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5.1.4 Implicit Differentiation

Introduction to Implicit Differentiation

Implicit differentiation is particularly useful when dealing with equations that describe curves or relationships between variables, but are not easily solved for one variable in terms of the other. It involves differentiating each term of the equation with respect to the independent variable, while treating the dependent variable as a function of the independent variable. This technique builds upon the basic differentiation rules that are foundational to calculus.

Understanding Second Derivative and Concavity

The second derivative, symbolised as d2y/dx2, represents the rate of change of the rate of change of a function. It provides insights into the concavity of a function, indicating whether the function is concave up (shaped like a U) or concave down (shaped like an upside-down U) on various intervals.

  • Concave Up: If d2y/dx2 > 0, the function is concave up.
  • Concave Down: If d2y/dx2 < 0, the function is concave down.

Concavity and the second derivative provide valuable insights into the behaviour of a function, revealing information about its inflection points, maxima, and minima, which are pivotal in various scientific and engineering applications. Understanding these concepts is enhanced by a solid grasp of techniques of integration, as they are closely related.

Applications of Implicit Differentiation

Example 1: Engineering

In engineering, implicit differentiation can be used to determine how varying one physical property (such as pressure) might impact another (such as volume) when they are related through an equation that does not explicitly define one as a function of the other. For instance, if P and V are related through an equation like PV = nRT (Ideal Gas Law), implicit differentiation can find dP/dV, providing insights into how pressure changes with volume under certain conditions.

Example 2: Economics

In economics, implicit differentiation can be applied to understand how two economic variables are related. For instance, if total cost (C) and output (Q) are related through a cost function that does not explicitly define C as a function of Q, implicit differentiation can be used to find dC/dQ, which represents the marginal cost, a crucial concept in economic theory and practice. This application draws on the understanding of differentiation of exponential and logarithmic functions, as these types of functions frequently appear in economic models.

Example 3: Biology

In biology, particularly in modeling population dynamics, implicit differentiation can be used to find the rate of change of one variable with respect to another, even when their relationship is not explicitly defined. For instance, if the population size (P) and time (T) are related through a logistic growth model that does not explicitly define P as a function of T, implicit differentiation can be used to find dP/dT, providing insights into how the population size changes over time.

Example 4: Physics

In physics, implicit differentiation is often used to find the rate of change of one variable with respect to another when their relationship is given by an equation that does not explicitly define one variable as a function of the other. For instance, if position (s) and time (t) are related through an equation like s = ut + 0.5at2, implicit differentiation can be used to find ds/dt, which represents velocity, a fundamental concept in kinematics. The study of differentiation of trigonometric functions often complements this, given the prevalence of trigonometric functions in physics.

Example 5: Environmental Science

In environmental science, implicit differentiation can be used to model the relationship between various environmental factors. For instance, if pollution level (P) and industrial activity (A) are related through an equation that does not explicitly define P as a function of A, implicit differentiation can be used to find dP/dA, providing insights into how changes in industrial activity might impact pollution levels. Environmental models might also benefit from understanding second-order differential equations for more complex interactions.


Implicit differentiation is a versatile mathematical tool that finds application across various fields, providing valuable insights into the relationships between different variables and enabling the modeling and analysis of complex systems. From the physical sciences to the arts, implicit differentiation allows researchers, scientists, and artists to explore the intricate interdependencies between variables, even when their explicit relationship is not known. This facilitates the development of theories, models, and creations that enhance our understanding and ability to navigate the complexities of the natural world, society, and creative expression.


Absolutely, higher-order derivatives can be found using implicit differentiation. After finding the first derivative (dy/dx) using implicit differentiation, to find higher-order derivatives, you would differentiate (dy/dx) implicitly with respect to x again. This process might introduce new terms and typically results in an expression involving both y and dy/dx. It’s crucial to express the second derivative (d2y/dx2) in terms of x and y for clarity and to possibly use in further applications or analyses.

The chain rule is pivotal in implicit differentiation. When we differentiate a term involving y with respect to x, we use the chain rule which states that the derivative of y with respect to x is the derivative of y with respect to some intermediate variable times the derivative of that intermediate variable with respect to x. In the context of implicit differentiation, we write this as (dy/dx) = (dy/du) * (du/dx), where u is some function of x. This allows us to find the derivative of y with respect to x even when y is not explicitly defined as a function of x.

Yes, implicit differentiation can be applied to equations involving more than two variables. When dealing with multiple variables, partial derivatives come into play. For instance, if we have an equation involving x, y, and z, and we wish to find the rate at which y changes with respect to x (while keeping z constant), we would use the partial derivative ∂y/∂x. The method remains the same: differentiate each term with respect to x, keeping in mind that y and z are functions of x, and apply the chain rule when differentiating terms involving y or z.

Implicit differentiation is particularly useful when we have equations where the dependent and independent variables are not clearly separated, or when it is difficult to express y explicitly as a function of x. In explicit differentiation, we have y expressed as a function of x (e.g., y = x2 + 3x + 2) and we can directly apply standard differentiation rules. However, in implicit differentiation, we differentiate each term of the equation with respect to x while treating y as an implicit function of x, often resulting in an expression involving dy/dx.

In related rates problems, two or more quantities, which are related by an equation, are changing with respect to time. Implicit differentiation is used to find the rate of change of one quantity with respect to time, given the rate of change of another quantity. After setting up an equation relating the quantities, differentiate each term of the equation with respect to time (t), using implicit differentiation. This often involves using the chain rule, as the terms being differentiated are usually not explicit functions of time. The resulting equation can then be used to solve for the desired rate of change.

Practice Questions

Differentiate the following equation implicitly with respect to x: x^2 + y^2 = 25.

To differentiate the given equation implicitly with respect to x, we apply the derivative to each term separately. Differentiating x2 with respect to x gives 2x. For the term y2, we use the chain rule: the derivative of y2 with respect to y is 2y, and we multiply this by the derivative of y with respect to x (denoted dy/dx or y'). The equation becomes: 2x + 2y(dy/dx) = 0. Solving for dy/dx, we get dy/dx = -x/y. Therefore, the derivative of the equation x2 + y2 = 25 with respect to x is dy/dx = -x/y.

Given the equation xy = 5, find the second derivative, d^2y/dx^2, in terms of x and y.

Firstly, we implicitly differentiate the equation xy = 5 with respect to x to find the first derivative dy/dx. Applying the product rule (d(uv)/dx = u(dv/dx) + v(du/dx)) where u = x and v = y, we get: x(dy/dx) + y(1) = 0. Solving for dy/dx, we obtain dy/dx = -y/x. Next, to find the second derivative d2y/dx2, we implicitly differentiate dy/dx = -y/x with respect to x. Utilising the quotient rule (d(u/v)/dx = (v(du/dx) - u(dv/dx))/v2) where u = -y and v = x, we get: d2y/dx2 = (x(dy/dx) + y)/(x2). Substituting dy/dx = -y/x into the equation, we find d2y/dx2 = (x(-y/x) + y)/(x2) = y/x2 . So, d2y/dx2 = y/x2.

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