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3.4.1 Basics of Voronoi

Definition of Voronoi Diagrams

A Voronoi Diagram is a partitioning of a plane into regions based on distance to points in a specific subset of the plane. That set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand, and for each seed, there is a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. Mathematically, given a set of seeds S = {p1, p2, ..., pn}, the Voronoi cell Rk corresponding to a seed pk is defined as:

Rk = { x in X | ||x - pk|| < ||x - pj||, for all j not equal to k }

where ||x - pk|| represents the Euclidean distance between points x and pk. Understanding the basics of coordinate geometry can further enhance comprehension of Voronoi diagrams.

Example Question 1:

Consider three points A(1, 2), B(3, 4), and C(5, 6) on a plane. Sketch the Voronoi diagram for these points.


  • Identify the perpendicular bisectors between each pair of points.
  • Find the intersection points of the bisectors.
  • The regions formed by the bisectors represent the Voronoi cells.

The Voronoi diagram is a geometric representation that provides insights into spatial relationships and is particularly useful in understanding the concept of proximity and spatial partitioning among a set of points in a plane. It is crucial to note that the Voronoi diagram is not merely a visual tool but is deeply rooted in mathematical definitions and properties that govern its formation and applications. This concept is crucial when exploring applications of Voronoi diagrams in various fields.

Properties of Voronoi Diagrams

1. Nearest Neighbour

Each region of a Voronoi diagram contains all the points for which the seed of that region is the nearest compared to all other seeds. If a point lies within a particular Voronoi cell, its nearest seed is the one corresponding to that cell.

2. Edges and Vertices

The edges of the Voronoi diagram are equidistant to the two nearest seeds. Vertices are equidistant to three or more seeds. Thus, each edge and vertex can be associated with the seeds that generated them.

3. Convex Polygons

Each Voronoi cell is a convex polygon. This means that the line segment connecting any two points inside the cell lies entirely within the cell.

4. Dual Graph

The Voronoi diagram has a dual graph known as the Delaunay triangulation. If you connect the seeds of adjacent Voronoi cells, you obtain a Delaunay triangulation, which maximises the minimum angle of all the angles of the triangles in the triangulation. The principles behind this are similar to those found in differentiation rules, where mathematical techniques are applied to find optimal solutions.

IB Maths Tutor Tip: Understanding Voronoi diagrams enhances spatial reasoning and problem-solving in real-world contexts, bridging mathematical theory with practical applications in fields like geography and computational geometry.

Example Question 2:

Given four points D(2, 3), E(4, 5), F(6, 7), and G(8, 9), find the vertices of the Voronoi cell corresponding to the seed E(4, 5).


  • Determine the perpendicular bisectors between E and all other points.
  • Find the intersection points of these bisectors.
  • The Voronoi cell for E will be the polygon formed by connecting these intersection points.

The properties of Voronoi diagrams are not only pivotal in understanding the structure and formation of the diagrams but also play a crucial role in various applications where Voronoi diagrams are employed. From computational geometry to biology and geography, the properties of Voronoi diagrams, such as nearest neighbours and convex polygons, are utilized to solve problems related to spatial relationships, proximity, and partitioning. A foundational understanding of derivatives can be beneficial when delving deeper into these properties.

Applications of Voronoi Diagrams

Voronoi diagrams are widely used in various fields due to their ability to naturally partition space according to specified points.

1. Computational Geometry

In computational geometry, Voronoi diagrams are used to find the nearest neighbour to a given point, which is a common operation in spatial databases.

2. Biology

In biology, Voronoi diagrams are used to model and analyse cell patterns and structures, helping to understand biological phenomena at a microscopic level.

3. Geography

In geography, Voronoi diagrams are used to determine the areas of influence of different cities or features based on their proximity, which can be useful in urban planning and resource allocation. This application is particularly relevant when considering the interpretation of correlation in data analysis.

Example Question 3:

In a geographical map with cities H, I, and J as seeds, if a new city K is established, how will the Voronoi diagram change?


  • Introduce the point representing city K into the existing Voronoi diagram.
  • Identify the region in which city K is located.
  • Adjust the boundaries of the adjacent cells to accommodate the new seed, ensuring each point in the plane is still closest to its respective seed.

The applications of Voronoi diagrams are vast and varied, providing solutions and insights into numerous problems across different fields. The fundamental principle of partitioning space based on proximity to a set of points has found relevance in solving problems related to spatial relationships, resource allocation, and proximity queries, among others.

IB Tutor Advice: Practise sketching Voronoi diagrams with varied seed configurations to master identifying regions and neighbours, crucial for questions on spatial partitioning and nearest neighbour problems in exams.

