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3.1.2 Properties of Shapes


Angles, the figures formed by two rays sharing a common endpoint, or vertex, are fundamental in geometry. They are measured in degrees or radians, and understanding them is pivotal in navigating through the various aspects of geometry.

Types of Angles

  • Acute Angle: An angle smaller than 90 degrees, yet larger than 0 degrees.
  • Right Angle: An angle that measures exactly 90 degrees.
  • Obtuse Angle: An angle that exceeds 90 degrees but is less than 180 degrees.
  • Straight Angle: An angle that measures precisely 180 degrees.
  • Reflex Angle: An angle larger than 180 degrees and smaller than 360 degrees.
  • Full Rotation: An angle that measures 360 degrees.

Angle Properties

  • Complementary Angles: Two angles whose sum equals 90 degrees.
  • Supplementary Angles: Two angles that add up to 180 degrees.
  • Explementary Angles: Two angles whose sum is 360 degrees.
  • Adjacent Angles: Angles that have a common arm and vertex.
  • Vertical Opposite Angles: Angles that are opposite each other when two lines intersect and are always equal.

Example Question 1: Angle Relationships

If angle A and angle B are complementary and the measure of angle A is 35 degrees, find the measure of angle B.

Solution: Since angle A and angle B are complementary, Angle B = 90 degrees - Angle A Angle B = 90 degrees - 35 degrees Angle B = 55 degrees


Sides, the line segments that constitute a polygon, play a crucial role in determining the type and properties of the shape.

Properties of Sides in Polygons

  • Equilateral Polygon: A polygon where all sides are of equal length.
  • Isosceles Polygon: A polygon that has at least two sides of equal length.
  • Scalene Polygon: A polygon with no sides of equal length.

Example Question 2: Properties of Quadrilaterals

Given a quadrilateral with sides a, b, c, and d. If a = c and b = d, identify and justify the type of quadrilateral.

Solution: The given quadrilateral has opposite sides of equal length (a = c and b = d). Therefore, it is a parallelogram, as one of the properties of a parallelogram is that opposite sides are equal in length.


Symmetry, a pivotal concept in geometry, refers to the exact match in shape and size between two halves of a shape.

Types of Symmetry

  • Line Symmetry: A shape is line symmetric if it can be folded along a line so that the two halves match exactly.
  • Rotational Symmetry: A shape has rotational symmetry if it can be rotated about a point by a particular degree and still look the same.

Symmetry in Polygons

  • Regular Polygons: Have both line and rotational symmetry. The number of lines of symmetry and the order of rotational symmetry is equal to the number of sides.
  • Irregular Polygons: May or may not have lines of symmetry.

Example Question 3: Symmetry in Shapes

Identify the number of lines of symmetry in an equilateral triangle.

Solution: An equilateral triangle has three lines of symmetry. Each line of symmetry passes through a vertex and the midpoint of the opposite side.


Yes, a shape can have more than one line of symmetry. An excellent example of this is a regular hexagon, which has six lines of symmetry. Each line of symmetry passes through two opposite vertices, dividing the hexagon into two congruent parts that are mirror images of each other. The concept of multiple lines of symmetry is not restricted to hexagons; numerous shapes, especially regular polygons, exhibit this property. For instance, a square has four lines of symmetry, an equilateral triangle has three, and a circle has infinite lines of symmetry. Understanding multiple lines of symmetry aids in comprehending the inherent balance and proportionality in various shapes.

Symmetry is a fundamental concept that extends beyond geometry, permeating various areas of mathematics and science. In mathematics, symmetry is explored in algebra through symmetric functions and in calculus through even and odd functions. In physics, symmetry principles underpin numerous laws and theories, such as the conservation laws in classical and quantum mechanics. In chemistry, molecular symmetry explains various physical and chemical properties of compounds. Furthermore, in biology, symmetry is observed in the body structures of various organisms, aiding in understanding evolutionary biology and developmental biology. Thus, symmetry serves as a unifying concept, providing insights and explanations across diverse scientific disciplines.

Understanding the properties of shapes significantly enhances problem-solving skills in mathematics by providing a foundational knowledge that can be applied in various mathematical challenges and real-world problems. Knowing the properties of shapes, such as angles, sides, and symmetry, allows students and professionals to identify, classify, and analyse shapes and patterns, which is crucial in geometry, trigonometry, and even calculus. It enables them to make predictions, formulate hypotheses, and derive conclusions about a shape or a system. Moreover, it aids in developing logical reasoning and analytical thinking, as individuals learn to deduce unknown properties or measurements by applying known properties and theorems, thereby fostering a systematic and logical approach towards problem-solving in mathematics and beyond.

Grasping the properties of sides in polygons is pivotal in geometry as it aids in identifying and classifying different shapes and determining their characteristics. For example, knowing that all sides of an equilateral triangle are equal allows mathematicians and scientists to make specific predictions and calculations about its other properties, such as its angles and symmetry. In practical terms, understanding the properties of sides is vital in various fields like architecture, design, and engineering, where precise calculations and predictions are imperative to create stable, symmetrical, and aesthetically pleasing structures. Moreover, it enables problem-solving in advanced geometrical concepts and theorems.

Understanding the properties of angles can significantly impact various real-world scenarios, particularly in construction and design. For instance, when architects design buildings, they utilise angles to create structures that are both aesthetically pleasing and structurally sound. Acute and obtuse angles might be used to create interesting visual effects, while right angles are often employed to ensure stability. Engineers also apply angle properties in constructing roads, bridges, and ramps, ensuring that they are safe and functional. In sports, athletes and coaches analyse angles to enhance performance, such as calculating the best angle to kick a football to score a goal or to throw a basketball to make a basket. Thus, the properties of angles permeate numerous practical applications, underpinning various professions and activities.

Practice Questions

A triangle ABC has angles A, B, and C. Given that angle A is 35 degrees and angle B is 75 degrees, calculate angle C and identify the type of triangle based on its angles.

Angle C can be calculated using the sum of angles in a triangle, which is 180 degrees. Therefore, Angle C = 180 degrees - (Angle A + Angle B) Angle C = 180 degrees - (35 degrees + 75 degrees) Angle C = 180 degrees - 110 degrees Angle C = 70 degrees

In triangle ABC, all angles (A = 35 degrees, B = 75 degrees, and C = 70 degrees) are less than 90 degrees. Therefore, it is classified as an acute triangle since none of its angles exceeds 90 degrees.

A parallelogram has opposite angles A and C, and adjacent angles B and D. If angle A is 80 degrees, find the measures of angles B, C, and D.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal and adjacent angles are supplementary (sum up to 180 degrees). Therefore, Angle C = Angle A = 80 degrees (since opposite angles are equal) Angle B + Angle A = 180 degrees (since adjacent angles are supplementary) So, Angle B = 180 degrees - Angle A Angle B = 180 degrees - 80 degrees Angle B = 100 degrees

Similarly, Angle D + Angle C = 180 degrees (since adjacent angles are supplementary) So, Angle D = 180 degrees - Angle C Angle D = 180 degrees - 80 degrees Angle D = 100 degrees

Thus, in the parallelogram, Angle A = 80 degrees, Angle B = 100 degrees, Angle C = 80 degrees, and Angle D = 100 degrees.

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