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IB DP Physics Study Notes

4.3.1 Reflection

Reflection, a core principle of wave behaviour, plays a significant role in shaping our perception of the world around us. This principle, governed by the laws of reflection, finds its application in a myriad of both natural and human-made scenarios.

Laws of Reflection

The behaviour of waves, especially light, upon striking a surface, is governed by two fundamental laws. Understanding these laws forms the foundation for grasping the broader implications and applications of reflection in our everyday lives.

1. The Incident Ray, Reflected Ray, and Normal Line

When a wave strikes a surface, the ray approaching the surface is known as the incident ray. Upon striking the surface, this ray reflects back, and this is termed the reflected ray. A perpendicular drawn to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence is known as the normal line.

Law: The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal line, all reside in the same plane.


  • This uniform behaviour is why flat mirrors can reflect such clear images. Each ray reflecting off the mirror obeys this law, which preserves the relative position of objects in the reflection.
  • It also ensures that the visual information retains its integrity, allowing for the creation of a coherent image.

2. Angle of Incidence equals Angle of Reflection

Law: The angle of incidence – that is, the angle between the incident ray and the normal line – is always equivalent to the angle of reflection, which is the angle between the reflected ray and the normal line. If we let i be the angle of incidence and r the angle of reflection, then: i=r


  • This predictable behaviour lets us anticipate the path a light ray will follow after reflection.
  • It's also the reason why, when we gaze into a mirror, our reflection seems to be located the same distance behind the mirror as we are in front of it.

Everyday Implications of Reflection

Understanding the foundational laws is just the beginning. Reflection moulds our daily experiences in surprising and multifaceted ways.

Mirrors and Imaging

A quintessential application of reflection is the creation of images in mirrors. When you gaze at your reflection in a mirror, you're witnessing the laws of reflection in action. Notably, the image appears to be situated behind the mirror, an optical illusion. This is because our brains extrapolate the straight paths of light rays. Although these rays have reflected, our brain extends its paths backwards, generating the perception of a 'mirrored world'.

Periscopes in Submarines

A pivotal tool in naval technology, the periscope, hinges on the principles of reflection. Employed by submarines, periscopes enable crew members to survey their surroundings while submerged. Within the periscope, two mirrors are strategically angled at 45 degrees. These mirrors direct light rays from above the water's surface, reflecting them into the viewer's eye. The resulting image grants submariners a clear panorama of the world above, all thanks to the laws of reflection.

Glare and Anti-reflective Coatings

A pervasive issue, glare, results from unintended reflections, particularly evident in optical devices and eyewear. In addressing this challenge, anti-reflective coatings have been developed. These innovative layers function through the principle of destructive interference. They drastically curtail reflections, enhancing the quantity of light that gets transmitted through the lens. This optimisation enhances clarity, which is especially crucial in scenarios like night driving.

Retroreflectors: Making Nights Brighter

Retroreflection is a design marvel that ensures our safety during night-time commutes. Many road signs, vehicle number plates, and bike reflectors employ this design. Comprising tiny beads or prismatic components, these structures reflect light back towards its source, augmenting visibility in diminished light conditions. This design ensures road signs remain illuminated by the headlights of vehicles, offering drivers crucial information.

Solar Concentrators: Harnessing the Sun

In the age of renewable energy, reflection principles are pivotal in solar power generation. Solar concentrators, devices designed to collect and focus sunlight, rely heavily on reflection. Large mirrors or parabolic dishes are oriented to direct sunlight towards a specific focal point. Here, the concentrated sunlight is transformed into thermal energy or directly into electricity. By focusing sunlight, the efficiency of energy capture is significantly boosted.

The Double-Sided Mirror: Security and Surveillance

A staple in spy movies and police interrogation scenes, the one-way or double-sided mirror is a manifestation of reflection principles. Constructed ingeniously, it reflects light on one side (acting as a mirror) while being predominantly transparent on the other. The relative difference in illumination on either side ensures individuals on the brighter side witness a mirror, while those on the dimmer side can see through, maintaining confidentiality and ensuring surveillance.