Challenges and Further Study

While Voronoi diagrams are powerful tools, they also present computational challenges, especially in higher dimensions. Efficient algorithms, such as Fortune's algorithm, have been developed to generate Voronoi diagrams in a 2D space with computational complexity O(n log n). However, generating Voronoi diagrams in three or more dimensions remains computationally intensive and is an active area of research. Further exploration into these algorithms and their applications can be found in the study of applications of differentiation.


Yes, Voronoi diagrams can be constructed in three-dimensional space, and even in higher dimensions. In a three-dimensional space, instead of partitioning the plane into 2D regions, the space is partitioned into 3D polyhedra. Each polyhedron corresponds to a seed point and contains all points in space that are closer to that seed than to any other seed. Constructing Voronoi diagrams in higher dimensions is conceptually similar but becomes computationally more challenging. Such higher-dimensional Voronoi diagrams find applications in computational geometry, data analysis, and other fields where multi-dimensional data needs to be partitioned based on proximity.

The shape of Voronoi cells is determined by the distance metric used. The most common metric is the Euclidean distance, which results in straight-line boundaries between Voronoi cells. However, if other distance metrics, such as Manhattan distance or Chebyshev distance, are used, the shape of the Voronoi cells can change dramatically. For instance, using the Manhattan distance can result in Voronoi cells that have diamond or rectangular shapes. The choice of distance metric should be based on the specific problem being addressed and the nature of the data. Different metrics can provide different insights and are chosen based on the underlying geometry and requirements of the application.

Yes, there are several efficient algorithms to construct Voronoi diagrams. One of the most well-known algorithms is Fortune's algorithm, which constructs a Voronoi diagram for a set of points in a plane using a sweepline approach. The algorithm has a computational complexity of O(n log n), where n is the number of seed points. Another popular method is the Bowyer-Watson algorithm, which constructs the Delaunay triangulation (and by extension, the Voronoi diagram) incrementally by adding one point at a time. While these algorithms are efficient for two-dimensional data, constructing Voronoi diagrams in higher dimensions remains a challenging problem, and research is ongoing to develop more efficient methods for such cases.

Voronoi diagrams and Delaunay triangulations are closely related geometric structures, but they serve different purposes. A Voronoi diagram partitions a plane into regions based on a set of seed points, where each region contains all points closer to a particular seed than to any other seed. On the other hand, Delaunay triangulation is a set of triangles formed by connecting the seed points such that no seed point is inside the circumcircle of any triangle. The interesting connection between the two is that the vertices of the Voronoi diagram are the circumcentres of the triangles in the Delaunay triangulation. While Voronoi diagrams are primarily used for proximity queries, Delaunay triangulations are often used in mesh generation and computer graphics.

Voronoi diagrams have a wide range of applications across various fields. In computer science, they are used in algorithms for nearest neighbour searches. In biology, they help model cellular structures, especially in the study of tissues where cells have a polygonal structure. In geophysics, Voronoi diagrams are used to study the Earth's crust and its tectonic plates. In aviation, they help in defining regions of influence for different airports to ensure safe air traffic control. Additionally, in urban planning, Voronoi diagrams can be used to determine areas of influence for amenities like hospitals, schools, and fire stations, ensuring optimal resource allocation and service delivery.

Practice Questions

Given a set of points A(2,3), B(5,7), and C(8,3) on a plane, sketch the Voronoi diagram and identify the vertices of the Voronoi cells.

The Voronoi diagram is constructed by first identifying the perpendicular bisectors between each pair of points. For points A and B, the bisector is the set of points equidistant from A and B. Similarly, we find bisectors for pairs A and C, and B and C. The intersection points of these bisectors will be the vertices of the Voronoi cells. To find these intersection points, we can solve the equations of the bisectors simultaneously. Once the vertices are identified, we can sketch the Voronoi diagram by connecting the vertices to form the Voronoi cells, ensuring each cell contains one seed point and every point within a cell is closer to its seed point than to any other seed point.

Consider a Voronoi diagram generated by points P(1,2), Q(4,6), and R(7,2). If a new point S(5,4) is added, describe how the Voronoi diagram will change and explain the reason behind the change.

When a new point S(5,4) is added to the existing Voronoi diagram, a new Voronoi cell corresponding to point S will be formed. The boundaries of the existing Voronoi cells for points P, Q, and R will be adjusted to accommodate the new point. This is because the set of points that are closer to S than to P, Q, or R will now form the new Voronoi cell for S. To construct the updated Voronoi diagram, we find the perpendicular bisectors between S and each of the existing points (P, Q, and R), and identify the new vertices formed by the intersections of these bisectors. The existing Voronoi cells will be modified, and the new Voronoi cell for S will be established, ensuring that the principle of proximity is maintained in the updated diagram.

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