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2.3.3 Real-world Scenarios

Population Models

Population models are pivotal in predicting the dynamics of population sizes over time, providing crucial insights for planning and decision-making in various sectors such as healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Exponential Growth Model

The Exponential Growth Model is widely used to describe populations that experience growth proportional to their current size. This model is particularly applicable in scenarios where resources are abundant and environmental factors do not significantly impede growth. For a deeper understanding, explore our detailed notes on exponential functions.

In the Exponential Growth Model, the population at any given time (P(t)) is calculated by multiplying the initial population (P0) by the exponential of the product of the rate of growth (r) and time (t). This model assumes continuous growth without any constraints, which may not always be realistic in natural scenarios where resources can be limited. The exponential growth's basis, the rate of growth (r), is fundamentally connected to logarithmic functions, which provide the mathematical foundation for understanding growth rates.

Example and Solution Strategy

Consider a bacterial colony that doubles its population every hour. If the initial population is 1000 bacteria, the population after t hours can be calculated using the Exponential Growth Model. The rate of growth (r) in this case would be the natural logarithm of 2, due to the doubling nature of the growth.

Solution: Calculate the population at different time points and discuss the implications of exponential growth, considering factors like resource availability and environmental constraints.

The Exponential Growth Model is given by the formula:

P(t) = P0 * e(rt)


  • P(t) is the population at time t.
  • P0 is the initial population.
  • r is the rate of growth.
  • t is the time.

Given that the bacterial colony doubles its population every hour, the rate of growth (r) would indeed be the natural logarithm of 2, because if we substitute t = 1 (one hour into the future) into the formula, we should get twice the initial population:

P(1) = P0 * e(r * 1)

2P0 = P0 * er

Solving for r gives us:

r = ln(2)

So, if the initial population is 1000 bacteria, the population after t hours, where the population doubles every hour, can be calculated as:

P(t) = 1000 * e(ln(2) * t)

This model will give us the population of the bacteria at any time t, assuming a continuous and exponential growth that doubles every hour.

Logistic Growth Model

The Logistic Growth Model is employed in scenarios where the growth rate of a population decreases as it approaches its carrying capacity (K), which is the maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources.

In the Logistic Growth Model, the population at time t (P(t)) is calculated using a formula that considers the carrying capacity (K), initial population (P0), rate of growth (r), and time (t). This model provides a more realistic representation of population growth in natural scenarios where resources are finite.

Example and Solution Strategy

Consider a fish population in a lake with a carrying capacity of 1000 fish. If the initial population is 100 fish and the rate of growth is 0.1, the population after t years can be calculated using the Logistic Growth Model.

Solution: Calculate the population at different time points, discuss the slowing of growth as it approaches the carrying capacity, and explore factors that might influence the carrying capacity. This scenario is an excellent example of the practical application of mathematical models in understanding real-world scenarios.

Finance Models

Finance models, especially those related to compound interest and investments, play a crucial role in financial planning, providing insights into the growth or depreciation of capital over time.

Compound Interest Model

The Compound Interest Model calculates the future value (A) of an investment or loan based on the initial principal (P), rate of interest (r), and time period (t). This model is fundamental in understanding the appreciation of investments or the accruing of interest on loans over time. The principles behind this model are further detailed in our notes on compound interest.

Example and Solution Strategy

Suppose you invest £1000 at an annual interest rate of 5%, compounded monthly, for 5 years. The future value of the investment can be calculated using the Compound Interest Model, considering the compounding frequency.

Solution: Calculate the future value and discuss the impact of compound interest on investments, considering various factors like inflation and market conditions.

To calculate the future value of an investment with interest compounded more frequently than annually, we use the formula:

A = P * (1 + r/n)(n*t)


  • A is the amount of money accumulated after n years, including interest.
  • P is the principal amount (£1000).
  • r is the annual interest rate (decimal) (5% = 0.05).
  • n is the number of times that interest is compounded per unit t (12, for monthly).
  • t is the time the money is invested for in years (5).

Now, plug these values into the formula:

A = 1000 * (1 + (0.05/12))(12 * 5)

A = £1283.36

So, the future value of the investment of £1000 at an annual interest rate of 5%, compounded monthly for 5 years, is  £1283.36.

