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5.7.3 Applications

Mechanical Vibrations

Mechanical vibrations are oscillatory motions around an equilibrium point, and they play a vital role in engineering, affecting the design and stability of structures and machinery. Differential equations help model and analyse these vibrations, ensuring system stability and safety.

Free Vibrations

  • Undamped Free Vibrations: These involve oscillations without resistance, typically modelled by the second-order linear homogeneous differential equation mx'' + kx = 0, where m is mass and k is the spring constant. The general solution, derived from the characteristic equation, is x(t) = A cos(w0 t) + B sin(w0 t), where w0 = sqrt(k/m) is the natural frequency, and A and B are constants determined by initial conditions.Example: A spring-mass system with m = 1 kg and k = 9 N/m oscillates freely without damping. The differential equation x'' + 9x = 0 yields the characteristic equation r2 + 9 = 0. Solving for r, we find r = ±3i, leading to the general solution x(t) = A cos(3t) + B sin(3t).
  • Damped Free Vibrations: Introducing a damping term, the differential equation becomes mx'' + cx' + kx = 0, where c is the damping coefficient. The nature of the solution depends on the discriminant of the characteristic equation, influencing whether the system is underdamped, overdamped, or critically damped.

Forced Vibrations

Forced vibrations involve external forcing, described by the non-homogeneous differential equation mx'' + cx' + kx = F(t). The solution comprises the complementary function and particular integral, where the former represents the natural response and the latter represents the forced response.

Electrical Circuits

Electrical circuits, comprising resistors, capacitors, and inductors, can be modelled using differential equations, describing the relationships between voltage and current across components.

RL Circuits

An RL circuit, with a resistor (R) and inductor (L), is described by the first-order linear differential equation L(di/dt) + Ri = E(t), where E(t) is the electromotive force. The solution provides the current i(t) as a function of time, crucial for analysing transient responses in electrical systems.

Example: An RL circuit with L = 2 H and R = 3 Ω is connected to a voltage source of 5 V. The differential equation 2(di/dt) + 3i = 5 describes the circuit. Solving this equation yields the current i(t), providing insights into how the current changes over time and eventually reaches a steady state.

RLC Circuits

An RLC circuit, involving a resistor (R), inductor (L), and capacitor (C), is described by the second-order linear differential equation L(di/dt) + Ri + (1/C)∫i dt = E(t). The solution to this equation provides the current i(t) and allows analysis of the transient and steady-state responses of the circuit.

Applications in AC Circuits

In AC circuits, where the voltage source is sinusoidal, v(t) = Vm cos(wt), differential equations enable analysis of current, impedance, and phase angles, facilitating the design of circuits with desired electrical characteristics.

Applications in Engineering

Understanding the mathematical models of mechanical vibrations and electrical circuits is pivotal in engineering to design systems with desired properties and stability. For instance, in mechanical engineering, ensuring that a machine operates without excessive vibrations requires understanding the natural frequencies and damping properties, which can be modelled and analysed using differential equations. Similarly, in electrical engineering, designing circuits with specific voltage and current characteristics necessitates a thorough understanding of the relationships between different electrical components, which can be described using differential equations.

Example Questions in Study Notes

Question 1: Mechanical Vibrations

A mass-spring system without damping is described by the differential equation mx'' + kx = 0. Given m = 1 kg and k = 4 N/m, find the general solution for the position x(t) of the mass.

Solution: The characteristic equation is r2 + 4 = 0. Solving for r, we get r = ±2i. Thus, the general solution is x(t) = A cos(2t) + B sin(2t), where A and B are constants determined by initial conditions.

Question 2: Electrical Circuits

An RL circuit is described by the differential equation 2(di/dt) + 3i = 5. Solve for the current i(t) in the circuit.

Solution: This is a first-order linear differential equation. Using an integrating factor or Laplace Transforms, we can find the general solution for the current i(t). For instance, using Laplace Transforms, we transform the equation, solve


Mechanical vibrations, like those in springs or pendulums, are often modelled using second-order differential equations because these equations can describe oscillatory motion accurately. The general form of such an equation is "m * x'' + c * x' + k * x = F(t)", where "m" is the mass, "c" is the damping coefficient, "k" is the stiffness coefficient, "x" is the displacement, and "F(t)" is any external force. The second derivative "x''" represents the system’s acceleration, crucial in describing oscillatory systems. Solving this equation allows prediction of the system’s future behaviour, vital in engineering applications to design stable and reliable systems.

