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1.3.1 Convergence

Introduction to Convergence

In mathematics, particularly in the study of sequences, convergence pertains to the behaviour of sequences as they progress towards a specific value or infinity. A sequence, defined as an ordered list of numbers, often adheres to a particular rule or pattern.

Convergent Sequences

  • Definition: A sequence (an) is said to be convergent if, as n approaches infinity, an approaches a finite limit L. Formally expressed as: lim(n -> infinity) an = L
  • Example: Consider the sequence (an) = 1/n. As n increases, the values of an get closer and closer to 0. Therefore, this sequence is convergent with a limit of 0.
  • Properties:
    • The limit of a convergent sequence is unique.
    • The sum, difference, or multiple of convergent sequences is also convergent.
    • If (an) and (bn) are convergent sequences, then an + bn, an - bn, and an * bn are also convergent.

Divergent Sequences

  • Definition: A sequence (an) is said to be divergent if it does not converge to any finite limit as n approaches infinity.
  • Example: Consider the sequence (bn) = n. As n increases, bn increases without bound. Therefore, this sequence is divergent.
  • Types of Divergence:
    • To Infinity: If an increases without bound as n approaches infinity, it is said to diverge to infinity.
    • Oscillating: If an does not settle to any value and keeps oscillating, it is said to be oscillating divergent.

Analysing Convergence

Determining whether a sequence converges or diverges can be achieved through various methods and tests, ensuring a thorough understanding of the sequence’s behaviour.

The Limit Test

  • Statement: A sequence (an) converges if and only if lim(n -> infinity) a_n exists and is finite.
  • Example Question: Determine whether the sequence (cn) = n/(n+1) is convergent.
    • Solution: To find out, we calculate the limit: lim(n -> infinity) n/(n+1) = 1 Since the limit is finite, the sequence (cn) is convergent.

The Monotonic Sequence Theorem

  • Statement: A sequence that is bounded and monotonic (always increasing or always decreasing) is convergent.
  • Example Question: Determine whether the sequence (dn) = 1/(2n) is convergent.
    • Solution: The sequence is decreasing and bounded below by 0. Therefore, by the Monotonic Sequence Theorem, it is convergent.

Applications in Real World Scenarios

Convergence plays a crucial role in various fields such as physics, economics, and engineering, particularly in analysing trends and predicting future behaviours.

Economic Growth

  • Economists utilise the concept of convergence to analyse and predict economic growth trends over time, ensuring that policies and strategies are developed based on sustainable growth models.

Electrical Engineering

  • In electrical engineering, convergence is vital in signal processing, where engineers need to evaluate the convergence of Fourier series to analyse and synthesise signals.

Practice Questions

Question 1: Convergence Analysis

Analyse whether the sequence (en) = (3n + 1)/(4n - 1) is convergent or divergent.


  • To determine convergence, we find the limit: lim(n -> infinity) (3n + 1)/(4n - 1) = 3/4
  • Since the limit is finite, the sequence (en) is convergent.

Question 2: Application of Monotonic Sequence Theorem

Determine whether the sequence (fn) = -1/(n2) is convergent or divergent.


  • The sequence is decreasing and bounded above by 0. Therefore, by the Monotonic Sequence Theorem, it is convergent.


Yes, a sequence that contains an infinite number of terms can indeed be convergent. In fact, the concept of convergence is often discussed in the context of infinite sequences. An infinite sequence is convergent if, as you take more and more terms (approaching infinity), they get arbitrarily close to a specific finite value, known as the limit. A classic example is the sequence 1/n, which has an infinite number of terms and converges to 0 as n approaches infinity.

A sequence is an ordered list of numbers, while a series is the sum of a sequence of numbers. When we talk about the convergence of a sequence, we are interested in the values that the terms of the sequence are approaching as n approaches infinity. In contrast, when we discuss the convergence of a series, we are interested in whether the sum of the terms of a sequence has a finite value as n approaches infinity. Essentially, a sequence converges if its terms approach a certain value, while a series converges if the sum of its terms approaches a certain value.

