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3.5.2 Applications

Nearest Neighbour Problems

Defining the Concept

Nearest neighbour problems revolve around identifying the point in a given set that is closest to a particular point in space. Voronoi diagrams facilitate this by partitioning the plane into regions, each of which is defined by all points closer to a particular point (or "site") in the set than to any other.

Application in Post Office Problem

Imagine a city where residents seek to find their nearest post office. Representing each post office as a point in a Voronoi diagram, the city becomes partitioned into regions, each of which contains all points closer to its associated post office than to any other. A resident can thus determine their nearest post office by identifying their residing region.

Robotics and Pathfinding

In robotics, Voronoi diagrams assist in pathfinding by helping robots avoid obstacles and navigate through open spaces. By identifying paths that maximize the minimum distance to obstacles, robots can navigate safely and efficiently through various environments, avoiding collisions and ensuring optimal pathfinding.

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

In GIS, Voronoi diagrams are employed to solve nearest neighbour problems related to spatial locations, such as identifying the nearest city for a given location, or determining the closest utility point (like a water tower or power grid) for specific geographic coordinates. This application is pivotal for planning, resource allocation, and various analyses in urban development and environmental science.

Optimization Problems

Facility Location and Accessibility

In the realm of optimization, Voronoi diagrams find a significant application in facility location problems. When a new facility, such as a warehouse or hospital, needs to be placed in a location that maximizes accessibility or coverage, Voronoi diagrams can help identify such optimal locations by analysing the spatial distribution of potential users and existing facilities, ensuring that the new facility fills a gap in coverage and is accessible to as many users as possible.

Network Design and Signal Distribution

In telecommunications network design, Voronoi diagrams assist in optimizing the placement of transmission towers or routers to ensure maximum coverage and minimal signal interference. By identifying regions of influence for each transmission point, network designers can ensure that users are always connected to the nearest or strongest signal source, thereby optimizing signal strength and distribution across the network.

Agricultural Resource Allocation

In agriculture, Voronoi diagrams can optimize resource allocation, such as irrigation or fertilizer distribution, by partitioning a field based on proximity to resource distribution points. This ensures that resources are utilized efficiently, minimizing waste and ensuring optimal growth conditions for crops, thereby optimizing yield and resource usage.

Material Science and Crystallography

In material science, Voronoi diagrams are used to analyse the microstructure of materials, particularly in the study of crystalline structures. By modelling the spatial distribution of atoms or molecules in a material, scientists can gain insights into the material’s properties, such as its strength, ductility, and conductivity, thereby enabling the development of new materials with desired properties.

Example Question 1: Post Office Problem

Consider a town with post offices located at points A(2, 3), B(5, 7), and C(8, 3) on a coordinate plane. If a resident lives at point P(4, 5), which post office is nearest to them?

Solution: To solve this, we can use the distance formula to calculate the distance between point P and each post office: Distance = sqrt((x2 - x1)2 + (y2 - y1)2) Calculating the distances:

  • PA = sqrt((4 - 2)2 + (5 - 3)2) = sqrt(8)
  • PB = sqrt((4 - 5)2 + (5 - 7)2) = sqrt(5)
  • PC = sqrt((4 - 8)2 + (5 - 3)2) = sqrt(20)

Thus, post office B is the nearest to resident P.

Example Question 2: Optimizing Facility Location

Given three towns with populations at points A(3, 4), B(6, 8), and C(9, 4), where should a new facility (e.g., a hospital) be placed to be equidistant from all three towns?

Solution: To find a point equidistant from A, B, and C, we can find the circumcenter of the triangle ABC, which is equidistant from all vertices of the triangle. The circumcenter can be found using perpendicular bisectors of the triangle’s sides. However, for simplicity and considering the application aspect, we might consider the centroid (the intersection of the medians) as a good approximation for equal accessibility, especially when populations are similar.

Calculating the centroid G: Gx = (x1 + x2 + x3) / 3 Gy = (y1 + y2 + y3) / 3 Substituting the coordinates of A, B, and C: Gx = (3 + 6 + 9) / 3 = 6 Gy = (4 + 8 + 4) / 3 = 16/3

Thus, placing the facility at G(6, 16/3) ensures it is approximately equidistant from towns A, B, and C.


Voronoi Diagrams play a pivotal role in urban planning by aiding in the optimal location of public facilities and resources such as schools, parks, and emergency services. By representing existing facilities as points, a Voronoi Diagram partitions a city into regions, each of which is closer to one facility than to any other. This assists urban planners in identifying areas that are underserved by existing facilities and in determining the optimal locations for new facilities to ensure equal accessibility for all residents. This ensures that public resources are distributed equitably and efficiently across the city, enhancing the quality of life for all residents and contributing to sustainable urban development.

Voronoi Diagrams are instrumental in astronomy for studying the spatial distribution of stars within clusters and galaxies. By representing each star as a point, astronomers can create a Voronoi Diagram that partitions the space into cells, each containing one star and all points closer to that star than to any other. This allows astronomers to analyse the density and distribution of stars, identify patterns and anomalies, and gain insights into the processes governing star formation and galaxy evolution. Furthermore, it aids in identifying clusters and understanding the structural and dynamical properties of star clusters and galaxies, providing valuable insights into the workings of the universe.

