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IB DP Physics Study Notes

4.2.1 Wave Parameters

Travelling waves, observable throughout nature, play a pivotal role in transmitting energy across distances. Grasping the essence of their core parameters, namely wave speed, frequency, and wavelength, is instrumental in understanding their behaviour and characteristics in varied contexts.

Wave Speed

Wave speed signifies how swiftly a wave propagates through a given medium. It encompasses the distance covered by the wave over a specified duration.

  • Factors Influencing Wave Speed: The speed isn't just an inherent property of the wave itself. It's greatly influenced by the medium's characteristics, such as its density and elasticity. For instance, sound waves travel faster in solids than in gases due to particles being closer together in solids.In water, waves travel faster in deeper water compared to shallow water. This phenomenon often leads to the breaking of waves as they approach the shore.
  • Formula: Wave speed (v) = frequency (f) × wavelength (λ)
  • Units: The SI unit for wave speed is metres per second (m/s).

Being adept at predicting wave speed is crucial. It empowers us to ascertain how rapidly a wave will traverse in a specific medium, contingent upon its frequency and wavelength. Understanding the Doppler effect can further illustrate the relationship between wave speed and the movement of the wave source.


Frequency elucidates the number of oscillations or cycles a wave completes in a set period. It essentially quantifies how 'often' a wave vibrates.

  • Determinants of Frequency: The source producing the wave predominantly determines its frequency. For instance, when a guitar string is plucked, it vibrates at a particular frequency to produce a specific note.In electronics, devices like radios work by selecting waves of specific frequencies from the air, and converting these to electrical signals.
  • Formula: Frequency = Number of oscillations / Total time taken
  • Units: Frequency's standard unit is hertz (Hz). One hertz denotes one oscillation every second.

Frequency's role extends beyond pure physics, finding relevance in myriad aspects of our daily existence. Electromagnetic waves, which encompass light, radio, and microwaves, all have frequencies that electronic devices manipulate for diverse functionalities. This manipulation is evident in phenomena such as resonance, where systems oscillate at maximum amplitude at specific frequencies.


Wavelength demarcates the distance between two successive points on a wave that is in phase, be it consecutive crests or troughs.

  • Visualisation: Visualise a long rope being flicked up and down. The distance between two successive peaks of the rope depicts the wavelength.In the electromagnetic spectrum, different types of waves, like radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays, have varied wavelengths. This difference in wavelength is what distinguishes these wave types.
  • Units: Wavelength is typically gauged in metres (m).

With respect to light waves, their wavelengths correspond to their perceived colours. As a case in point, the human eye perceives light with longer wavelengths as red and those with shorter wavelengths as blue. In the domain of sound, the wavelength is inversely proportional to pitch: long wavelengths yield low-pitched sounds, whereas short ones result in high-pitched sounds. The concept of nodes and antinodes is crucial when examining standing waves and their wavelengths.

Differentiating Wave Speed, Frequency, and Wavelength

These three parameters, albeit interconnected, furnish distinct insights into the nature of waves:

  • Wave Speed: Reflects the velocity at which energy is conveyed by the wave through the medium.
  • Frequency: Renders an understanding of how regularly the wave oscillates.
  • Wavelength: Offers a spatial perspective, showcasing the physical length of a single wave cycle.

Interrelationship Among the Parameters

Their innate connectedness is underscored by the equation: Wave speed (v) = frequency (f) × wavelength (λ).

Within a particular medium, the wave speed remains unchanged. Nonetheless, alterations in frequency or wavelength necessitate an inverse adjustment in the other to uphold the equation's integrity. This interplay can be observed in phenomena like the Doppler effect, where a change in the frequency of a wave corresponds to its relative motion.

The study of diffraction patterns also reveals the intricate relationship between wavelength and the spreading of waves as they pass through an aperture or around obstacles.

Real-world Implications

Comprehending these wave parameters paves the way for myriad applications.

