaining chemical properties and reactions.

  • Practical Skills: Being proficient in writing and interpreting electron configurations allows students to predict elements' reactivity, bonding patterns, and even the types of compounds they might form.
  • Periodic Table Insights: A grasp of electron configurations facilitates an understanding of why elements are placed in certain positions on the periodic table and why they exhibit specific trends in properties.

The periodic table displays trends that are closely linked to the electron configurations of the elements.

  • Atomic Size: This property decreases across a period as the number of protons increases, pulling electrons closer to the nucleus, despite the electrons being in the same shell. It increases down a group as additional shells are added.
  • Ionisation Energy: The energy required to remove an electron from an atom increases across a period and decreases down a group. This trend is directly influenced by the electron configuration and the distance of the valence electrons from the nucleus.
  • Electronegativity: This is the measure of an atom's ability to attract and bond with electrons. Electronegativity generally increases across a period and decreases down a group, influenced by the number of protons and the distance of the valence electrons from the nucleus.

Understanding these trends and their relation to electron configurations is vital for predicting the behaviour of elements and their compounds.


In summary, mastering the concept of electron arrangement in atoms and ions is fundamental for A-level Chemistry students. This knowledge not only aids in comprehending the structure of the periodic table and the properties of elements but also forms the basis for understanding chemical bonding, reactions, and much more. As such, proficiency in electron configuration notation and an appreciation for how these configurations influence chemical properties are essential skills for any budding chemist.


Electron degeneracy refers to the situation where two or more orbitals in an atom have the same energy level. This is particularly relevant in p, d, and f subshells, which contain multiple orbitals (three in p, five in d, and seven in f) of identical energy when they are empty. According to Hund's rule, electrons fill degenerate orbitals singly and with parallel spins before pairing up. This is because electrons repel each other due to their negative charge, and occupying different orbitals minimises this repulsion. For instance, in the p subshell, electrons will occupy each of the three p orbitals singly before any pairing occurs. This concept of electron degeneracy and the subsequent electron arrangement in orbitals are fundamental for understanding the chemical properties of elements, as they influence aspects like bond formation and the atom's magnetic properties.

The quantum mechanical model of the atom, which is the current accepted model, differs significantly from the Bohr model in its depiction of electron arrangement. The Bohr model presents electrons orbiting the nucleus in fixed orbits or shells, much like planets orbiting the sun. In contrast, the quantum mechanical model does not define precise orbits for electrons. Instead, it uses the concept of orbitals - regions of space around the nucleus where there is a high probability of finding an electron. These orbitals have different shapes (spherical for s orbitals, dumbbell-shaped for p orbitals, etc.) and are not fixed paths but rather represent areas where electrons are likely to be found. This model accounts for the wave-particle duality of electrons and provides a more accurate and complex understanding of electron behavior, including the concept of electron spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

An atom's electron configuration has a significant impact on its magnetic properties, which are primarily determined by the presence of unpaired electrons. Atoms or ions with unpaired electrons exhibit paramagnetism, meaning they are attracted by a magnetic field. This is because unpaired electrons create a net magnetic moment due to their spin. For example, oxygen, with its two unpaired electrons in the p orbital, is paramagnetic. In contrast, atoms or ions with all paired electrons exhibit diamagnetism, characterized by a slight repulsion from a magnetic field. The paired electrons in diamagnetic substances cancel out each other's magnetic effects. Understanding these magnetic properties is important in various fields, including chemistry, physics, and material science, as they influence the behavior of substances in magnetic fields and have implications in areas like MRI technology and magnetic storage media.

Transition metals exhibit variable oxidation states due to their unique electron configurations. In transition metals, the d subshell is involved in bonding along with the s subshell of the outermost shell. The close energy levels of the 3d and 4s orbitals in these elements allow electrons from both orbitals to be easily lost or shared, leading to multiple oxidation states. For example, iron (Fe) has an electron configuration of [Ar] 3d⁶ 4s². It can lose two electrons from the 4s orbital to form Fe²⁺ or lose two 4s and three 3d electrons to form Fe³⁺. This flexibility in losing different numbers of d and s electrons contributes to the characteristic multiple oxidation states of transition metals. This property is important in many chemical reactions, especially in catalysis and the formation of complex compounds.

Electron shielding, also known as screening, refers to the phenomenon where inner electrons shield the outer electrons from the full positive charge of the nucleus. This effect becomes more significant in atoms with a larger number of electron shells. As the number of shells increases, the outermost electrons experience less effective nuclear charge due to the repulsion from inner-shell electrons. This reduction in effective nuclear charge makes it easier to remove an outer electron, hence lowering the atom's ionisation energy. For instance, in a sodium atom, the single electron in the 3s orbital is shielded by the electrons in the 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals. This shielding effect explains why ionisation energy generally decreases down a group in the periodic table, as elements down a group have more electron shells, leading to increased shielding and consequently lower ionisation energies.

Practice Questions

Describe the electron configuration of a chlorine atom (Cl) and explain how its electron arrangement influences its chemical properties.

The electron configuration of a chlorine atom (Cl, atomic number 17) is 1s² 2s² 2p⁶ 3s² 3p⁵. This configuration shows that chlorine has seven electrons in its outermost shell (3s² 3p⁵). The presence of these seven valence electrons makes chlorine highly reactive, as it needs only one more electron to achieve a full octet, which is a more stable arrangement. Consequently, chlorine readily accepts an electron from other elements, typically forming the chloride ion (Cl⁻) in reactions. This tendency to accept an electron is reflected in chlorine's high electronegativity and its common participation in ionic bonding, particularly with alkali and alkaline earth metals.

Using the concept of electron configuration, explain why elements in Group 2 of the periodic table are less reactive than those in Group 1.

Elements in Group 2 of the periodic table have electron configurations that end in s², meaning they have two electrons in their outermost s orbital. In contrast, Group 1 elements have configurations ending in s¹, with only one electron in the outermost s orbital. Group 2 elements require more energy to remove two electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, whereas Group 1 elements need to lose just one electron. This single electron in Group 1 is more easily lost due to being further from the nucleus and experiencing less nuclear attraction compared to the two electrons in Group 2. Hence, the reactivity of Group 1 elements is higher than that of Group 2 elements.

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