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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.2.3 Newton's Third Law

The realm of mechanics is governed by a few fundamental laws, and one of the most consequential is Newton's Third Law. This principle articulates the interplay of forces, ensuring a symmetrical response in the world of motion and interactions.

Comprehensive Definition

Newton's Third Law of Motion, named after the great scientist Sir Isaac Newton, unambiguously posits:

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction."

This might sound simple, but it contains profound implications. When an object A exerts a force on object B, object B simultaneously exerts a force of equal magnitude but in the opposite direction on object A. These concurrent forces are termed as action and reaction forces. It's paramount to recognise that they don't act on the same entity but are always found in pairs, influencing two distinct objects.

Delving Deep into Action and Reaction

To truly grasp the nuances of Newton's Third Law, one must understand the distinction and characteristics of action and reaction forces.

  • Action Force: This is the primary force exerted by one object onto another. Imagine pressing your hand against a door; the force your hand applies to the door is the action force.
  • Reaction Force: Following the action, the other object responds. It might not seem obvious, but the door also applies a force on your hand, which is the reaction force. It's equal in magnitude to your push but directed oppositely.

The forces manifest simultaneously. The exact moment you exert a force, the other object instantaneously exerts a counteracting force. The forces might differ in nature. For instance, Earth's gravitational pull on a hovering helicopter is counteracted by the lift from its rotors. These forces, though of different types, are equal in size but opposite in direction.

Expanding on Real-life Examples of Newton's Third Law

  1. Walking on the Ground: Each step is a showcase of Newton's Third Law. When we push the ground with our foot, we are exerting a backward force (action). The ground, not to be outdone, pushes our foot forward with a corresponding force (reaction). This is how we move forward.
  2. Swimming: The actions of a swimmer are a beautiful ballet of forces. When they push the water backwards with their limbs (action), the water returns the favour, pushing them forward (reaction). This reciprocal interaction propels them through the water.
  3. Birds in Flight: Birds exploit this law to achieve the marvel of flight. By flapping their wings, they exert a force on the air, pushing it downwards (action). In response, the air pushes the bird upward (reaction). This delicate balance of forces keeps the bird soaring.
  4. Recoil in Firearms: When a firearm discharges, it sets off a sequence of actions and reactions. The bullet is thrust forward with a force (action). However, the gun experiences an equal force pushing it backwards, termed as recoil. This is why guns "kick back" when fired.
  5. Rocket Propulsion: Rockets utilise a fascinating application of this law. By rapidly expelling gases downwards with tremendous force (action), the gases push back on the rocket with equivalent vigour but in the opposite direction (reaction). This propulsive force sends rockets soaring into space.
  6. A Boat at the Dock: Consider standing on a stationary boat and jumping onto a dock. As you leap (exerting a force on the boat), the boat moves in the opposite direction — this is the reaction to your action. While you move towards the dock, the boat moves away from it.
  7. Sitting on a Chair: When you sit on a chair, you exert a downward force due to your weight (action). In response, the chair exerts an equal and opposite upward force (reaction) that supports you.


Fish utilise Newton's Third Law seamlessly in their locomotion underwater. As a fish propels itself, it uses its tail fin to push water backwards. This act of pushing the water is the action force. The water, in turn, exerts an equal and opposite force (the reaction) on the fish, pushing it forward. The effectiveness of this mechanism is further enhanced by the streamlined body of the fish, minimising resistance. Hence, fish have evolved to use the principles of Newton's Third Law efficiently to navigate their aquatic environments.

The propulsion of rockets serves as a classical demonstration of Newton's Third Law. When a rocket releases exhaust gases at high velocities in a direction, that’s the action. The reaction, in accordance with Newton's Third Law, is the force exerted by the gases on the rocket, propelling it in the opposite direction. Even in the void of outer space, this principle holds. With no external air or atmosphere to push against, rockets can still propel forward by expelling gases, showcasing that the motion is due to the conservation of momentum and is not reliant on the medium.

Absolutely, Newton's Third Law asserts that the two cars, irrespective of their masses, will exert equal and opposite forces on each other during a collision. However, the resultant effect of this force will vary. A heavier car, due to its larger mass, will typically experience a smaller acceleration compared to a lighter car, assuming the impact force is the same. Also, structural differences, design, and crumple zones in cars can affect the degree of damage they sustain. So, while the forces experienced by each car are equal and opposite, the outcomes of those forces can be vastly different based on various factors.

Newton's Third Law plays a pivotal role in the mechanics of bird flight. As birds flap their wings downward, they push the air below them downwards. This is the action. In turn, as a reaction, the air pushes the bird upwards with an equal force. This generated upward force, coupled with the aerodynamic design of a bird’s wing, creates lift. The curvature of the wing leads to faster-moving air on top, producing a pressure difference. Both the flapping motion and wing design, grounded in Newton's laws, allow a bird to maintain its altitude or ascend higher.

Newton's Third Law suggests that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, but it doesn't automatically mean that forces on a single object are always in balance. For example, when a person pushes a stationary block on a frictionless surface, the block moves forward. The action is the person's hand pushing the block, while the reaction is the block exerting an equal force back onto the hand. However, because there's no friction acting against the push on the block, it moves. Thus, while the action and reaction forces (on two separate bodies) are equal and opposite, it doesn’t guarantee equilibrium on a singular body under all circumstances.

Practice Questions

A student observes a pair of ice skaters, both initially at rest, pushing off each other on a frictionless ice surface. Skater A, with a mass of 60 kg, moves to the right with a speed of 3 m/s. Describe the movement of skater B, whose mass is 75 kg, using Newton’s Third Law. Calculate the speed of skater B.

Skater A exerted a force on Skater B when they pushed off each other. By Newton's Third Law, Skater B must exert an equal and opposite force on Skater A. Considering momentum conservation, the momentum gained by Skater A must equal the momentum gained by Skater B but in the opposite direction. Given momentum (p) is mass (m) times velocity (v), the momentum of Skater A is 60 kg times 3 m/s which is 180 kg.m/s. For Skater B, using the momentum equation and rearranging for velocity, we find the velocity is 180 kg.m/s divided by 75 kg, which is 2.4 m/s. So, Skater B moves to the left with a speed of 2.4 m/s.

A book rests on a table, and the gravitational force pulls it downwards. Explain the reasons for the book not accelerating downwards using Newton's Third Law, and describe the forces involved.

The book exerts a downward force on the table due to its weight (gravitational force). According to Newton's Third Law, the table exerts an equal and opposite upward force, known as the normal or contact force, on the book. These forces are balanced and equal in magnitude, which is why the book does not accelerate downwards. It's this equilibrium of forces that allows the book to remain stationary on the table. The gravitational pull is perfectly countered by the table's upward supporting force.

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