In epidemiology, Voronoi Diagrams are utilized to study and manage the spread of diseases by analysing the spatial distribution of cases and optimizing the allocation of healthcare resources. By representing each case or healthcare facility (like hospitals or clinics) as a point, a Voronoi Diagram partitions the area into regions, each associated with one point and containing all locations closer to that point than to any other. This enables epidemiologists to identify clusters of cases, assess the accessibility of healthcare facilities, and optimize the placement of new facilities or resources. Furthermore, it aids in developing and implementing targeted intervention strategies, such as localized lockdowns or vaccination drives, thereby contributing to effective disease management and control.

In environmental science, Voronoi Diagrams are employed to analyse and optimize wildlife tracking and conservation efforts. By placing tracking devices on various animals within a species, scientists can create Voronoi Diagrams that partition a geographical area into regions, each associated with one tracked animal. These regions can provide insights into the animals’ territories and movement patterns, helping scientists understand their behaviour, habitat usage, and interactions. This data is crucial for developing conservation strategies, such as identifying and protecting critical habitats, ensuring connectivity between habitats, and managing human-wildlife conflict, thereby contributing to effective wildlife conservation and management.

Voronoi Diagrams find utility in the airline industry by aiding in optimizing flight paths and ensuring minimal interference between different flight routes. Air traffic controllers utilize Voronoi Diagrams to establish regions of control around airports and along flight paths. Each region is associated with a control tower or a navigation beacon, ensuring that an aircraft is always communicating with its nearest control point. This ensures efficient communication, minimizes the risk of interference or collision, and aids in rerouting flights dynamically in response to changing conditions like weather or air traffic, thereby ensuring safe and efficient air travel.

Practice Questions

A town has three hospitals located at points A(2, 3), B(5, 7), and C(8, 3) on a coordinate plane. The town council wants to build a new emergency response unit at a point that is equidistant from all three hospitals to ensure equal access in case of emergencies. Determine the coordinates of the point where the emergency response unit should be built.

The solution to this problem involves finding a point that is equidistant from all three given points, A, B, and C. One approach to find such a point is to determine the circumcenter of the triangle formed by these three points. The circumcenter is the point where the perpendicular bisectors of the sides of the triangle intersect, and it is equidistant from all three vertices of the triangle. To find the perpendicular bisectors, we can use the midpoint formula and slope formula to find the midpoints and slopes of the segments AB, BC, and CA. Then, we find the equations of the lines perpendicular to these segments and passing through the midpoints. The point of intersection of these perpendicular bisectors will be the circumcenter, which is equidistant from A, B, and C. Calculations would involve algebraic methods to solve the system of equations formed by the perpendicular bisectors.

First, let's find the midpoints and slopes for segments AB and BC:

Midpoint of AB (M1) is (3.5, 5), Slope of AB (mAB) is (7-3)/(5-2) = 4/3, Slope of the perpendicular bisector of AB (m1) is -1/mAB = -3/4,Midpoint of BC (M2) is (6.5, 5),Slope of BC (mBC) is (3-7)/(8-5) = -4/3,Slope of the perpendicular bisector of BC (m2) is -1/mBC = ¾. Now, let's find the equations of the perpendicular bisectors: Equation of the line through M1(3.5, 5) with slope m1: y = -3/4 * x + 29/4 ... (i) Equation of the line through M2(6.5, 5) with slope m2: y = 3/4 * x + 11/4 ... (ii) To find the circumcenter, we solve these two equations simultaneously: -3/4 * x + 29/4 = 3/4 * x + 11/4. Solving for x: -3x = 3x - 18, x = 3. Substituting x = 3 into equation (i) to find y: y = -3/4 * (3) + 29/4, y = 5. So, the circumcenter, or the point equidistant from A, B, and C, is (3, 5). This is where the town council should build the new emergency response unit to ensure equal access from all three hospitals.

A company wants to set up a new store and is considering locations in a city. The potential customers are located at points P1(3, 4), P2(6, 8), and P3(9, 4). Using Voronoi Diagram principles, determine a region in which to place the store such that it is closer to all the customers in that region than any other existing store. Assume there are existing stores at points S1(2, 2) and S2(8, 7).

To solve this problem, we can construct a Voronoi Diagram for the existing stores S1 and S2. The Voronoi Diagram will partition the plane into regions, each of which consists of all points closer to one store than to the other. Once the Voronoi Diagram is constructed, we can identify the region in which all the potential customers P1, P2, and P3 are located. The new store should be placed within this region to ensure that it is closer to all these customers than any other existing store. Constructing the Voronoi Diagram involves finding the perpendicular bisector of the segment connecting S1 and S2 and identifying the region in which P1, P2, and P3 are located. Calculations would involve geometric and algebraic methods to determine the equation of the perpendicular bisector and to identify the desired region.

Find the Perpendicular Bisectors:

We'll find the lines that are equidistant between each customer point and each existing store. These lines are:

  • Between P1 and S1: Starts at (3, 4) and goes through (2.5, 3)
  • Between P2 and S1: Starts at (6, 8) and goes through (4, 5)
  • Between P3 and S1: Starts at (9, 4) and goes through (5.5, 3)
  • Between P1 and S2: Starts at (3, 4) and goes through (5.5, 5.5)
  • Between P2 and S2: Starts at (6, 8) and goes through (7, 7.5)
  • Between P3 and S2: Starts at (9, 4) and goes through (8.5, 5.5)

Determine the Voronoi Regions:

The area bounded by these lines and closer to a customer point than any existing store is called the Voronoi region for that customer point.

Choose the Best Region:

The new store should be placed within the Voronoi region of a customer point that is most important based on factors like population density. If all customer points are equally important, the store can be placed at the intersection of multiple regions to serve multiple customer points.

Given the bisectors, you can draw the Voronoi regions on a map and choose the best region for the new store based on the company's priorities.

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