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IB DP Maths AI HL Study Notes

4.1.2 Data Representation

Cumulative Frequency

Cumulative frequency provides a cumulative total of the frequencies within data classes, offering a perspective on the distribution and spread of data points across a dataset.

Understanding Cumulative Frequency

  • Definition: Cumulative frequency is the running total of the frequencies, providing a tally that accumulates across the data classes.
  • Purpose: It aids in determining the number of observations below a particular data point, offering insights into data distribution.
  • Graph: The cumulative frequency graph, also known as an ogive, is a curve that represents cumulative data, providing a visual representation of data distribution.

Constructing a Cumulative Frequency Table

Constructing a cumulative frequency table involves several key steps:

  • Step 1: Organise the data into classes, ensuring that each data point falls into a specific category or range.
  • Step 2: Tally the data points in each class, counting the number of occurrences.
  • Step 3: Add the frequencies cumulatively, providing a running total of the frequencies.
  • Step 4: Record the cumulative frequencies in a table, offering a structured view of the data.

Example Question 1: Cumulative Frequency Table

Given the data: 5, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, create a cumulative frequency table.

Answer: Organise the data into classes (5-6, 7-8, 9-10), tally the data points, add frequencies cumulatively (3, 7, 10), and record in a table, providing a clear, structured view of the data distribution.

Plotting a Cumulative Frequency Graph

Plotting involves several key considerations:

  • X-axis: Represents the upper class boundaries, providing a scale for the data classes.
  • Y-axis: Represents the cumulative frequencies, providing a scale for the running total of frequencies.
  • Plot: Points are plotted and joined with a smooth curve, offering a visual representation of the cumulative frequency.

Example Question 2: Cumulative Frequency Graph

Using the cumulative frequency table from Example Question 1, plot the graph.

Answer: Plot points (6,3), (8,7), and (10,10), and join them with a smooth curve, providing a visual representation of the cumulative frequency across the data classes.


Histograms are graphical representations that offer a visual perspective on the distribution of a dataset, providing insights into the probability distribution of a continuous variable.

Understanding Histograms

  • Definition: A histogram is a bar graph that represents frequency data, offering a visual representation of data distribution.
  • Purpose: It showcases the underlying frequency distribution of a set of continuous or discrete data, providing insights into data spread and central tendency.
  • Key Components: Bins (or classes), frequencies, and bars, each offering a perspective on data distribution and frequency.

Constructing a Histogram

Constructing a histogram involves several key steps:

  • Step 1: Divide the data into classes or bins, ensuring that each data point falls into a specific category or range.
  • Step 2: Determine the frequency of each class, counting the number of occurrences.
  • Step 3: Draw rectangles with class intervals on the X-axis and frequencies on the Y-axis, providing a visual representation of the data.

Example Question 3: Creating a Histogram

Given the data: 5, 7, 8, 9, 6, 7, 8, 5, 6, 7, create a histogram.

Answer: Divide the data into bins (5-6, 7-8, 9-10), determine frequencies (3, 4, 3), and draw rectangles with class intervals and respective frequencies, providing a visual representation of the data distribution.

Analysing Histograms

Analysing histograms involves considering several key aspects:

  • Shape: Consider the symmetry, skewness, and modality of the distribution, providing insights into data distribution and spread.
  • Spread: Consider the range and interquartile range, offering insights into data variability.
  • Central Tendency: Consider the mean, median, and mode, providing insights into the central data point.

Example Question 4: Analysing a Histogram

Analyse the histogram created in Example Question 3.

Answer: Consider the shape (somewhat symmetric), spread (data ranges from 5 to 9), and central tendency (modal class is 7-8), providing a comprehensive view of the data distribution and central data point.


The cumulative frequency graph, or ogive, might be preferred over a histogram in instances where understanding the distribution of data points below a certain value is crucial. The ogive provides a running total of frequencies, offering insights into the cumulative distribution of data, which can be particularly useful in determining medians or percentiles. It provides a clear visual representation of how the cumulative frequency changes across data classes, making it easier to interpret and analyse the distribution of data, especially in relation to values below a certain data point.

Outliers, or extreme values, can significantly skew the representation of data in histograms and cumulative frequency graphs. In a histogram, an outlier may create a bin with a notably higher or lower frequency than the others, potentially misrepresenting the overall data distribution. In cumulative frequency graphs, outliers can distort the shape of the ogive, particularly towards the higher end of the data set, which might mislead interpretations about the data distribution. It’s crucial to identify and potentially manage outliers to ensure that data representations provide accurate and meaningful insights into the underlying data distribution.

Yes, a histogram can provide valuable insights into the skewness and modality of a data distribution. Skewness refers to the asymmetry of the distribution: a right-skewed (positively skewed) distribution has a longer right tail, while a left-skewed (negatively skewed) distribution has a longer left tail. Modality refers to the number of peaks or modes in the distribution: a unimodal distribution has one peak, bimodal has two, and multimodal has two or more. By visually assessing the shape, tails, and peaks of a histogram, one can infer the skewness and modality of the data distribution, providing insights into the data’s characteristics.

A bar chart and a histogram both visually represent data using rectangular bars, but they serve different purposes and are used for different types of data. A bar chart is used for categorical data and the bars are typically separated to indicate that the categories are distinct. On the other hand, a histogram is used for numerical data, particularly continuous data, and the bars are usually adjacent, indicating that the data ranges are connected. Choose a bar chart when dealing with distinct categories and a histogram when working with continuous or numerical data to accurately represent the data distribution.

The width of the bins in a histogram significantly influences the visual interpretation of the data. If the bins are too wide, important variations in the data may be obscured, and the histogram may not accurately reflect the distribution. Conversely, if the bins are too narrow, the histogram may portray noise (random variation) as opposed to an underlying pattern, making it difficult to interpret. Striking a balance is crucial. The choice of bin width should ideally smooth out the noise but not the genuine variation, providing a clear, insightful depiction of the data distribution.

Practice Questions

A researcher collected data on the monthly rainfall (in mm) in a region for a year and recorded as follows: 120, 150, 180, 200, 170, 160, 140, 130, 160, 180, 200, 210. Construct a histogram to represent this data.

To construct a histogram, firstly, we need to organise the data into classes or bins. Let's choose bins of width 30 mm, starting from 120 mm to 210 mm. Thus, we have bins: 120-150, 150-180, 180-210. Next, we count the frequency of data points in each bin: 120-150 (2), 150-180 (4), 180-210 (6). Now, we draw rectangles for each bin on the X-axis and their respective frequencies on the Y-axis. Ensure that the width of the rectangles corresponds to the bin width and the height corresponds to the frequency. The histogram visually represents the distribution of monthly rainfall data.

Given the following data set representing the scores out of 100 of 30 students in a maths test: [85, 90, 78, 92, 86, 74, 88, 95, 89, 76, 92, 85, 89, 90, 76, 84, 92, 88, 75, 87, 93, 85, 78, 90, 92, 88, 85, 89, 90, 92], construct a cumulative frequency table and use it to estimate the median score.

Firstly, organise the scores into classes, for instance, 70-79, 80-89, 90-100. Then, tally the scores in each class: 70-79 (5), 80-89 (12), 90-100 (13). Next, calculate the cumulative frequencies: 70-79 (5), 80-89 (17), 90-100 (30). To estimate the median, find the middle score position, which is the 15th score for 30 students. The cumulative frequency just greater than half the total frequency (15) is 17, which lies in the class 80-89. Thus, the median score is estimated to be in the class 80-89. This method of estimating the median through cumulative frequency is effective in quickly assessing the central tendency of grouped data.

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