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3.2.1 Polyhedra

Introduction to Polyhedra

A polyhedron, in its most basic form, is a three-dimensional geometric figure whose faces are flat polygons. These polygons are bounded by edges and are joined together at vertices. The exploration of polyhedra involves understanding the intricate relationships between these fundamental elements and their respective properties.


Vertices are the corner points where two or more edges of a polyhedron meet. They are pivotal in defining the shape and structure of a polyhedron, providing a point of convergence for edges and faces.

Characteristics of Vertices

  • Defining Shapes: The number and arrangement of vertices play a crucial role in defining the overall shape of a polyhedron.
  • Intersection Points: Vertices serve as the intersection points for edges, determining the connectivity of the polyhedron.

Example Question on Vertices

Consider a dodecahedron. How many vertices does it have?

Solution: A dodecahedron, one of the Platonic solids, has 20 vertices. Each vertex is a point where three edges meet, forming three dihedral angles.


Edges are the straight line segments that connect vertices in a polyhedron. They serve as the boundaries for the faces and define the linear dimensions of the polyhedron.

Characteristics of Edges

  • Boundary Definers: Edges demarcate the perimeters of the faces of a polyhedron.
  • Connectivity: They provide connectivity between vertices, ensuring the structural integrity of the polyhedron.

Example Question on Edges

How many edges does a hexahedron (cube) have?

Solution: A hexahedron, commonly known as a cube, has 12 edges. Each edge is equidistant from its parallel counterpart and connects two vertices.


Faces are the flat polygonal surfaces that are enclosed by edges. They serve as the external surfaces of a polyhedron and can take various shapes, such as triangles, squares, and other polygons.

Characteristics of Faces

  • Surface Area Contributors: Faces contribute to the total surface area of a polyhedron.
  • Enclosing Surfaces: They enclose the internal space of a polyhedron, defining its volume.

Example Question on Faces

How many faces does an icosahedron have?

Solution: An icosahedron, another member of the Platonic solids, has 20 faces. Each face is an equilateral triangle.

Euler's Formula for Polyhedra

Euler's formula establishes a profound relationship between the vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) of a polyhedron. The formula is expressed as:

V - E + F = 2

Application of Euler's Formula

Example Question: Given a polyhedron with 30 edges and 12 vertices, how many faces does it have?

Solution: Applying Euler's formula: F = E - V + 2 F = 30 - 12 + 2 F = 20

Thus, the polyhedron has 20 faces.

Classification of Polyhedra

Polyhedra can be classified into various types based on their vertices, edges, and faces. These classifications enable mathematicians to categorise and study polyhedra based on their inherent properties and characteristics.

Regular Polyhedra (Platonic Solids)

Regular polyhedra, also known as Platonic solids, are polyhedra in which all faces are congruent regular polygons, and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. There are five Platonic solids: tetrahedron, hexahedron (cube), octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.

Characteristics of Platonic Solids

  • Symmetry: Platonic solids exhibit a high degree of symmetry in their structure.
  • Congruency: All faces, edges, and angles within a Platonic solid are congruent.

Semi-Regular Polyhedra (Archimedean Solids)

Semi-regular polyhedra, also known as Archimedean solids, have identical vertices and faces that are regular polygons, but not necessarily the same polygon throughout. There are 13 known Archimedean solids, each with its unique structure and properties.

Characteristics of Archimedean Solids

  • Uniform Vertices: All vertices of an Archimedean solid are identical in terms of their surrounding faces and vertices.
  • Regular Faces: The faces are regular polygons, although not all faces need to be the same type of polygon.

Prisms and Pyramids

Prisms and pyramids are two other classifications of polyhedra that are defined based on their base shapes and the arrangement of their other faces.

  • Prisms: Polyhedra with two parallel, congruent faces (bases) connected by parallelogram faces.
  • Pyramids: Polyhedra with one polygonal base and triangular faces that meet at a common vertex.

Applications of Polyhedra in Various Fields

Polyhedra find applications across various fields, providing solutions and insights into numerous practical problems and scenarios.


In architecture, polyhedra are used to design structures and buildings with specific geometric properties, ensuring stability and aesthetic appeal.


In chemistry, polyhedra help in analysing the structure of crystals and molecules, providing insights into their geometric and spatial arrangements.


In art, polyhedra are used to create sculptures and designs that exhibit aesthetic and symmetric properties, providing visual appeal and structural integrity.

