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3.2.3 Cross-sections

Slicing 3D Shapes

Understanding Slicing

Slicing is the act of cutting or dividing a 3D object with a plane, revealing a 2D shape that resides within. The orientation, angle, and position of the slicing plane determine the shape, size, and properties of the resulting cross-section.

  • Horizontal Slicing: Imagine a loaf of bread. Each slice, parallel to the base, reveals a similar shape, albeit smaller as you move from the base to the top.
  • Vertical Slicing: Picture slicing a cake. Each piece, typically a sector, reveals a different shape based on the angle and position of the slice.
  • Oblique Slicing: Envisage slicing a piece of cheese diagonally. The resulting shape can vary widely based on the angle and direction of the slice.

Exploring Various 3D Shapes

Cubes and Rectangular Prisms

  • Cube: Regardless of how you slice it (provided the slice is through the centre), you will always obtain a square as the cross-section.
  • Rectangular Prism: Slicing parallel to one of the faces will yield a rectangle. However, oblique slices can result in various quadrilaterals.


  • Central Slicing: Any slice through the centre will yield a circle.
  • Non-central Slicing: Slices not passing through the centre will also yield circles but of varying sizes depending on the proximity to the centre.


  • Parallel Slicing: Slices parallel to the base or top yield circles.
  • Perpendicular Slicing: Slices perpendicular to the base, running through the length, yield rectangles.


  • Parallel Slicing: Slices parallel to the base yield smaller circles.
  • Vertical Slicing: Slices through the apex yield triangles of varying sizes and types.


  • Parallel Slicing: Slices parallel to the base yield smaller versions of the base shape.
  • Vertical Slicing: Slices through the apex yield triangles.

Example 1: Slicing a Sphere

Consider a sphere with a radius of r.

Question: If a sphere of radius 5 cm is sliced through its centre, what is the area of the cross-section?

Solution: The cross-section will be a circle with the same radius as the sphere. Using the formula for the area of a circle, Area = pi r2, we find that the area is pi x (5 cm)2 = 25pi cm2.

2D Representations of Cross-sections

Visualising Internal Structures

2D representations of cross-sections provide a window into the internal structures of 3D shapes, offering insights into their geometrical properties and spatial configurations.

  • Cylinders: A vertical slice through the centre reveals a rectangle, while a horizontal slice reveals a circle.
  • Cones: A vertical slice through the apex reveals a triangle, while a horizontal slice reveals a circle.
  • Spheres: Any slice through a sphere reveals a circle, the size of which is determined by the distance from the centre.

Example 2: Slicing a Cone

Consider a cone with a base radius of r and a height of h.

Question: If a cone with a base radius of 3 cm and height of 4 cm is sliced vertically through its apex and base, what type of triangle is formed?

Solution: The triangle formed by slicing a cone with a base radius of 3 cm and height of 4 cm vertically through its apex and base is a right-angled triangle. This is because:

  • One leg is the height of the cone (4 cm),
  • The other leg is the radius of the cone (3 cm),
  • The hypotenuse is the slant height of the cone (5 cm).

The two equal sides will each be the slant height of the cone, and the base of the triangle will be the circumference of the cone’s base, which is 2pi r. Thus, the base of the triangle will be 2pi x 3 cm = 6pi cm.

Applications in Various Domains

Engineering and Architecture

In the realms of engineering and architecture, cross-sections play a crucial role in structural analysis and design. Engineers often examine the cross-sections of beams, pillars, and other structural elements to comprehend the distribution of forces, stresses, and to predict potential points of failure.

Medical Imaging

In medical imaging, particularly in CT scans and MRIs, cross-sectional imaging of the human body is pivotal. It allows healthcare professionals to examine internal structures, identify abnormalities, and plan surgical procedures without resorting to invasive methods.

Geological Studies

In geological studies, cross-sectional views of the Earth’s layers assist geologists in understanding the distribution and arrangement of different rock layers, aiding in the exploration of natural resources like oil, gas, and minerals.

Example 3: Application in Medical Imaging

Question: How does understanding cross-sections benefit in interpreting CT scans?

