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2.1.3 Function Transformations

Unveiling the Core of Function Transformations

Function transformations involve altering the original function to shift, stretch, or flip its graph, providing a new perspective on the function’s behaviour and properties. To fully grasp these concepts, it's helpful to explore function transformations in more depth.


Translations shift the graph of a function horizontally or vertically without altering its shape.

  • Vertical Translation: f(x) + k where k is the vertical shift.
  • Horizontal Translation: f(x - h) where h is the horizontal shift.

Delving Deeper into Translations

Understanding translations involves recognizing the impact of adding or subtracting constants to the function or its variable. A vertical translation shifts the graph up or down, while a horizontal translation shifts it left or right. This is pivotal in adjusting the baseline or phase of a function, respectively, which can be crucial in modelling and solving real-world problems. These transformations are essential when dealing with polynomial functions, as they allow for the adjustment of graphs to represent different scenarios.

Example Question 1

Given f(x) = x2, find the graph of g(x) = f(x) + 3.


The graph of g(x) = x2 + 3 is a vertical translation of f(x) = x2 upwards by 3 units. Every point on the graph of f(x) is shifted up by 3 units to obtain the graph of g(x).

Here are the graphs of the functions f(x) = x2 and g(x) = f(x) + 3:


In the graph:

  • The blue curve represents f(x) = x2.
  • The orange curve represents g(x) = f(x) + 3.

You can see that the graph of g(x) is simply the graph of f(x) shifted upward by 3 units.

Stretches and Compressions

Stretches and compressions alter the size of the graph without changing its shape.

  • Vertical Stretch/Compression: af(x) where a is the stretch/compression factor.
  • Horizontal Stretch/Compression: f(bx) where b is the reciprocal of the stretch/compression factor.

Exploring the Nuances of Stretches and Compressions

Stretches and compressions modify the scale of the graph, which can be crucial in adapting the function to different units or magnitudes in various applications. Understanding how these transformations impact functions is vital for interpreting exponential functions and logarithmic functions, as both types can be significantly affected by stretches and compressions.

Example Question 2

Given f(x) = x2, find the graph of g(x) = 2f(x).


The graph of g(x) = 2x2 is a vertical stretch of f(x) = x2 by a factor of 2. Every y-coordinate of f(x) is multiplied by 2 to obtain the graph of g(x).

IB Maths Tutor Tip: Mastering function transformations enables efficient graph sketching and understanding of their behaviour, essential for problem-solving in calculus and algebra within the IB curriculum.


Reflections flip the graph of a function over an axis.

  • Reflection about x-axis: -f(x)
  • Reflection about y-axis: f(-x)

Reflections and Symmetry

Reflections flip the graph across an axis, which can be vital in exploring the symmetry and inverse relations within functions. A reflection about the x-axis negates the y-values of the function, while a reflection about the y-axis negates the x-values, thereby flipping the graph vertically or horizontally, respectively. Reflections are particularly intriguing when examining inverse functions, as they reveal the underlying symmetry between functions and their inverses.

Example Question 3

Given f(x) = x2, find the graph of g(x) = f(-x).


The graph of g(x) = (-x)2 is a reflection of f(x) = x2 about the y-axis. Every point (x, y) on f(x) has a corresponding point (-x, y) on g(x).

Applications of Function Transformations in Real-World Scenarios

Function transformations are pivotal in modelling and analysing real-world scenarios across various fields, such as physics, economics, and engineering.

Modelling Physical Phenomena

In physics, function transformations can model altered conditions in experiments, such as changing the amplitude or phase shift in wave mechanics, providing insights into the phenomena under varied circumstances. These principles are also applicable in engineering applications, where understanding the transformation of functions helps in predicting system responses under different conditions.

Economic Models

In economics, function transformations can model different economic scenarios, such as inflation affecting cost functions, thereby aiding in predictive analysis and strategic planning. This understanding is crucial when applying concepts to regression models, allowing economists to adjust their models based on variable shifts and scale changes.

Engineering Applications

In engineering, function transformations can model system responses under different input conditions, facilitating the design and analysis of systems to ensure stability and optimality.

Example Question 4

A projectile is launched and its height h in meters after t seconds is modelled by h(t) = -5t2 + 20t + 15. Find the maximum height reached by the projectile.


The maximum height is achieved at the vertex of the parabola represented by the quadratic function. For h(t) = at2 + bt + c, the time at which the maximum height is reached is given by t = -b/(2a). Substituting a = -5 and b = 20, we get t = -20/(-10) = 2 seconds. Substituting t = 2 into h(t), the maximum height is h(2) = -5(2)2 + 20(2) + 15 = 35 meters.