Example Application

Example Question: If a crystal is in the shape of a hexahedron (cube), and each edge is 4 cm long, what is the surface area of the crystal?

Solution: The surface area A of a cube with edge length s is given by: A = 6s2 A = 6 x (4 cm)2 A = 6 x 16 cm2 A = 96 cm2

Thus, the crystal has a surface area of 96 cm².


Polyhedra are widely used in architecture due to their geometric stability and aesthetic properties. Architects utilise the symmetrical and geometrical properties of polyhedra to create structures that are both stable and visually appealing. For instance, geodesic domes, which are composed of a network of triangles, are used in constructing buildings and shelters due to their ability to distribute structural stress. Additionally, polyhedra are used to create aesthetically pleasing designs and patterns in architectural elements like facades, partitions, and ceilings. The exploration of polyhedra in architecture also extends to studying their tessellation and packing properties, which can inform the design of complex structures and spaces.

In the field of chemistry, particularly in crystallography, polyhedra play a pivotal role in understanding the geometric and spatial arrangement of atoms within crystals. The faces, edges, and vertices of polyhedra can represent atomic planes, bonds, and atoms respectively, providing a geometric model to visualise and study the structure of crystals. For example, the arrangement of atoms in a crystal lattice can be modelled using polyhedra, where each vertex represents an atom and the edges represent bonds between them. This geometric representation aids chemists in analysing and predicting the properties, stability, and behaviour of crystalline materials, thereby facilitating the development of new materials and compounds.

Polyhedra have been a source of inspiration in art and design due to their geometric beauty and symmetry. Artists and designers utilise the various shapes and symmetries of polyhedra to create sculptures, jewellery, and other design elements that exhibit a blend of mathematical precision and aesthetic appeal. The regularity and symmetry of polyhedra, especially the Platonic and Archimedean solids, have been employed in creating visually striking and structurally stable designs. Moreover, polyhedra can be used to explore tessellations and spatial arrangements in design, providing a rich geometric vocabulary for artists and designers to express their creativity and explore new design possibilities.

The study of polyhedra significantly enhances our understanding of spatial geometry by providing tangible models that represent geometric principles in three-dimensional space. Polyhedra, with their vertices, edges, and faces, offer insights into the properties and relationships of shapes in space, such as connectivity, symmetry, surface area, and volume. Exploring the properties and classifications of polyhedra, such as Euler's formula and the various types of regular and semi-regular polyhedra, allows us to understand the inherent relationships and properties of three-dimensional shapes. This understanding is crucial in various fields, including mathematics, physics, and engineering, where spatial reasoning and the application of geometric principles are pivotal.

The Platonic solids hold a special place in the study of polyhedra due to their high degree of symmetry and aesthetic appeal. Each of the five Platonic solids - the tetrahedron, hexahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron - exhibits a unique and identical arrangement of faces, edges, and vertices. Their faces are congruent regular polygons, and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. These properties make them a subject of fascination and study in various fields, including mathematics, physics, and art. The Platonic solids serve as a foundation for exploring symmetry, regularity, and stability in three-dimensional space, providing insights into geometric properties and spatial arrangements.

Practice Questions

A regular dodecahedron is a polyhedron with twelve faces, where each face is a regular pentagon. If each edge of a dodecahedron is of length 4 cm, find the total length of all the edges of the dodecahedron.

The total length of all the edges of a dodecahedron can be found by multiplying the length of one edge by the total number of edges. A regular dodecahedron has 30 edges. Therefore, if each edge is 4 cm long, the total length L of all the edges is given by the formula: L = number of edges x length of one edge. Substituting the values we have, L = 30 x 4 cm = 120 cm. So, the total length of all the edges of the dodecahedron is 120 cm.

A polyhedron has 7 vertices and 12 edges. Use Euler’s formula to determine the number of faces on the polyhedron.

Euler's formula establishes a relationship between the vertices (V), edges (E), and faces (F) of a polyhedron, expressed as: V - E + F = 2. To find the number of faces (F) when the vertices (V) are 7 and the edges (E) are 12, we rearrange the formula to solve for F: F = E - V + 2. Substituting the given values, F = 12 - 7 + 2 = 7. Therefore, the polyhedron has 7 faces. This demonstrates an application of Euler’s formula in determining the number of faces of a polyhedron given the number of vertices and edges, showcasing the interconnected relationship between these fundamental elements.

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