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3.4.1 Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Arcsin: The Inverse Sine Function

Defining Arcsin

Arcsin, denoted as sin(-1)(x) or asin(x), is the inverse function of sine. It is employed to determine the angle whose sine is x. The domain for arcsin is -1 <= x <= 1, and it yields angles in the range -pi/2 <= sin(-1)(x) <= pi/2.

Properties and Characteristics

  • Symmetry: Arcsin is an odd function, meaning sin(-1)(-x) = -sin(-1)(x).
  • Periodicity: Unlike sine, arcsin is not periodic.
  • Derivative: The derivative of arcsin is d/dx sin(-1)(x) = 1/sqrt(1 - x2). For more details on the differentiation of trigonometric functions, see Differentiation of Trigonometric Functions.

Practical Applications

Arcsin is widely used in physics, particularly in wave mechanics and harmonic motions, to determine phase angles and to describe oscillatory phenomena.

Example 1: Utilising Arcsin in Problem Solving

Consider a scenario where a pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion described by the equation x(t) = A sin(omega t + phi), where x(t) is the displacement at time t, A is the amplitude, omega is the angular frequency, and phi is the phase constant. If the pendulum is at position 5 m when t = 0, find the phase constant phi.

Given that x(0) = 5 m, substituting t = 0 into the equation: 5 = A sin(phi)

To find phi, we take the arcsin of 5/A (assuming A is not less than 5): phi = sin(-1)(5/A)

For complex scenarios involving trigonometric equations, consult Solving Trigonometric Equations.

Arccos: The Inverse Cosine Function

Defining Arccos

Arccos, denoted as cos(-1)(x) or acos(x), is the inverse function of cosine. It is used to find the angle whose cosine is x. The domain for arccos is -1 <= x <= 1, and it returns angles in the range 0 <= cos(-1)(x) <= pi.

Properties and Characteristics

  • Symmetry: Arccos is an even function, implying cos(-1)(-x) = cos(-1)(x).
  • Periodicity: Arccos is not periodic.
  • Derivative: The derivative of arccos is d/dx cos(-1)(x) = -1/sqrt(1 - x2).

Practical Applications

Arccos finds its applications in various fields like engineering and computer science, especially in problems related to vector dot products and analysing algorithms.

Example 2: Employing Arccos in Vector Analysis

Given two vectors A and B, if we know the dot product and magnitudes of the vectors, we can find the angle theta between them using the formula: cos(theta) = (A . B)/(|A||B|)

To find theta, we take the arccos of the above expression: theta = cos(-1)((A . B)/(|A||B|))

Understanding Trigonometric Identities can further aid in vector analysis.

Arctan: The Inverse Tangent Function

Defining Arctan

Arctan, denoted as tan(-1)(x) or atan(x), is the inverse function of tangent. It is used to find the angle whose tangent is x. Arctan accepts all real numbers as its domain and returns angles in the range -pi/2 < tan(-1)(x) < pi/2.

Properties and Characteristics

  • Symmetry: Arctan is an odd function, meaning tan(-1)(-x) = -tan(-1)(x).
  • Periodicity: Arctan is not periodic.
  • Derivative: The derivative of arctan is d/dx tan(-1)(x) = 1/(1 + x2).

Practical Applications

Arctan is frequently used in calculus, physics, and engineering, especially in problems related to rate of change and slope of curves, and analysing phase shifts in electrical circuits.

Example 3: Utilising Arctan in Calculus

Consider finding the integral of a function f(x) = 1/(1 + x2).

Using the arctan function, the integral is: ∫ f(x) dx = ∫ 1/(1 + x2) dx = tan(-1)(x) + C where C is the constant of integration. This example illustrates the application of Integration of Trigonometric Functions.

For comprehensive understanding, exploring Inverse Functions can provide deeper insight into the mathematical principles underlying inverse trigonometric functions. These concepts are not only pivotal in trigonometry but also form the foundation for more advanced topics in mathematics.

Understanding the properties and applications of inverse trigonometric functions is crucial for solving various mathematical problems and is essential knowledge for students of IB Maths. For further exploration of related topics, such as the application of these functions in real-world scenarios, consult the section on Applications.


