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IB DP Maths AA HL Study Notes

4.3.1 Binomial Distribution

The binomial distribution is a cornerstone in the realm of statistics, especially when considering a sequence of events where each event has two distinct outcomes. For IB Mathematics students, understanding this topic is paramount as it underpins numerous real-world applications across diverse sectors.


The binomial distribution is a theoretical distribution that delineates the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a consistent probability of success. In layman's terms, it's employed when there are precisely two mutually exclusive outcomes of a trial, commonly termed as 'success' and 'failure'.


The binomial distribution possesses several intrinsic properties:

1. Discreteness: It is a discrete probability distribution. This means it provides the probability of exact outcomes and not ranges of outcomes.

2. Fixed Number of Trials: The number of trials, denoted as N, remains constant. Each trial is independent of the others.

3. Two Possible Outcomes: Each trial has only two possible outcomes, often termed as 'success' and 'failure'. The probability of success is denoted by p and the probability of failure (which is simply 1 minus the probability of success) is denoted by q, where q = 1 - p.

4. Consistent Probability: The probability of success remains consistent across all trials.

Before delving deeper into binomial distribution, having a solid understanding of basic probability concepts can be immensely helpful.

Mean and Variance

  • Mean (Expected Value): The mean or expected value of a binomial distribution is the product of the number of trials and the probability of success. Mathematically, it's represented as: Mean = n * p
  • Variance: The variance provides a measure of how much individual outcomes deviate from the mean. For a binomial distribution, it's given by: Variance = n * p * (1 - p). The concepts of expected value and variance are fundamental in understanding the dispersion and central tendency within distributions.


The binomial distribution is versatile and finds its application in various domains:

1. Quality Control: Industries frequently resort to the binomial distribution to assess the quality of items manufactured. For instance, if a factory churns out light bulbs and wishes to ascertain the probability that a specific number out of a batch of 100 are defective, the binomial distribution comes into play.

2. Medical Trials: In the realm of medical research, the binomial distribution aids in analysing the efficacy rate of a novel drug or treatment modality. For instance, if out of 50 patients, 40 recuperate post-administration of a new medication, the binomial distribution can be harnessed to determine the likelihood of such an outcome.

3. Genetics: Geneticists employ the binomial distribution to prognosticate the inheritance patterns of specific traits.

4. Survey Sampling: When orchestrating surveys, researchers might be intrigued to discern the probability of obtaining a certain number of affirmative responses from a sample size. The binomial distribution furnishes this intel.

For those interested in how binomial distribution compares to other types, exploring the normal distribution can provide insights into the continuous counterparts of discrete distributions like binomial.

Example Question

Imagine a student embarking on a multiple-choice examination comprising 10 questions. Each query proffers four alternatives, with only one being correct. If the student ventures a guess for all the answers, what's the probability that he/she answers precisely 3 questions correctly?


Here, n = 10 (number of trials or questions), and p = 0.25 (probability of answering a question correctly by mere guessing).

Utilising the binomial formula: Probability P(X = 3) = (10 choose 3) * 0.253 * 0.757

Computing the above yields: P(X = 3) is approximately 0.2503 Thus, the probability that the student answers exactly 3 questions correctly by guessing is approximately 0.2503 or 25.03%.

Understanding binomial distribution's fundamental role in statistics is enhanced by a grasp of measures of central tendency, which delve into mean, median, and mode, highlighting the distribution's central point. Additionally, the principles of binomial expansion, as laid out in basics of binomial expansion, are crucial for comprehending the mathematical foundation of the binomial theorem.


The binomial distribution is pivotal in real-world scenarios because it provides a mathematical framework to analyse situations where there are two distinct outcomes. For instance, in quality control, businesses can use the binomial distribution to determine the likelihood of a certain number of defective products in a batch. Similarly, in medical research, it can help in assessing the efficacy of a new drug by determining the probability of a certain number of patients responding positively. Its applicability in diverse sectors, from finance to biology, underscores its significance in decision-making and predictive analysis.

No, the binomial distribution is specifically designed for scenarios with only two mutually exclusive outcomes for each trial, often termed as 'success' and 'failure'. However, if you have more than two outcomes, you might want to look into the multinomial distribution. The multinomial distribution is a generalisation of the binomial distribution and can handle multiple outcomes. It describes the probabilities of observing counts among multiple categories.

The Bernoulli distribution is a special case of the binomial distribution where the number of trials, n, is equal to 1. Essentially, a single Bernoulli trial is a random experiment with only two possible outcomes: success or failure. When you conduct a series of Bernoulli trials, and you're interested in the number of successes over these trials, you're venturing into the realm of the binomial distribution. In other words, the binomial distribution can be thought of as the sum of outcomes of objects that follow the Bernoulli distribution.

The binomial distribution and the geometric distribution are both discrete probability distributions, but they serve different purposes. The binomial distribution models the number of successes in a fixed number of Bernoulli trials, where each trial has two possible outcomes and a consistent probability of success. On the other hand, the geometric distribution models the number of Bernoulli trials needed to get the first success. In essence, while the binomial distribution counts successes over a set number of trials, the geometric distribution counts trials until the first success.

When the sample size of a binomial distribution becomes very large, and certain conditions are met, it can be approximated by a normal distribution. This is known as the Central Limit Theorem. Specifically, if both np and n(1-p) are greater than 5, where n is the number of trials and p is the probability of success, the binomial distribution can be approximated using a normal distribution with mean µ = np and variance σ2 = np(1-p). This approximation is useful because it simplifies calculations, especially when n is large.

Practice Questions

A factory produces light bulbs, and it is known that 5% of these light bulbs are defective. If a sample of 20 light bulbs is randomly selected from the production line:

a) What is the probability that exactly 2 light bulbs are defective?

b) What is the expected number of defective light bulbs in the sample?

a) To find the probability that exactly 2 light bulbs are defective, we use the binomial probability formula:

Probability P(X = 2) = (20 choose 2) * 0.052 * 0.9518

Computing the above, we get: P(X = 2) is approximately 0.188 or 18.8%.

b) The expected number of defective light bulbs is given by the mean of the binomial distribution: Mean = n * p = 20 * 0.05 = 1

Thus, in a sample of 20 light bulbs, we expect 1 to be defective.

In a multiple-choice examination with 5 options for each question, a student decides to guess the answers for all the questions. If there are 10 questions in total:

a) What is the probability that the student gets at least 3 questions correct by guessing?

b) What is the variance of the number of questions the student gets correct?

a) To find the probability that the student gets at least 3 questions correct, we sum the probabilities of getting 3, 4, ..., 10 questions correct. Using the binomial probability formula:

Probability P(X >= 3) = Sum from k=3 to 10 of (10 choose k) * 0.2k * 0.8(10-k)

Computing the above, we get: P(X >= 3) is approximately 0.3222 or 32.22%.

b) The variance of the number of questions the student gets correct by guessing is given by: Variance = n * p * (1 - p) = 10 * 0.2 * 0.8 = 1.6

Thus, the variance of the number of questions the student gets correct by guessing is 1.6.

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