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IB DP Chemistry Questions

4.5 Metallic Bonding

Question 1

Which of the following best describes the structure of metals?

A. Lattice of positive ions surrounded by a sea of delocalised electrons

B. Covalently bonded network of atoms

C. Ionic lattice structure with alternating positive and negative ions

D. Discrete molecules held together by van der Waals forces

Question 2

Why do metals generally have high electrical conductivity?

A. They have mobile ions

B. They have a full valence shell

C. They have delocalised electrons that can move freely

D. They have strong covalent bonds

Question 3

Which property is NOT typically associated with metals?

A. Brittleness

B. Malleability

C. Ductility

D. High melting point

Question 4

Why are alloys often used instead of pure metals?

A. Alloys are cheaper

B. Alloys have enhanced properties like strength or resistance to corrosion

C. Alloys are more abundant

D. Alloys are less dense

Question 5

Which of the following is an example of an alloy?

A. Oxygen

B. Sodium chloride

C. Steel

D. Water

Question 6

a) Describe the concept of a "sea of delocalised electrons" in the context of metallic bonding. [3]

b) How does this "sea of delocalised electrons" contribute to the electrical conductivity of metals? [2]

Question 7

a) Explain the terms malleability and ductility as they relate to metals. [2]

b) How does the nature of metallic bonding contribute to the malleability and ductility of metals? [3]

Question 8

a) Why is there a need to make and use alloys like iron and steel in society? [3]

b) How does the addition of other elements to create an alloy affect the properties of the base metal? [2]

Question 9

a) Describe the significance of the "sea of delocalised electrons" in explaining the high thermal conductivity of metals. [3]

b) Why do metals generally have high melting and boiling points? [2]

c) Explain why mercury, a metal, is liquid at room temperature. [2]

Question 10

a) What are van der Waals forces, and how do they relate to non-polar molecules? [3]

b) List two factors that affect the strength of van der Waals forces. [2]

c) Why do larger non-polar molecules generally have higher boiling points than smaller non-polar molecules? [2]

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