  • Broadcasting: In radio broadcasting, stations use different frequencies to avoid overlapping and interference.
  • Medical Imaging: Devices like MRIs exploit specific frequencies of electromagnetic waves to capture detailed images of internal body structures.
  • Navigation: Sonar technology, used in marine navigation, employs sound waves of particular frequencies and interprets their reflections to determine the depth of seabeds or detect underwater objects. An understanding of interference in double slits can further aid in grasping how waves interact with each other and with various media.


In theory, electromagnetic waves cover a wide range of frequencies, from less than 1 Hz (e.g., radio waves) to over 1024 Hz (gamma rays). However, practical considerations, such as technological limitations and safety concerns, determine the detectable frequency ranges. Humans typically perceive sound frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz, with sounds below and above these limits termed infrasound and ultrasound, respectively, although these are not audible to us. Detectable wavelengths correspond to these frequency ranges based on the wave speed in the specific medium.

When waves share the same frequency but travel through different mediums with varying speeds, their wavelengths must differ. This relationship is governed by the equation v=f×λ, where v is the wave speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. If the speed changes while the frequency remains constant, the equation requires the wavelength to adjust accordingly. In practical terms, this phenomenon is evident when light passes from one medium to another with different refractive indices, resulting in a change in both its speed and wavelength.

Theoretically, two distinct types of waves, like sound and light, could share the same frequency. However, due to their vastly different speeds—light being significantly faster than sound—their wavelengths would differ considerably. Utilizing the equation v=f×λ, with a constant frequency, the wave with a higher speed (light) would exhibit a much longer wavelength compared to the slower wave (sound). In practice, it's unusual for sound and light frequencies encountered in daily life to align precisely due to their inherent nature and the disparities in their propagation speeds.

Adjusting the source of a wave, especially sound waves, directly impacts its frequency. For example, plucking a guitar string at different rates changes the pitch produced, corresponding to a change in frequency. Using the equation v=f×λ, where v is the wave speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength, any change in the frequency caused by altering the source will lead to an inversely proportional change in the wavelength, assuming the wave speed remains constant.

The speed of a wave depends on the characteristics of the medium it travels through. Waves, such as sound and light, move differently in different materials. For example, sound travels faster in denser mediums like solids compared to gases because particles in solids are closer together. When a wave enters a denser medium, like light passing from air to glass, its speed decreases. Keeping the frequency constant, the equation v=f×λ holds true, where v is the wave speed, f is the frequency, and λ is the wavelength. As the speed changes due to the medium, the wavelength also adjusts accordingly.

Practice Questions

A radio station broadcasts at a frequency of 91.5 MHz and has a signal that travels at a speed of 3.00 x 10^8 m/s. What is the wavelength of this radio wave?

To determine the wavelength, one must use the wave equation: v = f × λ, where:

  • v is the wave speed,
  • f is the frequency,
  • λ is the wavelength.

In this scenario, we're given: v = 3.00 x 108 m/s (which is the speed of light in a vacuum, a typical speed for radio waves), f = 91.5 MHz, which is equivalent to 91.5 x 106 Hz.

Rearranging the equation to solve for λ gives us: λ = v/f.

Inserting our known values: λ = (3.00 x 108 m/s) / (91.5 x 106 Hz) = 3.28 m.

This calculation means that the radio wave from the station has a wavelength of approximately 3.28 metres in free space. This wavelength is a crucial parameter for engineers when designing antennas and radio equipment.

A particular sound wave has a wavelength of 0.85 m and travels with a speed of 340 m/s in air. Calculate its frequency.

The relationship between wave speed, frequency, and wavelength is again given by the wave equation v = f × λ. To find the frequency (f), the equation can be rearranged as: f = v/λ.

For this sound wave, we're given: v = 340 m/s (a standard speed for sound in air at room temperature), λ = 0.85 m.

Substituting these values in: f = 340 m/s ÷ 0.85 m = 400 Hz.

This result tells us that the sound wave's frequency is 400 hertz (Hz). In practical terms, this frequency would be a sound that is perceived by the human ear as a note somewhere between G4 and A4 on a piano, highlighting the connection between physical wave properties and perceived pitch.

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