The derivative of the arctan function, d/dx arctan(x) = 1/(1 + x2), has a geometric interpretation related to the unit circle. If we consider a point P(x, y) on the unit circle, the slope of the line OP, where O is the origin, is equal to y/x. Now, if we let theta be the angle that OP makes with the positive x-axis, then y = sin(theta) and x = cos(theta), and so y/x = tan(theta). Thus, the slope of OP is tan(theta). The derivative of arctan(x) gives the rate of change of the angle theta with respect to x, which is the slope of the line tangent to the curve y = arctan(x) at any point (x, arctan(x)). This derivative is equal to the reciprocal of the square of the secant of theta, 1/(sec2(theta)), which simplifies to cos2(theta) due to the Pythagorean identity sin2(theta) + cos2(theta) = 1 and the identity 1/cos(theta) = sec(theta).

The range of inverse trigonometric functions is restricted to ensure that they are bijective, meaning they are both injective (no horizontal line intersects the graph more than once) and surjective (they cover the entire range). This restriction is crucial because, without it, the function would not have a unique output for each input, violating the definition of a function. For example, the sine function is periodic and takes all values from -1 to 1 infinitely many times as it repeats every 2pi. However, its inverse, arcsin, must give a unique angle for each sine value, so its range is restricted to [-pi/2, pi/2], where it is monotonically increasing and covers all values from -1 to 1 exactly once. This ensures that every possible output of the sine function has a unique inverse under the arcsin function. Similarly, the ranges of arccos and arctan are restricted to [0, pi] and (-pi/2, pi/2), respectively, ensuring their bijectiveness.

Yes, inverse trigonometric functions can be expressed as power series through a method known as Taylor series expansion. For instance, the Taylor series expansion for arctan(x) is derived by integrating the geometric series for 1/(1 + x2), which is 1 - x2 + x4 - x6 + ... . The integral of this series, term by term, gives the Taylor series for arctan(x), which is x - x3/3 + x5/5 - x7/7 + ... . This representation is particularly useful in numerical analysis and approximating the values of the inverse trigonometric functions for certain inputs. It provides a means to calculate the function values to a desired degree of accuracy by including more terms from the series.

Inverse trigonometric functions, particularly arcsin, arccos, and arctan, find substantial applications in navigation, especially in determining the direction or path along which a vehicle or an individual should move to reach a particular destination. For instance, sailors and pilots often utilise these functions to calculate the angle of elevation to a star or planet, and subsequently determine their path or direction. When the coordinates of the starting point and destination are known, arctan can be used to calculate the bearing or azimuthal angle, which is the angle between the north and the line from the starting point to the destination. This angle, crucial for navigation, helps in setting the course direction accurately, ensuring that the vehicle or individual reaches the desired location efficiently.

Inverse trigonometric functions have a profound relationship with complex numbers, particularly through Euler's formula, which states that e(ix) = cos(x) + i sin(x), where i is the imaginary unit. The arctan function, for instance, can be used to find the argument of a complex number. If z is a complex number such that z = x + yi, where x and y are real numbers, then the argument of z, denoted arg(z), can be found using arctan as arg(z) = arctan(y/x). Furthermore, the arcsin and arccos functions can be used to express complex numbers in trigonometric form, which is particularly useful in operations like multiplication and division of complex numbers, as well as in finding their powers and roots.

Practice Questions

Determine the angle, in degrees, whose tangent is 1. Provide a detailed solution to your answer.

The question asks us to find an angle, let's call it theta, such that tan(theta) = 1. To find this angle, we can use the inverse tangent function, also known as arctan. Thus, theta = arctan(1). Using a calculator, we find that theta = 45 degrees. It's worth noting that the tangent function has a period of 180 degrees, meaning that any angle of the form theta + k*180, where k is an integer, will also satisfy the equation tan(theta) = 1. However, since the arctan function returns values in the range -90 < theta < 90, the principal value of theta is 45 degrees.

A right-angled triangle has an opposite side of length 7 units and an adjacent side of length 24 units. Find the angle opposite to the side of 7 units and provide a detailed solution to your answer.

To find the angle opposite to the side of 7 units, we can use the tangent function, which is defined as the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side in a right-angled triangle. Let's call the angle in question theta. Then, we have tan(theta) = opposite/adjacent = 7/24. To find theta, we take the inverse tangent of 7/24. Thus, theta = arctan(7/24). Using a calculator, we find that theta is approximately 16.26 degrees. This is the measure of the angle opposite to the side of 7 units in the triangle.

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