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1.4.3 Proving Inequalities

Mathematical induction is a foundational technique in the realm of discrete mathematics. It's particularly potent when it comes to proving inequalities. Inequalities, unlike equations, describe a relationship of "less than" or "greater than" between two mathematical expressions. When these inequalities hold true for a series of numbers, especially natural numbers, mathematical induction can be a valuable tool for proof. For an introduction to the related concept of sequences and series, which often rely on inequalities, see Proving Sequences and Series.

The Essence of Mathematical Induction

At its core, mathematical induction is about establishing a domino effect. If you can prove that a statement holds for the first item in a sequence (the base case) and that if it holds for one item then it must hold for the next (the inductive step), then the statement must be true for all items in the sequence. This concept closely relates to the convergence and divergence of series, which also plays a crucial role in understanding the behaviour of sequences over the natural numbers.

The Process of Proving Inequalities

1. Base Case: This is where you validate the inequality for the smallest possible value, typically n = 1.

2. Inductive Hypothesis: Here, you make an assumption. You assume that the inequality is valid for some arbitrary positive integer, say k.

3. Inductive Step: Building on the assumption from the inductive hypothesis, you then prove that if the inequality holds for n = k, it must also hold for n = k + 1.

Delving Deeper with Examples

Example 1: A Basic Inequality

Statement: For all natural numbers n, 2n > n2.


  • Base Case: For n = 1, we have 21 which is 2, and 12 which is 1. Clearly, 2 > 1, so our base case holds.
  • Inductive Hypothesis: Let's assume the statement is true for some k, i.e., 2k > k2.
  • Inductive Step: We need to prove that 2(k+1) > (k+1)2. Using our assumption and some algebraic rearrangements, we can establish this inequality. This means our statement is true for all natural numbers.

Example 2: Factorials and Exponents

Statement: For all natural numbers n greater than or equal to 4, n! > 2n.


  • Base Case: For n = 4, 4! equals 24, and 24 equals 16. Since 24 > 16, our base case is established.
  • Inductive Hypothesis: We assume that for some k (where k ≥ 4), k! > 2k.
  • Inductive Step: Our goal is to prove that (k+1)! > 2(k+1). Leveraging our inductive hypothesis and the properties of factorials, we can validate this inequality. This confirms our statement for all natural numbers n ≥ 4. Understanding the concept of permutations can provide additional insight into the factorial operation used in this proof.

Example 3: Squares and Cubes

Statement: For all natural numbers n greater than or equal to 5, n3 > 3n2.


  • Base Case: For n = 5, 53 is 125, and 3(52) is 75. Clearly, 125 > 75.
  • Inductive Hypothesis: Assume that for some arbitrary k (where k ≥ 5), k3 > 3k2 holds true.
  • Inductive Step: We aim to prove that (k+1)3 > 3(k+1)2. Using our inductive hypothesis and algebraic manipulations, we can establish this inequality, thus proving our statement for all natural numbers n ≥ 5. When dealing with inequalities, it's also beneficial to understand quadratic and polynomial inequalities, which offer a broader perspective on the topic.

Tips and Tricks

  • Base Case Importance: Always ensure that the base case is correctly established. It's the foundation of the entire proof.
  • Clear Assumptions: When making the inductive hypothesis, clarity is key. This assumption is pivotal in the inductive step.
  • Rearrange and Factorise: Sometimes, rearranging terms or factorising can make the inequality more apparent or easier to prove. This technique is particularly useful when tackling complex problems, such as those involving complex numbers.
  • Practice: Like all mathematical techniques, practice is crucial. The more inequalities you prove using induction, the more intuitive the process becomes.

In conclusion, mastering the art of proving inequalities through mathematical induction not only strengthens your grasp on discrete mathematics but also prepares you for more advanced mathematical challenges. By understanding the principles of mathematical induction and applying them to various examples, you'll develop a deeper appreciation for the beauty and logic that mathematics offers. Remember, the journey through mathematics is continuous, and every concept builds upon the previous ones, leading to a comprehensive understanding of the subject.


In regular (or weak) induction, the inductive step assumes the statement is true for some arbitrary positive integer k and then proves it for k + 1. In strong induction, the inductive step assumes the statement is true for all integers from the base case up to and including k, and then proves it for k + 1. Strong induction can be particularly useful when the statement for k + 1 depends on multiple previous cases, not just the kth case.

No, mathematical induction is primarily used for proving statements about positive integers. The technique relies on the properties of natural numbers, specifically the fact that every natural number has a unique successor. While there are forms of induction for other types of numbers or structures, the standard principle of mathematical induction is designed for statements that are indexed by the positive integers.

Mathematical induction is a valid proof technique because it's based on well-established logical principles. The process involves two steps: establishing a base case and then proving that if the statement holds for an arbitrary case, it also holds for the next case. By proving these two steps, we essentially create a domino effect. If the first domino (base case) falls, and every domino knocks over the next one (inductive step), then all the dominos will fall. In mathematical terms, if the statement is true for the base case and the assumption that it's true for one case implies it's true for the next, then the statement is true for all cases in the sequence.

Yes, while mathematical induction is a powerful proof technique, it has its limitations. It's only applicable to statements indexed by positive integers. Additionally, just because a statement is true for several initial values doesn't guarantee that it's true for all values, so the inductive step is crucial. Also, induction cannot be used to discover a formula or theorem; it can only prove a formula or theorem that's already been conjectured.

Yes, mathematical induction can be used to prove inequalities involving fractions, decimals, or any other mathematical expressions, as long as the statement to be proved is indexed by positive integers. The key is to set up the base case and inductive step appropriately. For example, if you're proving an inequality involving a fraction, ensure that the base case establishes the inequality for the smallest relevant integer, and then use the inductive step to show it holds for all subsequent integers.

Practice Questions

Prove by induction that for all positive integers n, the inequality 2^n > n^2 holds.

To prove this by induction, we'll start with the base case. For n = 1, 21 = 2 which is greater than 12 = 1. So, the statement holds for n = 1.

Assume the statement is true for some arbitrary positive integer k, i.e., 2k > k2.

Now, we need to prove that the statement holds for n = k + 1.

Using our assumption, 2k > k2. Multiplying both sides by 2, we get 2(k+1) > 2k2.

Now, 2k2 is greater than (k + 1)2 for all k greater than 1. Thus, 2(k+1) > (k + 1)2.

Hence, by the principle of mathematical induction, the inequality 2n > n2 holds for all positive integers n.

Prove by induction that for all positive integers n, the inequality n! > 2^n holds for n >= 4.

For the base case, when n = 4, 4! = 24 which is greater than 24 = 16. So, the statement holds for n = 4.

Assume the statement is true for some arbitrary positive integer k, i.e., k! > 2k.

Now, we need to prove that the statement holds for n = k + 1.

Using our assumption, k! > 2k. Multiplying both sides by k + 1, we get (k + 1)! > (k + 1) x 2k.

Since k + 1 is greater than 2 for all k >= 4, (k + 1) x 2k is greater than 2(k+1). Thus, (k + 1)! > 2(k+1).

Hence, by the principle of mathematical induction, the inequality n! > 2n holds for all positive integers n >= 4.

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