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2.3.1 Creating Models

Introduction to Creating Models

In mathematics, creating models, especially using linear functions, is an essential skill that finds applications in diverse fields such as economics, biology, and engineering. It involves establishing a mathematical relationship, often using data, to predict future trends or understand underlying patterns. This section will delve deeper into the process of using data and predicting trends with linear models, providing a comprehensive guide for IB Mathematics students. To gain a deeper understanding, students can explore the basics of linear regression, which plays a critical role in creating predictive models.

Using Data

Data Collection

  • Importance: The initial step in creating a model involves gathering relevant data. This data serves as the foundation upon which our model will be built, providing the raw information that will be analysed and interpreted. Understanding the importance of data representation is crucial for effective model creation.
    • Example: Suppose we have data representing the cost of production (in pounds) for different quantities of a product: (10, 200), (20, 350), (30, 500).
  • Types of Data: Data can be continuous or discrete, and understanding the nature of the data is crucial in determining the type of model to be developed.

Data Representation

  • Graphical Representation: Once collected, data is often plotted on a graph to visualise the relationship between variables. In the context of linear functions, we’re typically looking for a straight-line relationship. Graphs play a significant role in interpreting correlation between variables.
    • Example: Plotting the above data on a graph with quantity on the x-axis and cost on the y-axis.
  • Scatter Plots: These are particularly useful in initially visualising data and can often indicate whether a linear model might be appropriate. For a deeper understanding, see the section on calculating correlation.

Identifying Variables

  • Dependent and Independent Variables: Determine the dependent and independent variables. The independent variable is the input (often denoted as x), while the dependent variable (often denoted as y) is what we are trying to predict or understand.
    • Example: In our production cost scenario, quantity might be the independent variable, while cost is the dependent variable.

Predicting Trends

Establishing a Linear Relationship

  • Linear Equation: Using the data, we derive a linear equation of the form y = mx + c, where m is the slope and c is the y-intercept. This equation becomes the model, predicting y for any given x. The process of finding the slope and intercept can be further explored in sections on slope basics and intercept basics.
    • Example: Using two points from our data, say (10, 200) and (20, 350), we can find the slope m using the formula m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). Substituting these values, we get m = (350 - 200) / (20 - 10) = 15.
  • Intercept: The y-intercept c is the value of y when x is zero. It can be found by rearranging the equation to c = y - mx and substituting a known point.

Using the Model for Predictions

  • Predictive Analysis: Once the linear model is established, it can be used to predict the dependent variable for any given independent variable. This is a crucial step in making predictions using the model.
    • Example: To predict the cost for producing 25 units, we substitute x = 25 into our model (once we have found c) and calculate the corresponding y value.
  • Model Validation: It's crucial to assess the validity of the model by comparing predicted values with actual data and ensuring the model is applicable within the relevant context.
    • Example: If our model predicts a cost of 375 pounds for 25 units, but the actual cost is significantly different, we may need to reassess our model.

Application of Linear Models

Case Study: Lemonade Stand

Imagine running a lemonade stand where we observe the following: selling 10 cups costs 5 pounds and selling 20 cups costs 8 pounds. We wish to create a model to predict the cost for any number of cups.

Step 1: Find the Slope

Using the two points (10, 5) and (20, 8), we find the slope m as follows:

m = (8 - 5) / (20 - 10) = 0.3

Step 2: Find the Y-Intercept

Using the slope and one point, say (10, 5), we find the y-intercept c using the rearranged linear equation:

c = y - mx

Substituting in our values:

c = 5 - (0.3 * 10) = 2

Step 3: Formulate the Model

Our linear model becomes:

y = 0.3x + 2

Step 4: Use the Model

To predict the cost of selling 15 cups of lemonade, substitute x = 15 into the model:

y = (0.3 * 15) + 2 = 6.5

Thus, it would cost 6.5 pounds to sell 15 cups of lemonade.

Considerations in Modelling

  • Accuracy: Ensure the model accurately represents the available data and is reliable for predictions within a relevant range.
  • Simplicity vs Complexity: While a simple model (like a linear model) is easier to use and understand, it may not always accurately represent data, especially if the true relationship is non-linear.
  • Context: Always consider the real-world implications and applicability of the model. Ensure it makes logical sense in the given context.

Challenges and Practice Questions

Question 1

Given the data points (5, 120) and (10, 200) representing the cost of producing certain quantities of a product:

  • Find the linear model representing the data.
  • Use the model to predict the cost of producing 7 units.

Question 2

You observe that your weekly spending is 50 pounds in week 1 and 70 pounds in week 3:

  • Create a linear model to represent your spending over time.
  • Predict your spending in week 5 using the model.

