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IB DP Physics Study Notes

2.2.1 Newton's First Law

Sir Isaac Newton's First Law of Motion, commonly termed the Law of Inertia, is a cornerstone in the world of physics. Its simple yet profound assertion underpins much of classical mechanics, serving as the bedrock upon which our understanding of force and motion stands.


At its core, Newton's First Law postulates the following principle:

An object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.

Breaking this down further:

  • Objects at rest: Without the influence of an external force, an object that is stationary will remain so. It won't spontaneously start moving on its own.
  • Objects in motion: Similarly, without interference from external forces, a moving object will keep its trajectory and maintain a steady speed. It won't suddenly halt or veer off its path. This concept directly leads into Newton's Second Law, which explains how motion changes when forces are applied.

This principle challenges the Aristotelian view, which asserts that a force is required to keep an object in motion. Newton's law asserts the opposite: an external force is needed to disrupt an object's motion.


Inertia is pivotal to understanding Newton's First Law. Often likened to the "stubbornness" of an object, inertia is the inherent tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. Inertia plays a crucial role in understanding momentum and its conservation.

  • Natural Tendency: An object doesn't need an ongoing force to maintain its motion. Instead, it requires a force to alter its state - whether from rest to movement or vice versa.
  • Mass and Inertia: These two are intimately linked. The inertia of an object is directly proportional to its mass. Thus, a heavier object (greater mass) will have a higher inertia, making it harder to initiate or halt its motion compared to a lighter object. Think of the effort required to push a laden lorry compared to a child's toy car. The lorry's substantial mass grants it significant inertia. This relationship is key to understanding the concept of impulse, which is the change in momentum resulting from a force applied over time.

Delving Deeper into Inertia

Origin of Inertia

Every material object in the universe exhibits inertia because of its mass. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object, and this matter, down to the atomic and subatomic levels, adheres to the principles of Newton's First Law. Atoms and molecules, bound by electromagnetic forces, resist changes to their motion, giving rise to the macroscopic property we call inertia.

Inertia and Weight

It's crucial to differentiate between weight and inertia. Weight is the force exerted on an object due to gravity. It can change based on where the object is (for instance, an object weighs less on the moon than on Earth). However, the object's inertia, being an intrinsic property tied to its mass, remains constant regardless of location. Understanding how gravity affects motion is further explored in the study of satellites and orbits.

Examples to Illuminate the Concept

1. Seatbelts in Cars: Consider the forward jolt you experience when a speeding car halts abruptly. Your body, in motion while the car was moving, tends to maintain that motion due to inertia. The seatbelt exerts an external force, preventing you from lunging forward. This is similar to the forces at play in banking and centrifugal force.

2. Magic Tablecloth Trick: A quick yank of a tablecloth leaves the dishes undisturbed if done correctly. This occurs because the dishes, in their state of rest, resist motion due to their inertia. The swift pull ensures minimal force is transferred to the dishes.

3. Hovering in Space: In the vastness of space, devoid of external forces, astronauts drift in a state of persistent motion. If an astronaut throws an object in a particular direction, it will continue in that direction indefinitely, a pure demonstration of inertia.

4. Dribbling a Basketball: When you bounce a basketball, its upward trajectory after hitting the ground is a result of its inertia. The ball, after being pushed down, wants to continue moving upwards once it rebounds. However, forces like gravity and the player's subsequent dribble act on it, changing its motion.

5. Turning a Bicycle: When cycling, if you make a sharp turn, you can feel a pull in the opposite direction. The bike and your body, due to inertia, wish to continue in a straight line. The external force you apply when turning causes the change in direction.


Inertia is the inherent property of an object to resist changes in its state of motion. The inertia an object possesses is directly proportional to its mass. This means that objects with greater mass have higher inertia and, thus, resist changes to their motion more than objects with lesser mass. In practical terms, it's harder (requires more force) to push, stop, or change the direction of a heavy lorry compared to a small bicycle because the lorry has much greater mass and, consequently greater inertia.

If a car is moving on an entirely frictionless surface, it will continue moving at a constant velocity in a straight line indefinitely, according to Newton's First Law. This is because, in the absence of friction or any other external unbalanced forces, there is nothing to change the car's state of motion. The car's inertia ensures it maintains its current state. In a real-world scenario, various forces like air resistance and friction usually act on moving objects, slowing them down over time. But in this hypothetical frictionless scenario, the car would perpetually move without stopping.

Aristotle's perspective on motion was different from Newton's. Aristotle believed that a natural state of objects was at rest and that a continuous force was required to keep an object in motion. He didn't differentiate between the force needed to initiate motion and the force to maintain it. Newton's First Law, on the other hand, asserts that objects in motion will stay in motion and those at rest will stay at rest unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. In essence, Newton introduced the concept of inertia, emphasizing that no force is required to maintain motion in the absence of external influences.

While it's true that once a spacecraft is in motion in space, it will continue in that motion due to its inertia, spacecraft have engines for various reasons. Primarily, engines are essential for initiating motion, changing direction, adjusting speed, or stopping the spacecraft. For example, to escape Earth's gravitational pull, a powerful thrust is needed. Additionally, to enter orbits, dock with space stations, or land on other celestial bodies, precise manoeuvres and changes in velocity are required. Thus, while space is devoid of air resistance and friction, engines are crucial for controlling and directing a spacecraft's motion in the vastness of space.

This common misconception likely arises from everyday experiences on Earth, where frictional forces are ubiquitous. When we push an object on a surface, it eventually comes to a stop unless we continue exerting a force. This stopping is due to friction between the object and the surface. However, in the absence of such forces, as in the vacuum of space, an object in motion remains in motion indefinitely. Newton's First Law helps dispel this myth by clarifying that an object will maintain its state (whether at rest or in motion) unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force.

Practice Questions

A car remains stationary in a parking spot. Another car of the same model and makes moves at a constant velocity on a straight road. Using Newton's First Law, explain the forces (or lack thereof) acting on both cars.

According to Newton's First Law, an object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless acted upon by an external unbalanced force. The stationary car remains at rest because there is no net external force acting on it; all the forces, like gravity and the normal force from the ground, are balanced. The car moving at a constant velocity on a straight path also does not experience any net external force. Although there might be forces like air resistance and friction, they are counterbalanced by the car's engine's force, keeping the car moving at a steady pace.

When cycling, a rider feels a force pushing her outward when she takes a sharp turn. Relate this experience with the concept of inertia as explained by Newton's First Law.

The sensation the rider feels when taking a sharp turn is a direct consequence of inertia, as described by Newton's First Law. Inertia is the tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. When the rider makes a turn, her body naturally wants to continue moving in a straight line due to its inertia. However, the sudden change in direction by the bike means her body tends to move outward from the turn. This resistance to the change in motion, wanting to continue in the original straight path, exemplifies the principle of inertia.

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