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IB DP Physics Study Notes

8.2.4 Thermal Conductivity

In the world of physics, thermal conductivity plays a pivotal role in shaping our understanding of how heat transfer operates within different materials. A thorough comprehension of this property is vital for IB Physics students to make sense of myriad real-world phenomena and applications.


Thermal conductivity, often represented by the symbol k, characterises a material's capacity to transfer heat. When we talk about the thermal conductivity of a material, we're essentially referring to how effectively a unit of heat can travel through it in response to a temperature gradient. This property is particularly relevant when trying to determine how well a material can either insulate against heat or conduct it. For a deeper understanding, you might want to explore the concept of conduction and its impact on heat transfer. The standard unit for measuring thermal conductivity in the International System of Units (SI) is watts per metre Kelvin (W/m·K).

The foundational mathematical representation, Fourier's Law, delineates this property as:

Q/t = -k * A * (dT/dx)


  • Q/t signifies the heat transfer rate, measured in watts (W).
  • A represents the cross-sectional area through which the heat traverses (in m2).
  • dT/dx is the temperature gradient, given in K/m.

Materials with high values of k are adept at conducting heat and are termed as good conductors. In contrast, those with low values are inefficient at heat transfer, making them good insulators. Additionally, the relationship between heat and temperature is crucial to understanding thermal conductivity.

Factors Affecting Thermal Conductivity

The thermal conductivity of a material isn't a fixed value. Several intrinsic and external factors can modify this property:

1. Material Composition:

  • Metals: The reason metals are excellent conductors stems from their atomic structure. They possess a lattice of positively charged ions surrounded by a 'sea' of free-moving electrons. These electrons, due to their mobility, can quickly transfer kinetic energy (heat), leading to high conductivity.
  • Non-metals: Materials like wood or rubber don't have these free electrons. Instead, they rely on lattice vibrations to transfer heat, which is less efficient, thus offering lower conductivity.

2. Temperature:

  • Metals: For many metals, conductivity tends to decrease as temperature rises. As the metal gets hotter, the lattice ions vibrate more intensely, obstructing the flow of electrons and thereby reducing conductivity.
  • Insulators: In contrast, some insulators might witness an increase in conductivity with temperature because lattice vibrations become more pronounced and effective in transferring heat.

3. Impurities and Alloys: Pure metals generally have higher thermal conductivity than alloys. The presence of different atoms or impurities can scatter the conducting electrons, hindering their flow and thereby reducing the metal's overall conductivity.

4. Density and Porosity: The proximity of particles in a material directly influences its conductivity. Closer particles can transfer heat more effectively. Conversely, porous materials, with numerous air gaps, present a barrier to efficient heat transfer, leading to a marked decrease in conductivity.

5. Thickness: Although thickness doesn't change a material's intrinsic thermal conductivity, it does impact the time taken for heat to traverse the material. Naturally, thicker materials offer a longer path for heat, leading to more extended heat transfer durations.

Applications of Thermal Conductivity

The implications of thermal conductivity are vast, spanning numerous industries and everyday scenarios:

1. Construction and Architecture:

  • Insulation: The drive for energy-efficient homes has necessitated the use of insulating materials with low conductivity. This ensures minimal heat loss in cold environments and keeps interiors cool in hotter climates. For more on the environmental impact, see the greenhouse effect.
  • Window Design: Double-glazed windows often have a vacuum or gas (like argon) between the panes. These gases typically have low thermal conductivity, preventing heat transfer and thus maintaining indoor temperatures.

2. Cookware:

  • Even Heating: Materials like copper or aluminium, renowned for their high thermal conductivity, are preferred for the bases of pots and pans. They guarantee uniform heating, ensuring that food is cooked evenly.
  • Handles: Conversely, pan handles are often made of materials with low conductivity to ensure they remain cool to the touch.

3. Electronics:

  • Heat Sinks: Electronic components generate heat. To prevent overheating and potential damage, heat sinks made of materials with high thermal conductivity (like aluminium) are employed to dissipate this heat efficiently.
  • Thermal Compounds: These are substances applied between a CPU and a heat sink to improve heat transfer. They possess high thermal conductivity to facilitate efficient heat dissipation.

4. Space Exploration: In the unforgiving environment of space, the right balance of insulation and heat dissipation is paramount. The outer layers of space vehicles are designed to reflect radiant heat, while the internal insulation is tailored to retain essential heat.