The mesmerising 'infinity mirror' effect results from a smart arrangement of mirrors and lights. Two mirrors are placed facing each other, with one being a two-way or semi-transparent mirror. When light sources, such as LEDs, are introduced between these mirrors, they continuously reflect between them. However, due to the half-silvered nature of one mirror, with each reflection, a fraction of light is allowed to pass through. This setup creates a diminishing series of reflections, which appears to recede into infinity, creating an illusion of endless depth. Such setups are not just marvels for our eyes; they're also excellent demonstrations of the properties of reflection and how, with a touch of creativity, they can be used to craft captivating visual experiences.

Concave mirrors, due to their inward curvature, have a unique property: they can compress a wider field of view into a smaller area. For objects located outside the focal point of concave mirrors, they produce a reduced, virtual, and upright image. This compressed image allows drivers to perceive a more extensive section of the road behind them. Especially on highways or fast-moving traffic, having a panoramic view becomes invaluable. It aids drivers in making informed decisions about lane changes, ensuring they're aware of vehicles approaching from behind and enhancing overall road safety.

Silver, from a material science perspective, has an incredibly high reflectivity for visible light wavelengths. It's among the most reflective elements, meaning when light falls upon a silvered surface, a large percentage of it is reflected without much absorption. This exceptional reflectivity ensures that the quality of light isn't compromised or altered, providing a true and unbiased reflection. Furthermore, silver's ability to reflect a broad spectrum of visible wavelengths uniformly means there's no colour distortion. Thus, images or light reflected off silvered surfaces maintain their original colour and brightness. This superior reflection quality is why many precision optical instruments and high-quality mirrors prefer silvered surfaces.

Regular reflection, often referred to as specular reflection, is observed when parallel rays of incident light meet a smooth and polished surface, reflecting at consistent angles. Such reflection provides a clear and sharp image, much like how you'd see your reflection in a bathroom mirror. On the other hand, diffuse reflection is more chaotic. When parallel rays encounter a rough or textured surface, the unevenness causes the rays to scatter and reflect in various directions. This scattering means that, despite reflecting light, materials exhibiting diffuse reflection don't provide a coherent image. The matte appearance of walls or the soft glow of paper under a light source can be attributed to this type of reflection.

The phenomenon of objects appearing reversed in a plane mirror can be attributed to the way our brain perceives reflected images. When light rays bounce off an object and strike a plane mirror, they follow the law of reflection. Rays from the object's right side (as observed by the viewer) hit the mirror and get reflected to the viewer's left, and vice versa. However, this reflection doesn't flip the top and bottom orientations. As a result, the lateral inversion occurs, making it seem like the reflection is raising its opposite hand or foot. For instance, if you write text and place it in front of a mirror, the reflected text will appear inverted from left to right, but not from top to bottom, which can often be a source of intrigue and exploration in physics lessons.

Practice Questions

A ray of light strikes a mirror at an angle of 35° to the normal. Determine the angle between the incident and reflected rays. Justify your answer using the laws of reflection.

The angle of incidence, which is the angle between the incident ray and the normal, is given as 35°. According to the laws of reflection, the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection. Therefore, the angle of reflection is also 35°. When considering the angles between the incident and reflected rays, we need to sum the angles of incidence and reflection. Hence, the angle between the incident and reflected rays is 35°+35°=70°.

How do anti-reflective coatings on eyeglasses make use of the principles of reflection to reduce glare? Provide a succinct explanation.

Anti-reflective coatings on eyeglasses function based on the principle of destructive interference. These coatings are designed with a specific thickness such that when light reflects off the outer and inner surfaces of the coating, the reflected waves overlap and interfere destructively. As a result, the amplitude of the reflected waves is reduced, thereby minimising the glare. This approach leverages the foundational understanding of reflection and wave interference to optimise the transmission of light through the lens, enhancing clarity and reducing disturbances caused by unintended reflections.

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