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4.4.1 Probability Basics

Sample Space

The Sample Space, symbolised as S, is a comprehensive set of all conceivable outcomes of a particular experiment or event. It is paramount to accurately identify the sample space to ensure the precise analysis of the probability of events.

Defining Sample Space

  • Finite Sample Space: When the outcomes can be counted, even if the count is large.
  • Infinite Sample Space: When the outcomes cannot be counted because they extend indefinitely.

Example 1: Tossing a Coin

When a coin is tossed, the sample space is: S = {Head, Tail}

Example 2: Rolling a Die

When a six-sided die is rolled, the sample space is: S = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

Example 3: Measuring the Height of a Plant

If we measure the height of a plant, the sample space might be: S = {x: 0 <= x < infinity} Where x represents the height in centimetres.

Key Points

  • The sample space must encompass all possible outcomes.
  • An outcome is a singular result of a single trial of an experiment.
  • The sample space can be finite or infinite.

For further exploration of outcomes in different contexts, understanding Trigonometric Ratios and their applications can provide deeper insights into complex sample spaces.


An Event, typically denoted as E, is a subset of the sample space and signifies a specific set of outcomes that we are interested in occurring.

Types of Events

  • Simple Event: An event comprising exactly one outcome from the sample space.
  • Compound Event: An event that consists of two or more simple events.

Example: Drawing a Card

Consider an experiment where a card is drawn from a standard deck of 52 cards.

  • Simple Event: Drawing the Ace of Spades. E = {Ace of Spades}
  • Compound Event: Drawing a red card. E = {All hearts, All diamonds}

Key Points

  • Events are denoted by capital letters (E, A, B, etc.)
  • The probability of an event is the measure of the chance that the event will occur as a result of an experiment.

To accurately calculate the likelihood of complex events, it's crucial to understand the fundamentals of Conditional Probability.

Probability Scale

The Probability Scale quantifies the likelihood of an event occurring, ranging from 0 to 1, where 0 indicates impossibility, and 1 indicates certainty.

Calculating Probability

The probability of an event E, denoted as P(E), is calculated as: P(E) = (Number of favourable outcomes) / (Total number of outcomes in the sample space)

Example: Probability of Rolling a 3

When rolling a fair six-sided die, find the probability of rolling a 3.

P(E) = (Number of ways to roll a 3) / (Total number of outcomes) P(E) = 1/6

Key Points

  • Certainty: If P(E) = 1, the event is certain to happen.
  • Impossibility: If P(E) = 0, the event is impossible.
  • Likelihood: If 0 < P(E) < 1, the event can happen, but is not certain.

To deepen your understanding of how probabilities are influenced by various factors, reviewing Measures of Spread can provide valuable insights.

Example Questions

Question 1: Probability of Drawing a King

Find the probability of drawing a King from a standard deck of 52 cards.

P(King) = (Number of Kings in a deck) / (Total number of cards) P(King) = 4/52 = 1/13


  • There are 4 Kings in a standard deck (one in each suit: hearts, diamonds, clubs, and spades).
  • The total number of cards is 52.
  • Therefore, the probability of drawing a King is 1/13.

Understanding the role of Trigonometric Identities in calculating probabilities in geometric contexts can further enhance your problem-solving skills.

Question 2: Probability of Rolling an Even Number

Find the probability of rolling an even number on a six-sided die.

P(Even) = (Number of even numbers on the die) / (Total number of outcomes) P(Even) = 3/6 = 1/2


  • The even numbers on a die are 2, 4, and 6, so there are 3 favourable outcomes.
  • The total number of outcomes (sample space) when rolling a die is 6.
  • Therefore, the probability of rolling an even number is 1/2.

In the context of analysing data and probabilities, Interpreting Correlation can be crucial for understanding the relationships between different variables.


No, probability values cannot be negative or greater than 1. The probability of an event is a measure of the likelihood of the event occurring and is always expressed as a number between 0 and 1, inclusive. A probability of 0 indicates that the event will not occur, while a probability of 1 indicates that the event will occur. Any value outside this range is not valid in the context of probability. This is a fundamental principle in probability theory and ensures that probabilities are coherent and applicable in real-world contexts, providing a valid measure of uncertainty.

Mutually exclusive events are events that cannot occur simultaneously. In the context of probability, if two events A and B are mutually exclusive, the occurrence of A eliminates the possibility of B occurring, and vice versa. Mathematically, this is expressed as P(A and B) = 0. When calculating the probability of either of two mutually exclusive events occurring, i.e., P(A or B), you simply add their individual probabilities together: P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B). This is known as the Addition Rule for Mutually Exclusive Events. It’s crucial to identify mutually exclusive events accurately to ensure correct probability calculations in various applications.

A probability distribution provides a comprehensive overview of the likelihood of all possible outcomes of a random variable. It assigns a probability to each outcome in the sample space, ensuring that each probability is non-negative and that the sum of all the probabilities is equal to 1. The sample space and the probability distribution are intrinsically linked. The sample space provides all the possible outcomes, while the probability distribution assigns a probability to each of these outcomes, ensuring a systematic and structured approach to analysing random phenomena. This allows statisticians and data scientists to predict, model, and analyse random processes and events effectively, providing a foundation for inferential statistics and hypothesis testing.

Theoretical probability is derived based on the possible outcomes in the sample space, assuming each outcome is equally likely without conducting any experiment. It is calculated as the ratio of the number of favourable outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes. On the other hand, experimental or empirical probability is based on actual experiments and is calculated as the ratio of the number of times an event occurs to the total number of trials conducted. While theoretical probability is based on inherent likelihood, experimental probability is derived from actual data and observations, and the two may not always be the same due to the randomness and variability in real-world experiments.

Probability plays a crucial role in real-life decision making across various fields such as finance, medicine, and engineering. For instance, in finance, investors often use probability to assess the risk of a particular investment outcome. They analyse historical data to determine the likelihood of future returns. In medicine, probability is used to predict the effectiveness of a treatment or the likelihood of a particular side effect occurring. Engineers may use probability to evaluate the reliability of systems and to predict failure rates. Essentially, understanding probability allows individuals and professionals to make informed decisions by assessing the likelihood of different outcomes and thereby managing risk effectively.

Practice Questions

A deck of cards contains 52 cards. If a card is drawn at random, what is the probability of drawing a Queen or a Heart?

To find the probability of drawing a Queen or a Heart, we need to find the probability of each event separately and then use the principle of Inclusion-Exclusion to avoid double-counting the cards that are both Queens and Hearts. There are 4 Queens and 13 Hearts in a standard deck of cards. However, one of the Hearts is a Queen, so we subtract that one out to avoid counting it twice. Thus, P(Queen or Heart) = P(Queen) + P(Heart) - P(Queen and Heart) = (4/52) + (13/52) - (1/52) = 16/52 = 4/13.

A bag contains 5 red balls, 3 blue balls, and 2 green balls. If a ball is drawn at random, find the probability that it is not blue.

To find the probability of not drawing a blue ball, we can subtract the probability of drawing a blue ball from 1. There are a total of 10 balls (5 red, 3 blue, and 2 green). The probability of drawing a blue ball is the ratio of the number of blue balls to the total number of balls, which is P(Blue) = 3/10. Therefore, the probability of not drawing a blue ball is P(not Blue) = 1 - P(Blue) = 1 - 3/10 = 7/10.

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