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4.4.2 Expected Value and Variance

Understanding the expected value and variance of a random variable is fundamental in the realm of statistics. These concepts provide a comprehensive view of the behaviour of random variables, especially when making decisions based on uncertain outcomes.

Expected Value


The expected value, often denoted as E(X) for a random variable X, is the average or mean value of the outcomes of that variable. It's essentially a weighted average where each possible outcome is weighted by its probability. Understanding this concept is closely related to grasping continuous random variables, where outcomes can take on a range of values.


For a continuous random variable X with a probability density function (PDF), the expected value is calculated by multiplying each possible outcome by its probability and then summing these products. For discrete random variables, this involves a simple summation, while for continuous random variables, it involves integration over the entire range of X. The integration method is a key aspect in basic probability concepts, which form the foundation for understanding such calculations.

Applications in Decision Theory

  • Investment Decisions: When evaluating potential investments, the expected return or profit plays a crucial role. Investors often compare the expected returns of different opportunities to make informed decisions. These decisions can be further informed by regression analysis, which helps in understanding the relationships between variables.
  • Game Theory: In games of chance or strategy, the expected value can help players determine the most beneficial moves or strategies by assessing the expected payoff of different actions.


Consider a simple game where you pay £1 to roll a fair six-sided die. If you roll a 6, you win £6, otherwise, you win nothing. The expected value of this game can be calculated by considering the possible outcomes and their probabilities:

  • Probability of rolling a 6 = 1/6, Potential profit = £6 - £1 = £5
  • Probability of rolling any other number = 5/6, Potential profit = £0 - £1 = -£1

Using the formula for expected value, we find that the expected profit from playing the game is £2/3. This means that on average, you would expect to make a profit of 67p for each game played.



Variance, denoted as Var(X) for a random variable X, measures the dispersion or spread of the variable's outcomes around its mean. It quantifies the variability or volatility of the outcomes.


Variance is calculated by taking the average of the squared differences between each outcome and the expected value. For discrete random variables, this involves summation, while for continuous ones, it requires integration. This concept is closely tied to understanding distributions such as the normal distribution and the binomial distribution, which offer different perspectives on variability and probability.

Applications in Decision Theory

  • Risk Assessment: In finance, variance is used to gauge the risk associated with an investment. A higher variance indicates greater volatility, which might mean higher potential returns but also higher risk.
  • Quality Control: In manufacturing, variance can help identify inconsistencies in a process. A process with low variance is consistent, while a high variance might indicate quality issues.


Using the die game from earlier, the variance can be calculated by considering the squared differences between each potential profit and the expected profit:

  • For rolling a 6: (5 - 2/3)2 = 18.77
  • For rolling any other number: (-1 - 2/3)2 = 2.78

The variance is then the weighted average of these squared differences, which comes out to be approximately 4.44. This value indicates the spread of potential profits around the expected profit.

Real-world Applications and Examples

  • Insurance: Insurance companies rely heavily on expected value when setting premiums. By analysing past data, they can predict future claims and determine premium amounts to cover these expected costs.
  • Stock Market: In the stock market, both expected value and variance are crucial. While expected value can guide investment decisions, variance helps investors understand the risk associated with different stocks.
  • Manufacturing: Variance is a key metric in quality control. By monitoring variance, manufacturers can ensure consistent product quality and identify areas for improvement.


Variance provides a measure of the dispersion of data points around the mean, taking into account each data point's deviation from the mean. It gives a comprehensive view of the spread of data. The range, which is the difference between the maximum and minimum values, only considers two data points and can be heavily influenced by outliers. Variance, on the other hand, considers all data points and their relationship to the mean, making it a more robust measure of dispersion. Furthermore, variance has desirable mathematical properties that make it suitable for further statistical analyses, whereas the range is a more simplistic measure.

The standard deviation is the square root of the variance. While variance measures the average squared deviation from the mean, standard deviation provides a measure of dispersion in the same units as the original data. This makes standard deviation more interpretable and easier to visualise in the context of the data. For instance, if you're analysing the heights of individuals and find a variance in squared centimetres, the standard deviation will give you a measure of dispersion in centimetres, which is more intuitive.

In finance and investment, variance (or its square root, standard deviation) is a key measure of risk. Investments with higher variance are considered more volatile, meaning their returns can fluctuate significantly over short periods. While higher variance might indicate the potential for higher returns, it also signifies higher risk. Investors use variance to assess the risk associated with different investment opportunities and to diversify their portfolios. By understanding and managing variance, investors can make informed decisions that align with their risk tolerance and investment goals.

Yes, the expected value can fall outside the range of possible values for a random variable. This is especially true for discrete random variables. A classic example is the roll of a fair six-sided die. The possible outcomes are 1 through 6, but the expected value is 3.5, which is not a possible outcome of a single roll. The expected value represents a long-term average over many repetitions, and it doesn't necessarily have to be a value that the random variable can take on.

The terms "expected value" and "mean" are often used interchangeably, but they have distinct contexts. The "expected value" is a concept primarily used in probability and statistics to denote the average or mean outcome of a random variable. It represents the long-term average of repetitions of the same experiment or situation. On the other hand, the "mean" is a more general term used in statistics to describe the average of a set of numbers. While the calculations for both might be the same, the expected value is specifically tied to probabilities and potential outcomes of random variables, whereas the mean is a measure of central tendency for any set of numbers.

Practice Questions

A random variable X has an expected value of 5 and a variance of 9. If a new random variable Y is defined as Y = 3X + 2, determine the expected value and variance of Y.

For a linear transformation of a random variable, the expected value and variance can be found using the properties of expected value and variance. Expected value of Y, E(Y) = 3E(X) + 2 = 3(5) + 2 = 15 + 2 = 17. Variance of Y, Var(Y) = 32 × Var(X) = 9 × 9 = 81. Therefore, the expected value of Y is 17 and its variance is 81.

A company is considering launching a new product. Based on market research, there is a 60% chance the product will be a success and yield a profit of £10,000, a 30% chance it will have moderate success with a profit of £5,000, and a 10% chance it will be a failure, resulting in a loss of £2,000. Calculate the expected profit for the product.

To calculate the expected profit, we need to multiply each profit by its probability and then sum these values. Expected Profit = (0.60 × £10,000) + (0.30 × £5,000) + (0.10 × -£2,000) = £6,000 + £1,500 - £200 = £7,300. Thus, the expected profit for the product is £7,300.

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