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IB DP Maths AA HL Study Notes

1.6.3 Circular Permutations

Circular permutations introduce a unique twist to the standard permutations we encounter in combinatorics. When items are arranged in a circle, the dynamics of their arrangement change, leading to different mathematical considerations.

Introduction to Circular Permutations

In the world of maths, permutations play a pivotal role in determining the number of ways items can be arranged. However, when these items are arranged in a circle, the concept of a 'starting' and 'ending' point becomes ambiguous. This is the essence of circular permutations. Understanding the basics of permutations is essential before delving into circular permutations.

The Fundamental Principle

The primary distinction between linear and circular permutations lies in the reference point. In a straight line, there's a clear beginning and end. But in a circle, there's no such distinction. One item's position can be fixed to serve as a reference, but the rest of the positions become relative to this fixed point.

For n distinct items arranged in a circle, the number of circular permutations is:

Circular Permutations = (n-1)!

This formula arises because, in a circle, any item can serve as the starting point. So, for n items, there are n possible starting points. However, all these starting points lead to the same circular arrangement, so we divide the total permutations by n. This principle differs from combinations where the order of selection does not matter.

IB Maths Tutor Tip: In circular permutations, envisioning scenarios with practical examples, like a dinner table or a clock face, can greatly enhance understanding and retention of these abstract mathematical concepts.

Delving Deeper: Why (n-1)!?

Consider arranging 6 books in a circular shelf. If we fix the position of one book, we're left with 5 positions for the second book, 4 for the third, and so on. This gives us 5! or (6-1)! arrangements. The principle remains consistent regardless of the number of items.

Real-life Applications of Circular Permutations

1. Musical Chairs: A classic game where players move in a circle, trying to find a chair when the music stops. The initial arrangement of players is a circular permutation.

2. Roundabouts: Cars moving in a roundabout follow a circular pattern, and the order in which they exit can be seen as a permutation. This scenario can be related to the study of graphs of sine and cosine, illustrating the cyclical nature of movements.

3. Clocks: The arrangement of numbers on a clock face is a classic example of circular permutations. Designer clocks, in particular, might experiment with different arrangements. The concept of time can also be linked to the study of basic differentiation rules where the rate of change is crucial.

In-depth Examples

1. A designer wants to create a new clock with numbers 1 to 12. However, instead of the usual arrangement, he wants to place even numbers first followed by odd numbers. How many such arrangements are possible?

Solution: First, arrange the even numbers: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12. Using the circular permutations formula, we get (6-1)! = 5! = 120 ways. Next, arrange the odd numbers: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11. Again, we get 5! = 120 ways. Combining both arrangements, we get 120 x 120 = 14,400 ways.

2. Seven friends are at a party. They decide to play a game where they all stand in a circle, and one person stands in the centre. How many ways can they arrange themselves?

Solution: One person is fixed at the centre, so we're left with 6 people. Using the formula, the number of ways they can stand in a circle is (6-1)! = 5! = 120 ways.

IB Tutor Advice: For exam success, practice distinguishing between circular and linear permutations through varied problems, ensuring you can apply the correct formula under exam conditions without confusion.

Key Takeaways

  • Fixed Position: In circular permutations, one position is often fixed to avoid counting the same arrangement multiple times. This is somewhat analogous to establishing a measure of central tendency in statistics, where a specific value can anchor the entire dataset.
  • Direction Matters: In some scenarios, the direction (clockwise or anti-clockwise) might make two arrangements distinct. However, in most cases, they're considered the same.
  • Identical Items: If some items in the set are identical, the number of distinct arrangements will be fewer. This is because swapping two identical items doesn't produce a new arrangement.


Yes, circular permutations have various real-world applications. They are used in seating arrangements, like in round table conferences or dinner setups. They're also applied in designing circular patterns, such as in jewellery or art. In computer science, algorithms that deal with cyclic data structures or circular buffers may use principles related to circular permutations. Understanding the concept helps in solving problems related to arrangements where the start and end points meet or are continuous.

No, linear and circular permutations are fundamentally different. In linear permutations, the arrangement has a distinct start and end point. In contrast, circular permutations involve arranging items in a circle, where there's no fixed starting point. As a result, the formula for linear permutations, n!, cannot be directly applied to circular permutations. For 'n' objects arranged in a circle, the formula is (n-1)!. Always ensure you're using the appropriate formula for the type of permutation in question.

Handling identical objects in circular permutations can be a bit tricky. If there are 'n' identical objects in a circular arrangement, the number of ways they can be arranged is divided by 'n'. This is because rotating the arrangement will produce the same configuration. For instance, arranging three identical objects in a circle will always result in the same arrangement, regardless of the starting point. So, for 'n' identical objects, the number of distinct circular arrangements is (n-1)!/n.

In some circular permutation problems, the direction in which objects are arranged matters. Clockwise and anti-clockwise arrangements of the same objects are considered distinct. For example, the arrangement ABC is different from CBA if direction matters. However, in many problems, the direction is not significant, and both arrangements are considered the same. It's essential to understand the context of the problem to determine whether to count these as separate arrangements.

In circular permutations, the arrangement starts from any point and goes around in a circle. The starting point is not fixed, unlike linear permutations. Therefore, when arranging 'n' objects in a circle, the number of arrangements is considered the same when rotated. For instance, ABC, BCA, and CAB are the same circular arrangements. To account for these repetitions, we consider one object as fixed and arrange the remaining (n-1) objects. This is why we subtract one from the total number of objects, leading to (n-1)! arrangements for 'n' objects in a circle.

Practice Questions

A round table at a conference can seat 8 delegates. If two specific delegates, Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones, insist on sitting next to each other, how many possible seating arrangements are there for all the delegates around the table?

First, let's consider Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones as a single entity. So, we have 7 entities in total (6 individual delegates + 1 combined entity of Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones). The number of ways to arrange these 7 entities in a circle is (7-1)! = 6! = 720. Now, within the combined entity, Mr. Smith and Ms. Jones can swap places in 2 ways. Therefore, the total number of seating arrangements is 720 x 2 = 1,440.

There are 5 different books and 3 identical toys to be arranged on a circular shelf. In how many ways can they be arranged such that no two toys are adjacent?

First, arrange the 5 books on the circular shelf. This can be done in (5-1)! = 4! = 24 ways. These 5 books create 5 spaces between them. The 3 toys can be placed in these spaces in 5C3 = 10 ways (choosing 3 spaces out of 5). Therefore, the total number of arrangements is 24 x 10 = 240.

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