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3.4.1 Basic Vector Operations

Vectors are fundamental mathematical entities used to represent quantities with both magnitude and direction. They find applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and computer graphics. In this section, we'll delve deeper into the basic operations that can be performed on vectors: addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication.

Vector Addition

Vector addition is the process of combining two or more vectors to produce a resultant vector. This operation is based on the parallelogram law, which states that when two vectors are represented as two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, their sum is given by the diagonal of the parallelogram. To further understand the impact of vector operations in physics, consider exploring how vectors apply to free fall and projectile motion.

Properties of Vector Addition:

  • Commutative Property: The order in which vectors are added doesn't affect the resultant vector. Mathematically, for two vectors A and B, A + B is the same as B + A.
  • Associative Property: The way in which vectors are grouped in addition doesn't affect the sum. For vectors A, B, and C, (A + B) + C is the same as A + (B + C).
  • Additive Identity: The zero vector, denoted as 0, when added to any vector A, doesn't change the vector. That is, A + 0 is A.

Example of Vector Addition:

Consider two vectors A = [3, 5] and B = [2, 4]. Their sum can be found by adding their respective components:

A + B = [3+2, 5+4] = [5, 9].

Vector Subtraction

Vector subtraction involves finding the difference between two vectors. It can be thought of as adding the negative of one vector to another. Understanding subtraction is crucial when analysing interactions such as the intersection of planes and lines.

Example of Vector Subtraction:

Using the vectors A and B from the previous example, the difference is:

A - B = [3-2, 5-4] = [1, 1].

Scalar Multiplication

Scalar multiplication involves multiplying each component of a vector by a scalar (a single number). This operation can change the magnitude of the vector without altering its direction, depending on the scalar's value. For a deeper dive into how scalar multiplication affects vectors, see the topic on dot product and magnitude.

Properties of Scalar Multiplication:

  • Distributive Property: Scalar multiplication distributes over vector addition. For a scalar c and vectors A and B, c(A + B) is the same as cA + cB.
  • Associative Property: The order of scalar multiplication doesn't affect the resultant vector. For scalars c and d and vector A, c(dA) is the same as (cd)A.

Example of Scalar Multiplication:

Consider multiplying the vector A = [3, 5] by a scalar of 2. The result is:

2A = [2 x 3, 2 x 5] = [6, 10].

Practical Applications and Examples:

Vectors are used in physics to represent forces, velocities, and displacements. For instance, if two forces act on an object, the net force is the vector sum of the two forces. Similarly, in computer graphics, vectors are used to represent the position, direction, and speed of objects. When considering practical applications, understanding the equations of planes is essential for spatial analysis in three dimensions.

Example Question: An airplane is subjected to two forces: one due to the engine, represented by the vector F1 = [5, 7], and another due to wind, represented by the vector F2 = [2, -3]. What is the resultant force on the airplane?

Solution: The resultant force is the vector sum of the two forces:

F1 + F2 = [5+2, 7-3] = [7, 4].

Thus, the airplane experiences a net force represented by the vector [7, 4].

In the context of engineering and design, the precise intersection of lines is fundamental for constructing accurate models and structures.


Direct division of vectors, as we understand division in scalar arithmetic, is not defined. However, we can achieve something similar through scalar multiplication and dot products. If we want to find how many times one vector "fits" into another, we can use the dot product to find the projection of one vector onto another and then scale it. Another concept that might be considered as division in the context of vectors is finding the inverse of scalar multiplication. For instance, if a vector A has been multiplied by a scalar k to produce vector B, then B can be "divided" by k to retrieve A.

The zero vector, often denoted as 0 or [0,0] in a two-dimensional space, is a unique vector that has a magnitude of zero and no specific direction. It plays a crucial role in vector operations because it acts as the identity element for vector addition. When any vector is added to the zero vector, the result is the original vector itself. Similarly, when a vector is subtracted from itself, the result is the zero vector. In scalar multiplication, multiplying any vector by a scalar of zero results in the zero vector. The zero vector essentially maintains the integrity of vector operations and ensures they adhere to standard mathematical properties.

Yes, certain operations can be performed on three or more vectors simultaneously. One of the most common operations is the addition or subtraction of multiple vectors. For instance, if we have three vectors A, B, and C, we can find their sum as A + B + C by adding their corresponding components. Another operation involving multiple vectors is the scalar triple product, which involves three vectors and results in a scalar. It's the volume of the parallelepiped spanned by the three vectors. While many operations are extensions of basic binary operations (like addition or dot product), there are specific operations designed for multiple vectors, especially in higher-dimensional spaces.

Vectors can be visually represented using arrows on a graph or coordinate system. The starting point of the arrow, known as the tail, represents the initial point, and the endpoint, known as the head, represents the terminal point. The length of the arrow corresponds to the magnitude of the vector, while the direction in which the arrow points represents the direction of the vector. For example, a vector with components [3, 2] can be represented as an arrow starting from the origin and ending at the point (3,2) on a Cartesian plane. This visual representation helps in understanding the concept of vector addition, subtraction, and scalar multiplication graphically.

A scalar is a quantity that has only magnitude, without any direction. Examples of scalars include temperature, mass, and distance. They are represented by a single numerical value. On the other hand, a vector is a quantity that has both magnitude and direction. Examples of vectors include force, velocity, and displacement. Vectors are typically represented by an arrow, where the length of the arrow indicates the magnitude, and the direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the vector. In mathematical terms, vectors can be represented as an ordered list of numbers, known as components, which provide information about their magnitude in specific directions.

Practice Questions

Two vectors are given by A = [4, 3] and B = [-2, 5]. Find the resultant vector when vector A is subtracted from twice the vector B.

To find the resultant vector, we first need to find twice the vector B. This is done by multiplying each component of B by 2:

2B = 2 x [-2, 5] 2B = [-4, 10]

Now, subtract vector A from 2B:

Resultant vector = 2B - A = [-4 - 4, 10 - 3] = [-8, 7]

Thus, the resultant vector is [-8, 7].

A vector C is represented as C = [a, b]. If the vector is multiplied by a scalar of 3, and then 5 is added to the first component and 7 is subtracted from the second component, find the new vector in terms of a and b.

First, multiply the vector C by the scalar 3:

3C = 3 x [a, b] 3C = [3a, 3b]

Now, add 5 to the first component and subtract 7 from the second component:

New vector = [3a + 5, 3b - 7]

Thus, the new vector in terms of a and b is [3a + 5, 3b - 7].

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