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5.2.2 Optimization Problems

Understanding Optimization

Defining Optimization

Optimization is the process of determining the highest or lowest values a function can achieve. In calculus, this typically involves identifying the maximum or minimum values of a function within a certain interval. A deep understanding of derivatives is crucial for solving optimization problems.

Significance of Optimization

  • Real-world Applications: Optimization is pivotal in deriving the best possible outcome in numerous real-world scenarios, such as minimizing costs or maximizing profits in business.
  • Problem Solving: It enhances problem-solving capabilities by necessitating the application of various calculus concepts like derivatives and critical points. Familiarising oneself with applications of differentiation is essential for effectively tackling optimization problems.

Identifying Extrema

Critical Points and Their Importance

  • Definition: Critical points occur where the first derivative of a function is either zero or undefined.
  • Finding Critical Points: This involves solving the equation f'(x) = 0 or determining where f'(x) is undefined. To master finding critical points, one should have a solid grasp of differentiation rules.

Critical points are vital as they can potentially be points where the function attains its maximum or minimum values.

Distinguishing Between Global and Local Extrema

  • Global Extrema: These are the absolute highest or lowest points of a function across its entire domain.
  • Local Extrema: These are high or low points within a specific interval of the function.

Understanding the distinction between global and local extrema is crucial for accurately interpreting the function and its applications.

Utilizing the First Derivative Test

  • Transition from Increasing to Decreasing: If f'(x) changes from positive to negative at a critical point, it indicates a local maximum.
  • Transition from Decreasing to Increasing: If f'(x) changes from negative to positive at a critical point, it indicates a local minimum.

Example 1:

Consider the function f(x) = x2 - 4x. To find the local maximum and minimum:


  • Derive f'(x) to get 2x - 4.
  • Set f'(x) = 0 to find critical points, yielding x = 2.
  • Utilizing the first derivative test, we observe that f'(x) changes from negative to positive at x = 2, indicating that f has a local minimum at x = 2.
IB Maths Tutor Tip: Mastering optimization requires understanding both the algebraic process and its practical implications, bridging theoretical calculus with real-world problem-solving to enhance analytical thinking and application skills.

Optimization within a Closed Interval

Employing the Closed Interval Method

  • Steps:
    • Identify the critical points within the interval.
    • Evaluate the function at the critical points and endpoints.
    • The largest and smallest values are the absolute maximum and minimum, respectively.

To fully understand this concept, considering the types of 3D shapes can provide additional context in problems involving geometric figures.

Example 2:

Find the absolute maximum and minimum of f(x) = x2 - 4x on [0, 5].


  • Identify critical points (x = 2) and evaluate f at the critical points and endpoints: f(0) = 0, f(2) = -4, f(5) = 5.
  • The absolute maximum is 5 and the absolute minimum is -4. This process is similar to determining the surface area and volume of geometric shapes, where optimization can play a key role.

Practical Applications of Optimization

Business Optimization

  • Profit Maximization: Businesses leverage optimization to identify production levels that maximize profit and minimize cost.

Engineering Optimization

  • Efficient Design: Engineers utilize optimization to formulate designs that maximize efficiency and minimize resource usage.
IB Tutor Advice: Practise applying the first derivative test and closed interval method on diverse functions to build confidence in identifying extrema, crucial for solving optimization problems efficiently in exams.

Example 3:

Suppose a box with a square base and open top must have a volume of 1000 cm^3. Find the dimensions that minimize the surface area.


  • Let x be the length of the base and y the height. The function for surface area A(x) is: x2 + 4000/x.Its first derivative A'(x) is: 2x - 4000/x2.
  • We found a critical point at x = 10 * (2(1/3)) by setting A'(x) to zero and solving for x. The second derivative A''(x) is 2 + 8000/x3, and at our critical point, it's positive, indicating a local minimum.
  • So, the dimensions that minimize the surface area while maintaining a volume of 1000 cm^3 are:

Side length of the base (x): 10 * (2(1/3)) cm, approximately 12.6 cm.

Height (h): 5 * (2(1/3)) cm, approximately 6.3 cm.


Yes, a function can have multiple points that share the same y-value, which could be the absolute maximum or minimum. For instance, the function y = x2 has only one absolute minimum at x = 0. However, the function y = |x| has two absolute minimum points at x = 0 and x = -0, both with a y-value of 0.

Endpoints are crucial in optimization problems, especially when dealing with a closed interval. While critical points can give local extrema, the absolute maximum or minimum might occur at the endpoints of the interval. By evaluating the function at its critical points and endpoints, one can determine the absolute extrema within the interval. Ignoring endpoints might lead to missing out on the actual optimal value.

The second derivative test is a method to determine the nature of a critical point. If the second derivative at a critical point is positive, the function has a local minimum at that point. If it's negative, the function has a local maximum. If the second derivative is zero, the test is inconclusive. This test is particularly useful in optimization problems as it quickly identifies whether a critical point is a maximum or minimum, aiding in the determination of optimal solutions.

Constraints limit the feasible solutions to an optimization problem. For example, when maximizing the area of a rectangle with a fixed perimeter, the perimeter acts as a constraint. Constraints can be in the form of equations or inequalities and often define the domain over which the function is to be optimized. In real-world scenarios, constraints are common as they represent limitations or specific conditions that must be met, making the optimization problem more complex but also more reflective of actual situations.

Absolute extrema refer to the highest or lowest points of a function over its entire domain. In contrast, relative extrema, also known as local extrema, are points where a function reaches a high or low within a specific interval but might not be the highest or lowest over the entire domain. For instance, a hill on a landscape might be the highest point in its vicinity (a relative maximum) but not the highest point in the entire region (absolute maximum).

Practice Questions

A company manufactures and sells x gadgets per week. The weekly cost in dollars, C, of manufacturing x gadgets is given by C(x) = 0.002x^2 + 50x + 1000 and the revenue, R, from selling x gadgets is given by R(x) = 100x - 0.01x^2. Find the number of gadgets that must be manufactured and sold weekly to maximize the profit.

The profit function, P(x), is obtained by subtracting the cost function, C(x), from the revenue function, R(x). So, P(x) = R(x) - C(x). Substituting the given functions, we get P(x) = (100x - 0.01x2) - (0.002x2 + 50x + 1000). Simplifying P(x) gives P(x) = -0.012x2 + 50x - 1000. To find the number of gadgets that maximize the profit, we need to find the critical points of P(x). Taking the derivative, P'(x) = -0.024x + 50, and setting it equal to zero gives x = 2083.33. Thus, to maximize profit, approximately 2083 gadgets must be manufactured and sold weekly.

A rectangular garden is to be constructed with 200m of fencing. One side of the garden is along a river, and so it does not require any fencing. Determine the dimensions of the garden that will maximize the area.

To maximize the area of the rectangular garden, let's denote the length parallel to the river as L and the width perpendicular to the river as W. The area, A, of the rectangle is given by A = LW. Since we have 200m of fencing and one side does not require fencing, the relationship between L and W is given by L = 200 - 2W. Substituting this into the area function gives A(W) = W(200 - 2W) = 200W - 2W2. To find the width that maximizes the area, we find the derivative, A'(W) = 200 - 4W, and set it equal to zero, yielding W = 50. Substituting back, L = 100. Therefore, the dimensions that maximize the area are 100m x 50m.

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