Solution: CT scans produce cross-sectional images of the human body, allowing medical professionals to view and analyse internal structures, tissues, and organs layer by layer. This aids in diagnosing diseases, planning surgeries, and monitoring treatment efficacy by providing detailed internal views without the need for invasive procedures.


Yes, the concept of cross-sections is widely applied in physics and chemistry, particularly in the study of interactions between particles. In nuclear and particle physics, the term "cross-section" refers to the probability of interaction between particles. For example, in scattering experiments, scientists measure the cross-section to quantify the likelihood of a particular interaction occurring, such as scattering, absorption, or reflection. Similarly, in chemistry, cross-sectional areas are used in calculating rates of particle collisions in reaction kinetics, providing a bridge between theoretical calculations and observable phenomena, thereby enhancing our understanding of microscopic interactions.

In biology, particularly in the study of human anatomy, cross-sections are vital in understanding the internal structures of organs and systems without resorting to invasive procedures. For instance, anatomists study cross-sectional images obtained from medical imaging techniques like CT scans and MRIs to analyse the internal structures of the brain, heart, and other organs. This allows them to observe tissues, blood vessels, and other structures in detail, facilitating the diagnosis of conditions, planning of surgeries, and formulation of treatment plans, thereby bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application in medical science.

In astronomy and space exploration, the concept of cross-sections is applied in studying celestial bodies and phenomena. For example, scientists analyse cross-sectional views of planets and stars to understand their internal structures, compositions, and physical properties. This is crucial in studying phenomena like star lifecycles, planetary formations, and even in the search for exoplanets. Furthermore, cross-sectional analyses of meteorites and other celestial objects provide insights into their origins and the history of our solar system. The detailed study of these cross-sections helps astronomers to develop models and simulations that further our understanding of the universe.

The orientation of the slicing plane significantly influences the shape, size, and properties of the resulting cross-section. For instance, a horizontal slice (parallel to the base) of a pyramid will yield a smaller version of the base shape, while a vertical slice (perpendicular to the base) might yield a triangular shape. Similarly, slicing a cylinder horizontally will produce a circular cross-section, while a vertical slice will yield a rectangular one. The angle and position of the slicing plane determine the symmetry, area, and perimeter of the resulting 2D shape, providing varied insights into the internal structure of the 3D object.

Students can utilise the concept of cross-sections in practical mathematical problem-solving by visualising and analysing 3D objects in a more manageable 2D space. For instance, when dealing with problems related to volume, surface area, or structural integrity of 3D objects, analysing cross-sections can provide insights into how changes in one dimension (like height or width) can impact other properties. In mathematical modelling, students can use cross-sections to simplify complex structures or systems, making them easier to analyse and understand. This can be particularly useful in optimisation problems, where analysing cross-sections can help identify optimal values or configurations, thereby providing solutions that are both practically and mathematically sound.

Practice Questions

A cylinder with a radius of 5 cm and a height of 12 cm is sliced vertically through its centre. Calculate the area of the resulting cross-section.

The resulting cross-section from a vertical slice through the centre of the cylinder will be a rectangle. The length of this rectangle will be equal to the height of the cylinder, which is 12 cm. The width will be equal to the diameter of the cylinder, which is 2 times the radius, so 2 x 5 cm = 10 cm. To find the area of the rectangle, we multiply the length and width together. Therefore, the area of the resulting cross-section is 12 cm x 10 cm = 120 cm2.

A cone with a base radius of 4 cm and a height of 15 cm is sliced parallel to its base at a height of 3 cm from the base. Determine the radius of the resulting circular cross-section.

When a cone is sliced parallel to its base, the resulting cross-section is a circle. The radius of this circle can be found using similar triangles. The larger triangle, formed by the radius, slant height, and height of the cone, is similar to the smaller triangle formed by the radius of the smaller circle, the portion of the slant height, and the height above the slice (3 cm). Using the ratio of the similar triangles, we have r1/h1 = r2/h2, where r1 is the radius of the base of the cone (4 cm), h1 is the height of the cone (15 cm), r2 is the radius of the smaller circle, and h2 is the height above the slice (3 cm). Solving for r2, we get r2 = (r1 x h2) / h1 = (4 cm x 3 cm) / 15 cm = 0.8 cm. So, the radius of the resulting circular cross-section is 0.8 cm.

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