5. Clothing:

  • Winter Gear: Low conductivity materials trap body heat, making them perfect for cold-weather clothing.
  • Summer Attire: Lightweight, breathable materials that dissipate heat effectively are preferred during warmer months.

6. Thermal Energy Storage: Advanced solar energy systems often use materials with high thermal conductivity for their heat storage units. These systems capture and store heat during sunny periods, releasing it during the night or cloudy days. For related topics, explore thermal radiation and its role in heat transfer.


Porosity is a measure of how much void or empty space is present within a material. An increased level of porosity typically correlates with a decrease in thermal conductivity. The logic behind this is straightforward: the more air or void spaces in a substance, the less dense and solid material present to conduct heat. Air, by nature, is a poor conductor of heat. When trapped within a material's pores, it essentially acts as an insulating barrier, reducing the material's overall capacity to conduct heat. This phenomenon is well illustrated by materials like aerogels or insulating foams, which, due to their high porosity, are formidable insulators, inhibiting heat transfer effectively.

The core reason behind the diminished thermal conductivity in gases, when juxtaposed with solids or liquids, lies in their molecular composition and distribution. In gases, molecules are widely dispersed, with vast intermolecular spaces separating them. Such a configuration means that the primary method for heat transfer is via molecule collisions, which, given the vast distances, become less frequent and effective. Additionally, gases don't possess the ordered lattice structures or the free electrons characteristic of many solids, making them inherently less adept at conducting heat.

Indeed, the state of a material, as well as external conditions like pressure or even impurities, can influence its thermal conductivity. Consider water. When it transitions from liquid to solid, forming ice, its thermal conductivity amplifies. This is because the molecules in ice form a more structured lattice arrangement than in liquid water, promoting better heat conduction. External factors, like pressure, can also play a role. At increased pressures, particles are forced closer together, potentially augmenting the conductivity of the substance. However, while external conditions can tweak conductivity values, it's the inherent molecular and atomic properties of a material that lay the foundational framework for its thermal conductivity.

The temperature gradient is the change in temperature observed across a specific distance or substance. While thermal conductivity is an intrinsic property and remains constant for a material under stable conditions, the actual rate of heat transfer, or heat flux, is directly proportional to this gradient. A pronounced temperature difference or gradient between two points in a material means there's a more significant driving force pushing heat from the warmer region to the cooler one. Hence, for a given material with a defined thermal conductivity, a steeper temperature gradient will result in a heightened heat transfer rate.

Each substance possesses a unique atomic and molecular arrangement, and it is this intrinsic structure that defines its thermal properties. Metals, for instance, have a sea of delocalised electrons which move freely throughout their structure. This electron mobility not only enables electrical conduction but also allows for the swift transfer of thermal energy, attributing metals with high thermal conductivities. Conversely, non-metals, devoid of these free electrons, rely on phonons, which are quantised vibrational energy modes for their heat transfer. This mode is inherently slower. Furthermore, the type of bond (covalent, metallic, ionic) and the lattice arrangement significantly influence the efficiency of heat transfer. A classic exception is diamond. Although a non-metal, its impressive thermal conductivity stems from its closely packed covalent network structure, which allows rapid phonon transport.

Practice Questions

Explain why metals generally have a higher thermal conductivity compared to non-metals. Additionally, discuss how impurities in a metal can influence its thermal conductivity.

Metals possess a unique atomic structure characterised by a lattice of positively charged ions surrounded by a 'sea' of freely moving electrons. These electrons have the ability to move rapidly, and when kinetic energy (heat) is introduced, they transfer this energy effectively, leading to high conductivity. Non-metals, on the other hand, lack these free electrons and rely on lattice vibrations for heat transfer, which is comparatively less efficient. As for impurities, when metals are combined or have foreign atoms within, these impurities scatter the conducting electrons, impeding their flow. This scattering effect results in a reduction of the metal's overall thermal conductivity.

In the realm of construction, explain the significance of choosing materials with appropriate thermal conductivities for insulation purposes. How do such decisions impact energy consumption in buildings?

In construction, insulation is key to maintaining desired interior temperatures. Materials selected for insulation should ideally have low thermal conductivity to minimise heat transfer. By doing so, during cold seasons, heat generated inside the building remains trapped, reducing the need for additional heating. Conversely, in hotter climates, the insulation prevents external heat from entering the interiors, thus reducing the dependency on cooling systems. Making astute choices in insulation directly impacts energy consumption in buildings. Effective insulation means reduced reliance on artificial heating or cooling systems, leading to significant energy savings, cost reductions, and a lowered carbon footprint for the building.

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