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IB DP Physics Study Notes

5.2.1 Ohm's Law

Ohm's Law is one of the foundational pillars of electrical physics. Established in the 19th century, it illuminates the intrinsic relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in an electrical circuit. This exposition aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of this crucial law, its experimental demonstration, and its inherent boundaries.

Fundamental Principle of Ohm's Law

At its core, Ohm's Law asserts that:

  • The current (I) flowing through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage (V) across these two points, assuming the temperature remains constant.

Expressed in mathematical terms: I = V/R Where:

  • I stands for current, measured in amperes (A)
  • V represents voltage, measured in volts (V)
  • R denotes resistance, measured in ohms (Ω)

This equation forms the backbone of countless calculations in electrical physics.

Diving Deeper: The Concept of Resistance

Resistance is a measure of the opposition a substance offers to the flow of electric current. It's determined by:

  • Material: Every material has its intrinsic resistivity, with metals typically being good conductors, having low resistance.
  • Length: Longer conductors offer more resistance than shorter ones due to increased chances of collisions between electrons and ions.
  • Cross-Sectional Area: A broader conductor allows more pathways for current, reducing resistance.
  • Temperature: Resistance generally increases with temperature in metals, as atoms vibrate more rapidly and impede electron flow.

Experimental Verification of Ohm's Law

Setup and Methodology

  • Circuit Assembly: Begin by assembling a rudimentary circuit with a power source (a battery), a rheostat (to adjust resistance), an ammeter (to gauge current), and a voltmeter (to ascertain potential difference).
  • Data Collection: Gradually modify the resistance using the rheostat. For each adjustment, record the corresponding ammeter and voltmeter readings.
  • Graphical Analysis: Plot the measured current (I) against the observed potential difference (V). A straight line passing through the origin substantiates Ohm's Law for the conductor, given that the temperature remains unchanged.


For many metallic conductors under consistent conditions (like temperature), this graph showcases linearity, reinforcing Ohm's law. However, for non-ohmic devices, such as diodes or thermistors, this relationship is nonlinear, with curves depicting the current-voltage relationship.

Limitations and Exceptions to Ohm's Law

  1. Temperature Fluctuations: Ohm's Law necessitates a stable temperature. Practically, as current flows, resistance can shift with temperature changes, especially evident in metallic conductors.
  2. Non-Ohmic Devices: Diodes, thermistors, and transistors are classic examples where resistance varies based on applied voltage or current, thereby not adhering strictly to Ohm's law.
  3. High-Frequency AC: At staggeringly high frequencies, a conductor's resistance may change, causing deviations from Ohm's predictions.
  4. Superconductors: These unique materials, when cooled to extremely frigid temperatures, manifest zero resistance, making Ohm's Law void in such conditions.
  5. Gases and Electrolytes: These mediums often defy Ohm's Law since their resistance can drastically alter based on the imposed voltage.

Real-world Applications and Importance

In modern electrical engineering and electronics, Ohm's Law serves as a quintessential tool. From designing simple circuits to troubleshooting complex electrical systems, this law's applications are manifold. Moreover, understanding its limitations aids engineers in making informed decisions, especially in non-ideal environments or with non-traditional materials.


Ohm's law is considered a law because it's a specific, quantifiable relationship observed in certain materials under specific conditions. It's a mathematical description of an observed phenomenon, much like other scientific laws. In contrast, a theory provides a broader explanation for observations in the natural world and might be used to explain why or how a specific law holds. Theories can be more overarching, while laws like Ohm's tend to be more specific in their applications and descriptions.

Non-ohmic materials do not obey Ohm's law. Examples include diodes, thermistors, and varistors. Diodes allow current to flow in one direction only and have a threshold voltage below which they don't conduct. Thermistors have a resistance that changes dramatically with temperature. Varistors are voltage-dependent resistors where the resistance changes significantly with the applied voltage. For these materials, the relationship between current and voltage isn't linear, and so they don't adhere to Ohm's law in their typical operating conditions.

For resistors in series, the total resistance




is the sum of individual resistances, and Ohm's law can be applied across the entire combination to determine the current. For parallel resistors, each resistor will have the same voltage drop across it as the source, and Ohm's law can be applied individually to each resistor to determine the current through it. Essentially, irrespective of the arrangement of resistors, Ohm's law remains valid for each component and for the whole circuit, helping us analyse complex circuits systematically.

When verifying Ohm's law, maintaining a constant temperature is crucial because the resistance of a conductor varies with temperature. As the temperature increases, the vibrations of the atoms or ions in the conductor increase. This intensifies the scattering of conduction electrons, leading to a higher resistance. If the temperature varies during the experiment, it can cause fluctuations in resistance, thereby altering the current for a given voltage. This might give an impression that the relationship between voltage and current isn't linear, which could lead to a misinterpretation of the results and an incorrect conclusion about the applicability of Ohm's law.

Yes, deviations from Ohm's law can be advantageous in certain applications. Diodes, for instance, which don't follow Ohm's law, are widely used in rectifiers to convert alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). Their unique current-voltage characteristic, which doesn't adhere to Ohm's law, makes them ideal for this application. Similarly, thermistors, whose resistance changes significantly with temperature, are employed in temperature-sensing devices. The non-linear behaviour of these materials, deviating from Ohm's law, makes them particularly suitable for specific applications in electronics and other industries.

Practice Questions

An experiment was conducted with a wire made of a certain metal. The voltage across the wire was varied, and the resulting current was recorded. A straight-line graph passing through the origin was obtained when plotting current against voltage. Does this observation confirm Ohm's law for the wire? Justify your answer.

The observation indeed confirms Ohm's law for the wire. Ohm's law states that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage across it, assuming the temperature remains constant. A straight-line graph passing through the origin, when plotting current against voltage, indicates a direct proportionality between the two quantities, which is consistent with Ohm's law. However, it's imperative to ensure that the temperature was maintained constant throughout the experiment to validate the law comprehensively.

Describe a scenario where Ohm's law might not be applicable, explaining the reason for its inapplicability.

A situation where Ohm's law might not be applicable is when dealing with a semiconductor device, such as a diode. Diodes are non-ohmic devices, meaning their resistance changes with the applied voltage. Specifically, for a diode, there is a threshold voltage below which it will not conduct. Once this voltage is surpassed, the diode conducts readily, but not in a manner directly proportional to the increase in voltage. The current-voltage relationship for such devices is nonlinear, which is why Ohm's law, which predicts a linear relationship, does not apply in this scenario.

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