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IB DP Physics Study Notes

1.3.2 Operations with Vectors

Vectors are fundamental in physics, representing quantities possessing both magnitude and direction. Their operations—addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication—play a critical role in understanding complex physical phenomena. Let's delve deep into these operations.

Vector Addition

Vector addition is the mechanism to combine multiple vectors, giving rise to a resultant vector. This is particularly vital in physics where numerous forces or velocities operate simultaneously. For foundational understanding, it's helpful to distinguish between distance vs displacement.

  • Tip-to-Tail Method:
    • This approach involves positioning vectors sequentially, where the tail of the next vector aligns with the tip of the preceding one.
    • After all vectors are positioned, the resultant vector is drawn from the starting point of the first vector to the endpoint of the last one.
    • This method offers a visual representation, ideal for simple vector additions.
  • Parallelogram Method:
    • When two vectors start from the same point, they can depict two adjacent sides of a parallelogram.
    • The diagonal of this parallelogram, originating from the shared starting point, represents the resultant vector both in direction and magnitude.
    • This is particularly effective when dealing with two vectors.
  • Using Components:
    • Every vector can be broken down into its horizontal and vertical components, which can be visualised as the sides of a right-angled triangle with the vector being the hypotenuse.
    • Once disintegrated, vector components are added separately, horizontal with horizontal and vertical with vertical. This method aligns well with Newton's Second Law when dealing with forces.
    • Pythagoras' theorem then combines these resultant components, offering the magnitude of the vector, while trigonometry provides its direction.
    • This method, though mathematical, is especially useful for intricate vector additions.

Vector Subtraction

Subtraction is the inverse operation of addition. When subtracting one vector from another, you're technically adding an inverse vector to the first. Understanding systematic errors can be crucial in accurate measurements during these operations.

  • Graphical Method:
    • Using the tip-to-tail method, start with the first vector. Instead of adding the second vector, its inverse (opposite direction) is added.
    • This method provides a direct visual representation of subtraction, clarifying the concept for many learners.
  • Using Components:
    • Similar to addition, the vectors are split into their respective components.
    • The horizontal and vertical components of vector B are subtracted from those of vector A.
    • The resultant components are then combined, using Pythagoras' theorem for magnitude and trigonometry for direction.

Scalar Multiplication

Multiplying vectors with scalars results in a new vector. This operation modifies the magnitude, and possibly the direction, of the original vector. Scalar multiplication is essential in understanding concepts like electric field strength.

  • Magnitude Alteration:
    • When a vector is multiplied by a positive scalar, its magnitude increases or decreases but retains its direction.
    • A velocity vector pointing east at 5 m/s, when multiplied by 3, results in a vector of 15 m/s, still pointing east.
  • Direction Reversal:
    • Multiplication by a negative scalar inverse the vector's direction.
    • Our 5 m/s eastward vector, when multiplied by -3, gives a resultant of 15 m/s, but now pointing west.
  • Zero Multiplication:
    • A vector multiplied by zero always yields a zero vector, devoid of any direction or magnitude.

Representation in a Coordinate System

When vectors are represented in a Cartesian coordinate system, operations become analytical. Understanding vector operations is essential when studying photoelectric equations in more advanced topics.

  • Addition and Subtraction: For vectors A = (a1, a2) and B = (b1, b2), A + B results in (a1 + b1, a2 + b2) and A - B gives (a1 - b1, a2 - b2).
  • Scalar Multiplication: Multiplying vector A = (a1, a2) with scalar c gives cA = (ca1, ca2).

Practical Implications

  • Engineers and architects frequently use vector operations. For example, when analysing loads on a bridge, they use vector addition to calculate the net force.
  • Navigators rely on vector operations. Sailors, for instance, account for sea currents (a vector) and their intended path (another vector) to derive their resultant sailing path.
  • In computer graphics, resizing graphics uses scalar multiplication, while transformations, like rotations, heavily rely on vector addition and subtraction.


Yes, the process of scalar multiplication of vectors is commutative. This means that the order in which you multiply a vector by a scalar doesn't matter. If you have a vector v and a scalar k, then k multiplied by v is the same as v multiplied by k. Both operations yield a vector with the same magnitude and direction (or its opposite if the scalar is negative). It's essential to note that this property applies to scalar multiplication and not to vector multiplication, where order can indeed matter.

Vector addition is fundamental in many real-world scenarios. For instance, in aviation, pilots must consider multiple vectors like wind speed and direction while determining the plane's resultant path. Another example is in physics labs, where forces acting on a point are resolved using vector addition. In navigation, sailors and explorers add vectors to determine resultant paths considering currents, winds, and intended direction. Essentially, any scenario where multiple directional forces or influences must be combined will likely involve vector addition.

No, a vector's magnitude is always a non-negative quantity. When a vector is multiplied by a negative scalar, its direction reverses, but its magnitude remains positive. It's the direction that signifies the "negative" aspect of the multiplication, not the magnitude itself. The magnitude of a vector is essentially its "length," and length can't be negative. However, multiplying by a negative scalar will result in a vector with the same length but pointing in the opposite direction.

A scalar, being just a magnitude without direction, scales the length of the vector when multiplied with it. A positive scalar will only stretch or compress the vector's magnitude without altering its direction. On the other hand, a negative scalar does the same stretching or compressing but also reverses the vector's direction. The inherent nature of positive scalar multiplication is to maintain the directionality of the vector while modifying only its magnitude.

Subtracting vectors involves more than just dealing with their magnitudes because vectors have both magnitude and direction. When subtracting vectors, one is essentially adding the negative of the second vector to the first. This means reversing the direction of the second vector and then performing vector addition. Hence, the process involves geometric considerations, especially when the vectors are not aligned. The resultant vector after subtraction might have a completely different magnitude and direction from either of the original vectors, making the process less intuitive than scalar subtraction.

Practice Questions

Two vectors, A and B, have magnitudes of 5 units and 7 units, respectively. They are represented in a plane such that they form a right angle. Calculate the magnitude of the resultant vector when A and B are added.

Using Pythagoras' theorem for right-angled triangles, the resultant vector, R, can be calculated as R = √(A2 + B2). Substituting the given values, R = √(52 + 72) = √(25 + 49) = √74. Hence, the magnitude of the resultant vector when vectors A and B are added is √74 units or approximately 8.6 units.

A vector with a magnitude of 4 units is multiplied by a scalar of -3. Describe the resultant vector in terms of magnitude and direction compared to the original vector.

When a vector is multiplied by a positive scalar, its magnitude is scaled by that factor, but the direction remains unchanged. Conversely, when multiplied by a negative scalar, the direction reverses. In this scenario, the original vector of 4 units is multiplied by a scalar of -3. As a result, the magnitude becomes 12 units (3 times the original), but the direction is opposite to that of the initial vector. Thus, the resultant vector has a magnitude of 12 units and is directed opposite to the original vector.

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