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4.3.1 Linear Regression

Line of Best Fit

The line of best fit, also known as the regression line, is a straight line that best represents the data according to the principle of least squares. This line can be used to make predictions about one variable based on the value of another. To understand the mathematical foundation of this concept, explore the Linear Regression section.

Identifying the Line of Best Fit

  • Plotting Data Points: Initially, all data points are plotted on a scatter plot to visualise the distribution and relationship between the variables. This process is crucial for a clear understanding of how the data points correlate with each other, detailed further in our Calculating Correlation notes.
  • Drawing the Line: The line of best fit is drawn such that it minimises the total distance squared from each point to the line. It's essential to grasp how the line is determined and interpreted, as explained in our Interpreting Correlation guide.
  • Equation of the Line: The line can be represented by the equation y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept. The understanding of how this equation is derived and its components can be enhanced by referring to our notes on Coordinate Geometry.

Purpose and Use

  • Prediction: The line can be used to predict the value of y for a given x and vice versa. This predictive capability is essential for various applications, as further explored in our section on Predictions.
  • Trend Analysis: It helps in identifying and explaining the underlying trend between two variables.

Example Question 1: Identifying the Line of Best Fit

Given a set of data points, plot them on a graph and draw an approximate line of best fit. Use this line to predict future data points and analyse the underlying trend between the variables.

Least Squares Method

The least squares method is a statistical procedure used to find the best-fitting curve to a given set of points by minimising the sum of the squares of the offsets of the points from the curve.

Mathematical Approach

  • Objective: Minimise the sum of the squares of the vertical distances (residuals) of the points to the line.
  • Formula for Slope (m): m = [n(Sum(xy)) - (Sum(x))(Sum(y))] / [n(Sum(x2)) - (Sum(x))2]
  • Formula for Y-Intercept (c): c = [(Sum(y)) - m(Sum(x))] / n Where n is the number of data points, and Sum represents the sum of the respective variables.


  • Predictive Analysis: The line obtained using this method can be used for making predictions.
  • Accuracy: This method ensures that the line is placed in a manner that minimises the overall error, providing a more accurate model.
IB Maths Tutor Tip: Mastering linear regression requires understanding both its mathematical foundations and practical applications. Always verify assumptions like linearity and homoscedasticity to ensure model reliability and accuracy.

Example Question 2: Utilising the Least Squares Method

Utilise the least squares method to determine the line of best fit for a given set of data points and use it to predict future points. Ensure to validate the accuracy of the model and discuss potential limitations.

Practical Application of Linear Regression

Example Question 3: Applying Linear Regression

Context: A maths teacher records the scores of students in their mock and final exams to analyse the relationship between them.

Data Points:

  • Mock Exam Scores (x): [12, 23, 34, 45, 56]
  • Final Exam Scores (y): [22, 33, 44, 55, 66]

Task: Determine the line of best fit using the least squares method and predict the final exam score of a student who scored 40 in the mock exam.


  1. Calculating Slope and Y-Intercept: Utilise the formulas for m and c to determine the equation of the line.
  2. Plotting the Line: Use the equation to plot the line along with the data points on a graph.
  3. Making Predictions: Use the equation y = mx + c to predict the final exam score for a mock exam score of 40.

Detailed Calculations:

  1. Calculated Values:
  • Slope (m): 1
  • Y-Intercept (b): 10
  1. Equation of the Line of Best Fit:

y = mx + b y = 1x + 10

  1. Predicting the Final Exam Score:

To predict the final exam score of a student who scored 40 in the mock exam, we substitute x = 40 into the equation: y = 1 * 40 + 10 y = 50


  • The line of best fit is y = x + 10.
  • A student who scored 40 in the mock exam is predicted to score 50 in the final exam, according to this model.

In-depth Exploration of Linear Regression

Linear regression is not just a method but a gateway to understanding the intricate relationships between variables in various fields, including economics, biology, engineering, and more. It provides a statistical way of modelling the relationship between a dependent and one or more independent variables without assuming a cause-and-effect relationship.

Assumptions in Linear Regression

Linear regression makes several key assumptions:

  • Linearity: The relationship between the independent and dependent variable is linear.
  • Independence: The residuals are independent, i.e., the residuals are not correlated.
  • Homoscedasticity: The residuals have constant variance.
  • Normality: The residuals are normally distributed.

Limitations and Considerations

While linear regression is widely used, it is crucial to acknowledge its limitations:

  • Outliers: Linear regression is sensitive to outliers, which can significantly impact the line of best fit.
  • Multicollinearity: In multiple linear regression, when the independent variables are highly correlated, it can make it difficult to determine the individual impact of predictors.
  • Causality Misinterpretation: Correlation does not imply causation, and thus, the relationship established does not confirm a cause-and-effect relationship.
IB Tutor Advice: Practise plotting data and drawing lines of best fit by hand to develop intuition. Use real data sets for practice to better understand the process and improve prediction accuracy.