The Laplace Transform is a powerful mathematical tool used to convert differential equations, often arising in circuits involving capacitors and inductors, into algebraic equations in the s-domain. This transformation allows engineers to work with polynomial equations instead of differential equations, simplifying the analysis of electrical circuits. Using Laplace Transforms, analysing transient responses in RLC circuits becomes more straightforward, and solutions can be found more efficiently. Once the circuit is analysed in the s-domain, the inverse Laplace Transform is used to convert the solution back to the time domain, providing a comprehensible physical interpretation of the circuit’s behaviour.

Second-order differential equations are fundamental in describing the dynamics of electrical circuits, especially those involving inductors and capacitors. These components store and release energy, resulting in differential equations that describe the circuit's behaviour over time. For instance, in an RLC circuit, the voltage across the components and the current flowing through them are described by a second-order differential equation. Solving this equation provides insights into the circuit’s transient and steady-state responses. Understanding the solutions to these equations enables engineers to predict and manipulate the behaviour of electrical circuits in various applications, such as signal processing and power management.

Eigenvalues are crucial in understanding the stability and dynamics of solutions to systems of differential equations, particularly in linear systems. In systems of linear differential equations, eigenvalues help determine the nature of equilibrium points and the general solution to the system. In mechanical and electrical systems, eigenvalues can provide insights into system stability, whether it will oscillate indefinitely, converge to a steady state, or diverge. Thus, eigenvalues are a critical tool in analysing and predicting the long-term behaviour of physical systems described by differential equations.

The damping coefficient, often symbolised by "c", is pivotal in determining the nature of motion in a damped harmonic oscillator. When it's zero, the system exhibits simple harmonic motion without resistance. As "c" increases, the system experiences resistance, reducing its amplitude over time. If damping is too high, the system might not oscillate but slowly return to equilibrium. Understanding the damping coefficient's impact is vital for engineers to design systems that either leverage or mitigate damping effects, depending on the application.

Practice Questions

Mechanical Vibrations: A machine part is modelled as a damped harmonic oscillator with the differential equation m * x'' + c * x' + k * x = 0, where m = 2 kg, c = 3 Ns/m, and k = 4 N/m. Find the general solution for the position x(t) of the machine part.

The characteristic equation derived from the differential equation is 2r2 + 3r + 4 = 0. Using the quadratic formula, we find the roots r = (-3 ± sqrt(32 - 4 * 2 * 4)) / (2 * 2) = (-3 ± sqrt(-23)) / 4. Since the discriminant is negative, the system is underdamped, and the general solution is x(t) = e(-3t/4) * (A cos(sqrt(23)t/4) + B sin(sqrt(23)t/4)), where A and B are constants determined by initial conditions. This solution describes the position of the machine part at any time t, considering its oscillatory motion with damping.

Electrical Circuits: An RLC circuit is described by the differential equation L * i'' + R * i' + (1/C) * i = E(t), where L = 1 H, R = 2 Ω, and C = 0.5 F. If E(t) = 10 cos(2t) V, find the particular solution for the current i(t) in the circuit.

The given non-homogeneous differential equation is i'' + 2i' + 2i = 10 cos(2t). To find the particular solution, we assume a form ip(t) = A cos(2t) + B sin(2t). Substituting this into the differential equation and using trigonometric identities, we can find the values of A and B that satisfy the equation. For instance, differentiating i_p(t) with respect to t, we get i'p(t) = -2A sin(2t) + 2B cos(2t) and i''p(t) = -4A cos(2t) - 4B sin(2t). Substituting these into the original equation, we can equate the coefficients of the sine and cosine terms to find A and B, providing the particular solution ip(t) = A cos(2t) + B sin(2t). This solution describes the forced response of the current in the RLC circuit due to the sinusoidal voltage source.

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