Annuity Model

The Annuity Model calculates the future value (A) of a series of equal payments (PMT) at regular intervals, compounded at a rate (r) for a time period (t). This model is essential in understanding the future value of regular investments or repayments, such as in retirement planning or loan repayments. Further insights into this model can be gained through our dedicated notes on annuities.

Example and Solution Strategy

Consider a retirement fund where you deposit £200 every month for 20 years, with an annual interest rate of 4%, compounded monthly. The future value of the annuity can be calculated using the Annuity Model.

Solution: Calculate the future value, discuss the benefits of regular investments, and explore factors that might influence the choice of investment strategies.

The future value (FV) of an annuity (a series of equal payments at regular intervals, such as monthly deposits into a retirement fund) can be calculated using the Annuity Future Value Formula:

FV = P * ((1 + r)(nt) - 1) / r


  • P is the payment per period (£200).
  • r is the interest rate per period (annual rate / number of compounding periods per year, so 0.04/12 in this case).
  • n is the number of periods per year (12, for monthly).
  • t is the time the money is invested or borrowed for, in years (20).

Now, plug these values into the formula:

FV = £200 * [(1 + 0.04/12)(12 * 20) - 1] / (0.04/12)

FV = £73,354.92

So, the future value of the annuity, where you deposit £200 every month for 20 years, with an annual interest rate of 4%, compounded monthly, is £73,354.92

Practical Applications and Problem Solving

Practice Question

Given an initial investment of £5000, an annual interest rate of 3%, and a time period of 10 years, calculate the future value of the investment using the compound interest model.

Solution: Substitute the values into the compound interest model, calculate the future value, and interpret the result in the context of investment growth, considering external factors like market stability and economic conditions.

To calculate the future value of an investment using the compound interest model, we can use the following formula:

A = P * (1 + r/n)(n*t)


  • A is the amount of money accumulated after n years, including interest.
  • P is the principal amount (£5000).
  • r is the annual interest rate (decimal) (3% = 0.03).
  • n is the number of times that interest is compounded per unit t (if it's compounded annually, n will be 1).
  • t is the time the money is invested for in years (10).

Let's substitute the values and calculate the future value of the investment after 10 years:

A = 5000 * (1 + 0.03/1)(1*10)

A = 5000 * (1 + 0.03)(10)

A = 5000 * 1.03(10)

A = 6719.58

The future value of an initial investment of £5000, with an annual interest rate of 3%, compounded annually over a period of 10 years, will be approximately £6719.58.

Key Takeaways for Students

  • Real-world Relevance: Understand the real-world relevance and applications of mathematical models in predicting and planning for future scenarios.
  • Critical Analysis: Engage in critical analysis of models, considering their limitations and the assumptions upon which they are based.
  • Continuous Learning: Embrace continuous learning and exploration of various models, understanding their applications in different scenarios and contexts.

In this exploration of real-world scenarios through the lens of mathematical modelling, we have unearthed the profound impact and utility of mathematical functions in synthesising and predicting phenomena in population dynamics and finance. Understanding the nuances, applications, and limitations of these models is paramount in navigating through the myriad of challenges and decisions encountered in real-world scenarios, ensuring that predictions and plans are not only mathematically sound but also contextually relevant and pragmatic.


Yes, the concept of compound interest, which involves the principle of growth upon growth, can be applied in various fields outside finance. In biology, it can relate to population growth where the number of individuals multiplies in each generation, similar to how interest compounds. In physics, particularly in thermodynamics and kinetics, exponential growth and decay models, akin to compound interest, describe phenomena like radioactive decay or charging and discharging of capacitors in electrical circuits. Understanding the mathematical underpinnings of compound interest can thus provide insights into numerous natural phenomena.

In ecology, the logistic growth model is pivotal in describing how a population changes in a limited resource environment. The model illustrates that a population will grow exponentially when resources are abundant but will gradually slow as resources become scarce, eventually stabilising when the carrying capacity of the environment is reached. This model helps ecologists and conservationists understand and predict population dynamics, enabling them to manage species and ecosystems effectively, ensuring that populations remain sustainable and that environments do not become over-exploited.