The concept of limits is intrinsically tied to the convergence of a sequence. Specifically, a sequence (an) converges to a limit L if, for every positive number epsilon, there exists a positive integer N such that for all n greater than or equal to N, the absolute value of an - L is less than epsilon. In simpler terms, as n gets larger and larger, the terms a_n get arbitrarily close to L. The limit is a value that the terms of a sequence approach as the index n approaches infinity. If such a limit L exists, the sequence is said to be convergent; otherwise, it is divergent.

No, a sequence cannot be both convergent and divergent at the same time. These are mutually exclusive terms in the context of sequences. If a sequence is convergent, it means that it approaches a specific, finite value as it progresses towards infinity. On the other hand, if a sequence is divergent, it means that it does not approach any finite limit; it may go to infinity, negative infinity, or oscillate between values. The definitions of convergence and divergence are set in such a way that a sequence can only exhibit one type of behaviour as n approaches infinity.

The concept of convergence is fundamental in calculus and real analysis because it provides a framework for understanding the behaviour of functions and sequences as they approach a particular point or infinity. In calculus, limits and convergence are used to define derivatives and integrals, which are foundational concepts. In real analysis, understanding convergence is crucial for exploring the properties of sequences and series, and it provides the basis for defining continuity, differentiability, and integrability of functions. Moreover, convergence is vital in solving differential equations, analysing algorithms in computer science, and in various applications across physics, engineering, economics, and more.

Practice Questions

Determine whether the sequence defined by a_n = (-1)^n * (3n + 1)/(n^2 + 2) is convergent or divergent. Justify your answer.

The sequence a_n = (-1)n * (3n + 1)/(n2 + 2) appears to be oscillating due to the (-1)n term, which alternates the sign of the terms. To analyse the convergence, we can examine the limit of an as n approaches infinity. Calculating the limit: lim(n -> infinity) (-1)n * (3n + 1)/(n2 + 2) Since the sequence is oscillating and does not approach a finite limit, it is divergent. Furthermore, the presence of the (-1)n term indicates that the sequence is oscillating between two values, which further supports the conclusion of divergence.

To determine whether the sequence is convergent or divergent, we can examine its behavior as n approaches infinity.

  1. Boundedness: We need to check if the sequence is bounded. The sequence an is bounded if there exist real numbers M and m such that m <= an <= M for all n in the domain of the sequence.
  2. Monotonicity: We need to check if the sequence is monotonic, meaning it is either entirely non-increasing or non-decreasing.

However, due to the presence of (-1)n, the sequence will alternate in sign, which implies it is not monotonic.

Let's examine the limit of the absolute value of the sequence as n approaches infinity:

lim (n -> infinity) |an| = lim (n -> infinity) |(-1)n * (3n + 1) / (n2 + 2)|

= lim (n -> infinity) (3n + 1) / (n2 + 2)

To find this limit, we can divide the numerator and the denominator by n2 (the highest power of n in the denominator):

= lim (n -> infinity) (3/n + 1/n2) / (1 + 2/n2)

Now, as n approaches infinity, 3/n and 1/n2 approach 0:

= (0 + 0) / (1 + 0)

= 0

Since the limit of the absolute value of the sequence an is 0, the sequence an itself converges to 0. Therefore, the sequence an = (-1)n * (3n + 1) / (n2 + 2) is convergent, and it converges to 0.

Consider the sequence defined by b_n = (2n^2 + 3n + 1)/(n^2 + n + 1). Determine whether the sequence is convergent or divergent. If it is convergent, find the limit.

To determine whether the sequence bn = (2n2 + 3n + 1)/(n2 + n + 1) is convergent or divergent, we need to find the limit as n approaches infinity. Calculating the limit: lim(n -> infinity) (2n2 + 3n + 1)/(n2 + n + 1) We can use the fact that when the degrees of the polynomials in the numerator and denominator are the same, the limit is equal to the ratio of the leading coefficients. Thus, lim(n -> infinity) (2n2 + 3n + 1)/(n2 + n + 1) = 2/1 = 2 Since the limit is finite, the sequence bn is convergent and its limit is 2.

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