IB Tutor Advice: Practice sketching graphs of transformed functions regularly to intuitively predict their changes, crucial for quickly and accurately answering exam questions on function behaviour and properties.

Visualising Function Transformations

Visualising function transformations involves understanding the graphical implications of the algebraic manipulations. Below is a graphical representation of a function and its transformation:


In the graph, the solid line represents the original function f(x) = x2 and the dashed line represents the transformed function g(x) = (x - 2)2 + 1, illustrating the translations discussed earlier.

Through this exploration, we've navigated through the concept of function transformations, delving into their definitions, mathematical representations, and practical applications, ensuring a seamless integration of example questions to facilitate a robust understanding suitable for IB Mathematics students. Function transformations, as foundational concepts, offer a lens through which functions and their graphs can be analysed, understood, and applied in various contexts, thereby forming a pivotal component in the study of functions and their graphs.


No, a function cannot have more than one y-intercept. The y-intercept is the point where the graph of the function crosses the y-axis, which occurs when the input variable x is zero. Since a function by definition has only one output for each input, there can only be one y-intercept. However, non-functions, like vertical lines or some parametric or implicit equations, can have more than one y-intercept because they might not pass the vertical line test and thus do not adhere to the definition of a function.

The x-intercept of a graph, where it crosses the x-axis (i.e., where f(x) = 0), often represents a break-even point in financial contexts or a root in mathematical contexts. In scientific experiments or statistical studies, the x-intercept might indicate a point of equilibrium or a point where a particular condition is satisfied. Understanding the x-intercept can provide insights into the properties and characteristics of the phenomenon being modelled, such as identifying critical points or thresholds that might be significant in decision-making processes or in developing further scientific hypotheses.

Reflecting a function’s graph, especially in the context of real-world applications, can invert the relationship between variables. For example, if a graph models a positive correlation between two variables, reflecting it might imply a negative correlation. In a business model, if a graph showing profit against production units is reflected in the x-axis, it might illustrate a loss instead of a profit. Understanding the implications of such reflections is crucial for accurately interpreting data and making informed decisions in various fields, including finance, science, and engineering.

Transformations can alter the symmetry of a parent function. For instance, if the parent function is even (symmetrical about the y-axis), a horizontal shift will break this symmetry. Similarly, if the parent function is odd (symmetrical about the origin), a vertical or horizontal shift will disrupt this symmetry. Reflections, on the other hand, maintain the symmetry type but may alter the orientation of the graph. Understanding how transformations affect symmetry is crucial in predicting the behaviour and characteristics of the transformed function, especially when deriving insights from graphical models in various applications.

Vertical transformations involve shifting the graph of a function upwards or downwards or reflecting it across the x-axis. When a constant, c, is added to a function f(x) (resulting in f(x) + c), the graph shifts c units upwards. Conversely, subtracting c (f(x) - c) shifts the graph c units downwards. Multiplying the function by -1 (resulting in -f(x)) reflects the graph across the x-axis. These transformations do not affect the x-intercept(s) of the graph but do impact the y-intercept(s) and the overall appearance and position of the graph in the coordinate plane.

Practice Questions

Given the function f(x) = x^2, describe the transformations and sketch the graph of the function g(x) = -2f(x - 3) + 4.

The function g(x) = -2f(x - 3) + 4 undergoes several transformations from the original function f(x) = x2. Firstly, the term (x - 3) inside the function translates the graph 3 units to the right. Secondly, multiplying by -2 not only vertically stretches the graph by a factor of 2 but also reflects it in the x-axis. Lastly, adding 4 translates the graph 4 units upwards. The vertex form of the quadratic function is g(x) = -2(x - 3)2 + 4. The vertex of the parabola is at the point (3, 4), and since the coefficient of x2 is negative, the parabola opens downwards. The y-intercept is found by substituting x = 0 into g(x), yielding g(0) = 2. Therefore, the graph passes through the points (3, 4) and (0, 2) and opens downwards.

The function h(x) = x^2 is transformed to k(x) = (x - 5)^2 - 3. Identify the transformations and find the x-intercepts of k(x).

The function k(x) = (x - 5)2 - 3 experiences two transformations from h(x) = x2. The term (x - 5) translates the graph 5 units to the right, and subtracting 3 translates it 3 units down. To find the x-intercepts, we set k(x) = 0 and solve for x. Thus, (x - 5)2 - 3 = 0. Solving for x, we get x = 5 ± sqrt(3). Therefore, the x-intercepts of k(x) are 5 + sqrt(3) and 5 - sqrt(3). Understanding the transformations and x-intercepts is crucial in sketching and analysing the graph of k(x), providing insights into its behaviour and properties, especially in relation to its parent function h(x).

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