Mathematical models in real-world scenarios often incorporate variables and parameters to account for unpredictability and sudden changes, using concepts like stochastic processes or introducing perturbations. For instance, in financial maths, models might include a 'shock' variable to simulate unexpected market changes. In epidemiology, models might adjust parameters to reflect sudden interventions, like a vaccination drive. The aim is to create models that are robust and adaptable to real-world unpredictabilities, providing valuable predictive insights even amidst the inherent uncertainties of complex systems.

Understanding depreciation is crucial in finance models because it impacts various financial aspects of businesses and investments, such as net income, tax deductions, and overall value. Depreciation accounts for the wear and tear of assets over time, reducing the asset’s value and providing a more accurate financial picture. In finance models, depreciation is used to allocate the cost of tangible assets over its useful life, influencing both the balance sheet and income statement, and thereby affecting investment analysis and decision-making processes.

Exponential growth refers to a situation where the rate of change of a variable is proportional to the variable's current value, often seen in populations, finance, and other natural phenomena. In contrast, linear growth maintains a constant rate of change. In real-world scenarios, exponential growth might represent a population of bacteria that doubles every hour, whereas linear growth could represent a car that gains speed at a constant rate. The key difference lies in the acceleration of growth: exponential growth accelerates over time, while linear growth remains steady.

Practice Questions

A population of bacteria in a lab grows according to the logistic growth model. The carrying capacity of the bacteria in the lab environment is 1000. Initially, there are 50 bacteria, and after 3 hours, the population grows to 200. Find the rate of growth (r) of the bacteria population.

The logistic growth model is given by: P(t) = K / (1 + ((K - P0) / P0) * e(-rt))

Given that P(3) = 200, P0 = 50, and K = 1000, we can substitute these values into the equation and solve for r.

Solution: To find the rate of growth (r), we rearrange the logistic growth model formula to solve for r: r = (-1/t) * ln(K/P(t) - 1) + (1/t) * ln(K/P0)

Given the logistic growth equation:

P(t) = K / (1 + ((K - P0) / P0) * e(-r*t))

Substitute these values into the equation and solve for r:

200 = 1000 / (1 + (1000 - 50)/50 * e(-3r))

200 = 1000 / (1 + 19e(-3r))

Now, let's solve for r. First, we'll isolate the exponential term:

1 + 19e(-3r) = 1000/200

19e(-3r) = 5 - 1

19e(-3r) = 4

e(-3r) = 4/19

Now, we'll take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides to solve for r:

-3r = ln(4/19)

r = -1/3 * ln(4/19)

Calculating the value of r gives us the rate of growth of the bacteria population. The exact value is:

r = ln(19/4) / 3

This value is positive, indicating that the population is indeed growing, and it's consistent with the logistic growth model where the population grows from an initial size of 50 to 200 in 3 hours, given the carrying capacity of 1000.

Calculating the values and solving for r gives us the rate of growth. It's crucial to interpret the rate of growth in the context of the problem, understanding that it represents how quickly the bacteria population is growing per unit of time, and discussing the implications of this rate on the population size as it evolves.

An individual invests £2000 in a savings account with an annual interest rate of 4%, compounded quarterly. Calculate the amount in the account after 5 years.

The compound interest formula when interest is compounded quarterly is given by: A = P * (1 + r/n)(n * t)


  • P is the principal amount (£2000)
  • r is the annual interest rate (0.04)
  • n is the number of times that interest is compounded per unit t (4, for quarterly)
  • t is the time the money is invested for in years (5)

Solution: To find the amount in the account after 5 years, we substitute the given values into the compound interest formula: A = 2000 * (1 + 0.04/4)(4 * 5)

A = £2000 * (1 + 0.04/4)(4*5)

A = £2000 * (1.01)^(20)

A = £2440.38

After 5 years, with an initial investment of £2000 and an annual interest rate of 4% compounded quarterly, the amount in the savings account will be £2440.38.

Calculating the values gives us the amount in the account after 5 years. It's vital to understand the impact of compound interest on the investment, recognising how the interest is calculated on the initial principal, which also includes the accumulated interest from previous periods on the loan or deposit. This concept allows the investment to grow exponentially over time, providing a higher return the longer the money is invested.

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