Question 3

A car rental company charges 20 pounds per day to rent a car, and an additional one-time fee of 10 pounds for cleaning:

  • Formulate a linear model representing the total cost, y, to rent a car for x days.
  • Use the model to find the cost of renting the car for 6 days.


Linear models, while widely used, come with several limitations. Firstly, they assume a constant rate of change, which may not accurately represent all real-world scenarios, especially those where the rate of change is not constant or is influenced by other variables. Secondly, linear models can be overly simplistic when dealing with complex datasets that may have non-linear relationships or interactions between variables. Thirdly, linear models are sensitive to outliers, which can disproportionately affect the model and the predictions made. Lastly, linear models may not be suitable for datasets where the relationship between variables is inherently non-linear, and using them in such scenarios can lead to inaccurate and unreliable predictions.

Assessing the reliability of predictions made by a linear model involves considering several factors. Firstly, the goodness of fit of the model to the original data should be evaluated, often using statistical measures like R-squared, which indicates the proportion of the variance in the dependent variable that is predictable from the independent variable. A higher R-squared value indicates a better fit. Secondly, the residuals (differences between observed and predicted values) should be analysed. Ideally, residuals should be randomly distributed and show no discernible pattern. Lastly, the model should be validated using a different dataset, if available, to ensure that it can accurately predict values not used in its creation. The reliability of a model is crucial in ensuring that the predictions and insights derived are valid and applicable in real-world scenarios.

While a linear model can technically be used to predict values outside the range of the collected data, this practice, known as extrapolation, comes with significant risks and is generally advised against. The reliability of predictions made by extrapolation is often low because the model has not been validated for those values. The linear trend observed within the range of collected data may not hold true outside that range, and other variables or factors not present in the original data may come into play. Therefore, while extrapolation can provide an estimate, it should be used cautiously and the predictions should be validated through additional data collection wherever possible.

Determining whether a linear model is the best fit for given data involves both graphical and statistical analysis. Firstly, plotting the data on a scatter plot and observing the distribution of points can provide an initial visual indication. If the points appear to form a straight line or closely align with a straight line, a linear model may be suitable. Secondly, statistical measures like the correlation coefficient (r) can be used. A value of r close to 1 or -1 indicates a strong linear relationship. Additionally, considering the residuals (the differences between observed and predicted values) and their distribution can also provide insights into the suitability of a linear model. It's crucial to note that while a linear model might provide a good fit, it’s always essential to consider the context and practicality of the model in real-world applications.

If a linear model does not provide a good fit for the data, several modifications or alternative approaches can be considered. Firstly, transforming the data using mathematical functions (such as logarithmic or exponential transformations) might linearise the relationship between variables, allowing for a linear model to be applied effectively. Secondly, considering additional variables or factors that might influence the dependent variable can enhance the model. This might involve creating a multiple linear regression model that considers several independent variables. Thirdly, if the data inherently exhibits a non-linear relationship, non-linear modelling techniques, such as polynomial regression or non-linear regression models, might be more appropriate. It’s crucial to always validate the modified or alternative model using additional data to ensure its accuracy and reliability in predictions.

Practice Questions

A company produces widgets and has recorded the production cost for various quantities: (10, 200), (20, 350), and (30, 500), where the first value in each pair represents the quantity of widgets and the second value represents the cost in pounds. Find the linear model that represents the data and use it to predict the cost of producing 25 widgets.

The given points are (10, 200), (20, 350), and (30, 500). To find the linear model, we can use two points to find the slope (m) using the formula m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1). Using (10, 200) and (20, 350), we get m = (350 - 200) / (20 - 10) = 15. Now, to find the y-intercept (c), we rearrange the linear equation to c = y - mx and substitute a known point, say (10, 200). We get c = 200 - (15 * 10) = 50. Thus, the linear model is y = 15x + 50. To predict the cost of producing 25 widgets, we substitute x = 25 into the model: y = (15 * 25) + 50 = 425. Therefore, it would cost 425 pounds to produce 25 widgets.

A school’s annual day event has a budget that is modelled by the linear equation y = 200x + 1500, where y is the total cost in pounds and x is the number of students attending. If the total cost is not to exceed 7500 pounds, find the maximum number of students that can attend the event.

The given linear model is y = 200x + 1500, and we are given that y should not exceed 7500 pounds. To find the maximum number of students (x) that can attend without exceeding the budget, we rearrange the equation to find x: x = (y - 1500) / 200. Substituting y = 7500, we get x = (7500 - 1500) / 200 = 6000 / 200 = 30. Therefore, a maximum of 30 students can attend the event without exceeding the budget of 7500 pounds. It’s crucial to note that while the linear model provides a mathematical answer, real-world constraints and considerations should also be taken into account in practical scenarios.

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