Advanced Concepts

  • Multiple Linear Regression: Involves two or more independent variables.
  • Polynomial Regression: The relationship between the independent variable x and the dependent variable y is modelled as an nth degree polynomial.
  • Ridge Regression, Lasso Regression: Techniques used when data suffers from multicollinearity.

Example Question 4: Advanced Application

Explore the application of multiple linear regression in a real-world scenario, considering various independent variables and their impact on the dependent variable. Discuss the potential challenges and solutions in the model.


The slope and y-intercept in the linear regression equation (y = mx + c) have specific interpretations. The slope (m) represents the average change in the dependent variable (y) for a one-unit change in the independent variable (x). In other words, it indicates the strength and direction of the relationship between the dependent and independent variables. A positive slope indicates a positive correlation, while a negative slope indicates a negative correlation. The y-intercept (c) represents the expected value of the dependent variable when the independent variable is zero. It is the point where the regression line crosses the y-axis and provides a baseline value for predictions.

Validating the accuracy of a linear regression model involves assessing how well the model predicts the dependent variable based on the independent variable(s). One common method is to use a portion of the data to build the model and another portion to test it, which is known as train/test split. Metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Squared Error (MSE), and R-squared can be used to quantify the model's accuracy. Additionally, residual plots can be analysed to check for any patterns or structures, which might indicate that the model is not capturing some underlying aspects of the data. Model validation is crucial to ensure that the predictions and inferences made from the model are reliable.

Yes, linear regression can handle categorical independent variables through a method known as dummy coding or one-hot encoding. This involves creating new binary variables that represent the categories of the original variable. For example, if there is a categorical variable 'Colour' with levels 'Red', 'Blue', and 'Green', we can create two new variables: 'IsBlue' and 'IsGreen'. If 'Colour' is 'Blue', 'IsBlue' will be 1 and 'IsGreen' will be 0. If 'Colour' is 'Green', 'IsBlue' will be 0 and 'IsGreen' will be 1. If 'Colour' is 'Red', both 'IsBlue' and 'IsGreen' will be 0. This allows the linear regression model to incorporate categorical data by treating each level as a separate variable.

Linear regression is termed 'linear' because it models the relationship between the dependent and independent variables as a straight line. This implies that the change in the dependent variable is proportional to the change in the independent variable. However, there are other types of regression that are not linear. For instance, polynomial regression models the relationship as an nth degree polynomial, and logistic regression models the probability that a dependent binary variable equals a certain value. Each type of regression is suited to different kinds of data and research questions, and the choice of regression type should be guided by the underlying data structure and the objective of the analysis.

Multicollinearity refers to a situation in multiple linear regression where two or more independent variables are highly correlated, meaning one can be linearly predicted from the others. It does not affect the model’s accuracy but it can significantly impact the coefficients of the independent variables, making them unstable and hard to interpret. Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) is a popular method to detect multicollinearity. VIF values greater than 10 are often considered indicative of multicollinearity. When multicollinearity is present, it may be addressed by combining correlated variables, removing one of the correlated variables, or using techniques like Ridge Regression that can handle multicollinearity.

Practice Questions

Given the data points (1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 7), (4, 10), and (5, 11), find the equation of the line of best fit using the least squares method. Additionally, use the equation to predict the y-value when x is 6.

The given data points are (1, 3), (2, 5), (3, 7), (4, 10), and (5, 11). The equation of the line of best fit, determined using the least squares method, is given by: y = mx + b where

  • m = 2.1 (slope)
  • b = 0.9 (y-intercept)

Thus, the equation of the line of best fit is: y = 2.1x + 0.9

To predict the y-value when x is 6, we substitute x = 6 into the equation: y = (2.1)(6) + 0.9 y = 12.6 + 0.9 y = 13.5

Therefore, when x is 6, the predicted y-value is 13.5, based on the line of best fit.

Using the line of best fit y = 0.9x + 2.1, calculate the residual for the point (3, 7) and explain its significance in the context of the line of best fit.

The residual is the difference between the observed y-value and the y-value predicted by the line of best fit. For the point (3, 7), the predicted y-value is y = 0.9(3) + 2.1 = 4.8. Therefore, the residual is 7 - 4.8 = 2.2. The residual indicates how far the actual data point is from the predicted point on the line of best fit. A positive residual, like in this case, indicates that the actual point is above the line of best fit, while a negative residual would indicate it is below. Understanding residuals is crucial for assessing the accuracy and reliability of the predictive model formed by the line of best fit.

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