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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.2.2 Resistivity and Conductivity

Resistivity and conductivity are fundamental properties that describe how materials react to electric currents. Their understanding is pivotal for various applications, from designing electronic circuits to understanding the electrical nature of Earth's subsurface.

Understanding Resistivity

Resistivity, ρ, is a measure of a material's resistance to the flow of electric current.

  • Conceptual Insight: Imagine resistivity as a barrier to electric flow. High resistivity means a material isn't great at conducting electricity.
  • Units: It's measured in ohm meters (Ω m).
  • Formula: Resistivity is given by R(A/l), where R is resistance, A is cross-sectional area, and l is the length of the component.

Factors Influencing Resistivity

Several factors can affect the resistivity of a material:

  1. Material Type: Different materials have distinct atomic structures, affecting their electric properties. Metals, with low resistivity, are good conductors, while insulators have high resistivity.
  2. Temperature's Role: For many metals, resistivity increases with temperature. Heated atoms vibrate more, causing more resistance to electron flow.
  3. Impurities: Adding impurities to a material can change its resistivity, either increasing or decreasing it.
  4. Mechanical Strain: Physically changing a material, by compressing or stretching it, can also affect its resistivity.

Temperature Dependence of Resistivity

Different materials react differently to changes in temperature:

  • Metals: In metals, rising temperature typically increases resistivity due to intensified atomic vibrations.
  • Semiconductors: In semiconductors, resistivity usually decreases with increased temperature, thanks to more available charge carriers.
  • Superconductors: These special materials, under certain temperatures, can have zero resistivity, meaning perfect conduction without energy loss.

Conductivity: The Flip Side

Conductivity, σ, quantifies how well a material conducts electricity, being the opposite of resistivity.

  • Formula: Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity: 1/resistivity or σ=1/ρ
  • Units: Measured in siemens per metre (S/m).

Like resistivity, conductivity can be influenced by material type, temperature, impurities, and physical strain.

Practical Applications of Resistivity and Conductivity

  1. Electronics: In manufacturing electronic components, especially chips, semiconductor resistivity is critical. Silicon, a popular choice, owes its fame to its resistivity.
  2. Power Transmission: High-conductivity materials like copper and aluminium are ideal for power lines, ensuring minimal energy loss.
  3. Engineering: In systems where electrical resistance matters, like heaters, material resistivity is a key consideration.
  4. Medical Imaging: Different body tissues have varying conductivities, a principle used in Electrical Impedance Tomography.
  5. Geophysical Surveys: By studying ground resistivity, geophysicists can identify underground features like water or mineral deposits.
  6. Safety Equipment: High resistivity materials are used in electrical safety gear, protecting individuals from electrical shocks.
  7. Research: In modern research labs, studying the resistivity and conductivity of materials can lead to breakthrough applications in multiple sectors.


The resistivity of insulating materials is several orders of magnitude higher than that of conducting materials. This vast difference stems from the fact that insulators have very few free charge carriers (like free electrons) available for conduction. The high resistivity ensures that insulators effectively prevent the flow of electric current, thereby preventing short circuits and unwanted current paths. This difference is crucial in electrical engineering and electronics, as insulators are used to separate conductors and prevent electrical accidents, ensuring the safe and effective operation of electrical equipment.

Alloys are often chosen over pure metals for wire manufacturing because they offer a balance of desirable properties. While pure metals like copper might have lower resistivity, they can be soft and prone to stretching or breaking. Alloys, like constantan (a copper-nickel mix), provide a balance between conductivity and mechanical strength. They can withstand greater physical stress, making them more durable for certain applications. Furthermore, certain alloys have temperature coefficients of resistance that are quite small, making their resistance less sensitive to temperature fluctuations, which can be a desirable trait in precision instruments.

Impurities can significantly affect the resistivity of a material. In metals, the introduction of impurity atoms can disrupt the regular lattice structure, leading to more frequent collisions of conduction electrons with the impurity atoms, thereby increasing the material's resistivity. In semiconductors, impurities can introduce either extra free electrons (n-type doping) or holes (p-type doping) depending on the type of impurity. This intentional introduction of impurities can decrease the resistivity of semiconductors, enhancing their conductive properties, a process fundamental to the operation of many electronic devices.

Resistivity plays a crucial role in the design of electrical cables. Materials with low resistivity, such as copper or aluminium, are typically chosen for conducting cores to minimise energy losses. When a current flows through a conductor with high resistivity, more energy is lost as heat due to the resistance. By selecting materials with low resistivity, these losses are reduced, ensuring efficient power transmission. Additionally, the thickness of the cables is also influenced by resistivity. Thicker cables can carry more current without overheating, compensating for the effects of resistivity and further reducing energy losses.

Superconductors are materials that, when cooled below a certain critical temperature, exhibit zero electrical resistivity. This intriguing phenomenon results from the formation of "Cooper pairs" — pairs of electrons that move through the material without scattering off of impurities or lattice vibrations. This means they face no resistance. The formation of these Cooper pairs is due to quantum mechanical effects and is a direct consequence of the BCS theory (Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer). The complete absence of electrical resistance in superconductors has promising implications for power transmission and magnetic levitation applications.

Practice Questions

Explain how and why the resistivity of metals and semiconductors changes with temperature.

In metals, as the temperature rises, the resistivity typically increases. This is because as temperature increases, the lattice structure of the metal has more vibrations. These increased vibrations result in more frequent collisions between the conduction electrons and the lattice atoms, hindering the movement of the electrons and hence increasing resistance. On the other hand, for semiconductors, resistivity usually decreases with a rise in temperature. This decrease arises from the creation of more charge carriers (both electrons and holes) at higher temperatures, which improves their ability to conduct electricity.

Differentiate between resistivity and conductivity in terms of their definitions, and state why materials like copper are used in power transmission.

Resistivity, represented by the Greek letter rho (ρ), is a material property that describes its opposition to the flow of electric current; it's measured in ohm meters (Ω m). On the contrary, conductivity, symbolised by sigma (σ), is the inverse of resistivity and represents a material's efficiency in conducting electric current; its unit is siemens per metre (S/m). Materials like copper are used in power transmission because they have a low resistivity (or high conductivity). This ensures that electrical energy is transmitted with minimal loss, making them ideal for power lines and ensuring efficient energy transmission.

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