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IB DP Computer Science Study Notes

D.1.2 Object Instantiation

Object instantiation in object-oriented programming is a core concept that enables programmers to create specific instances of a class. This process involves defining classes as templates and then creating individual objects from these templates, each with its own set of data attributes and methods.

Understanding Objects and Classes

An object is a fundamental entity in programming that encapsulates both data and functions. It is an instance of a class, which is essentially a template or a blueprint that defines the structure and behaviours of objects.

  • Attributes and Behaviours: Objects have attributes (data) and behaviours (functions or methods) that define their state and functionality.
  • Abstraction: Objects are abstract in the sense that they represent real-world entities within a program, such as a user account or a graphical button.
  • Classes: They are defined in code using class definitions which specify the attributes and methods that their instances will have.

The Nature of Classes

Classes serve as the framework from which individual objects are created. They are not objects themselves but are used to create objects.

  • Blueprint: Think of a class as a blueprint for a house. It defines the structure but is not a house itself.
  • No Memory Allocation: A class does not occupy memory space until it is instantiated as an object.
  • Reusable Template: The same class can be used to create multiple objects.

Object Instantiation Explained

Instantiation is the process by which a class is used to create an individual object. It is at this moment that the abstract class becomes a concrete entity in memory.

  • Constructor: Most object-oriented languages use a constructor method to create an instance of a class.
  • Memory Allocation: When an object is instantiated, the system allocates memory for it, based on the attributes defined in the class.
  • Instance Variables: Each object has its own set of instance variables, which are the attributes defined by the class filled with specific values.

Distinguishing Between Class and Object

Understanding the difference between a class and an object is crucial.

  • Class: A class is a general concept, like the idea of a vehicle.
  • Object: An object is a specific instance of a class, like your own bicycle.

Class Definition Example


Object Instantiation Example

  • Explanation: `Vehicle` is a class that could represent any type of vehicle. `my_bike` is an object that is an instance of `Vehicle`, representing a bicycle with 2 wheels.

Memory Use in Instantiation

Each time a class is instantiated, memory is allocated for the new object. This memory holds the object's state, which includes its attributes and the values assigned to them.

  • Independent Existence: Each instantiated object occupies its own space in memory, separate from other objects and the class itself.
  • Dynamic Allocation: The instantiation process is dynamic, meaning that objects are created at runtime, and memory allocation varies accordingly.

Multiplicity of Objects

A class can be thought of as a mould that can be used to cast any number of objects, each with its own unique properties, yet all sharing the same structure.

  • Unique Instances: Even though objects share the same class blueprint, they can have different attribute values.
  • Example: A `Student` class can instantiate multiple student objects, each with a unique name and student ID.

Code Definitions and Memory Use

The way we define classes and instantiate objects greatly impacts how memory is used and managed within a program.

Efficient Use of Memory

  • Object References: Objects can be referenced by other objects or variables, which can affect memory management.
  • Garbage Collection: Many modern programming languages have garbage collection mechanisms to free up memory space once an object is no longer in use.

Object Lifecycle

  • Creation: An object comes into existence when instantiated from a class.
  • Usage: It exists as long as it is needed, holding onto its state and interacting with other objects or functions.
  • Destruction: When an object is no longer referenced, it is eligible for destruction, which frees up memory.

Relationships and Object Interactions

Objects often interact with one another, forming relationships that can be categorised into different types, such as association, dependency, aggregation, and inheritance.

  • Association: This defines a relationship where objects are related but can exist independently.
  • Dependency: Objects can use other objects without owning them, indicating a weaker relationship.
  • Aggregation: Indicates a whole-part relationship where one object is made up of other objects but can exist independently.
  • Inheritance: One of the most powerful relationships in OOP, where a class inherits attributes and methods from another class, allowing for code reuse and extension.

Best Practices in Object Instantiation

To ensure that the process of object instantiation remains efficient and maintainable, certain best practices should be followed:

  • Concise and Clear Class Definitions: Keep class definitions concise and focused on the essential attributes and behaviours.
  • Use of Descriptive Names: Choose descriptive and meaningful names for classes and objects to enhance code readability.
  • Memory Management Considerations: Be mindful of the memory footprint of objects, especially in applications where many instances are created.
  • Reduced Dependencies: Aim to reduce the dependencies between objects to facilitate easier maintenance and reduce the likelihood of errors.


Object instantiation is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows for the creation of specific, individual entities from abstract class definitions. By understanding the mechanics of classes and objects, as well as the memory considerations involved in instantiation, students of IB Computer Science can build a strong foundation for developing efficient and effective object-oriented applications.


You would avoid instantiating an object from a class when you need to utilise static methods or attributes that do not require the state of an object to be utilised. Static methods belong to the class itself, not to any particular object, and can be called without creating an instance of the class. Additionally, you might avoid instantiation when creating an object is resource-intensive, and the situation does not necessitate a separate instance, such as when a single shared resource can be used. Another scenario is when employing design patterns like Singleton, where the class design restricts object creation to ensure that only one instance of the class exists throughout the application.

Garbage collection is a form of automatic memory management that reclaims memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by a program. When an object is instantiated, it occupies a portion of memory. However, when it is no longer needed—typically when there are no references to it—the garbage collector will eventually free up this memory. This process is crucial as it prevents memory leaks, which can cause programs to use increasing amounts of memory over time, leading to reduced performance or even application crashes. The garbage collector operates in the background, identifying objects that are unreachable by any references in the program and then deallocating their memory.

'Pass-by-value' refers to the method of passing the value of a variable to a function as opposed to a reference to the variable itself. When related to object instantiation, it means that when objects are passed to methods, any modifications made within those methods do not affect the original object but rather a copy of it. This is particularly important when objects contain data that should not be altered unintentionally. In pass-by-value, the called method receives a copy of the object's data, and thus, the original object's state is preserved. It ensures that the original object remains unchanged outside the method, which is crucial for maintaining data integrity in a program.

A constructor in object instantiation serves as a special method that is automatically called when a new object is created. Its primary role is to initialise the new object's state by assigning initial values to its attributes. In essence, the constructor sets up the conditions for the object to operate correctly when it is first used. For example, if a class defines an object's colour and brand, the constructor ensures that every new object instantiated has specific values for these attributes. This process is vital because it allows objects to have distinct properties right from the beginning, promoting diversity in the attributes of various instances of the same class.

Constructor overloads allow a class to have multiple constructors, each with a different set of parameters. This affects object instantiation by providing flexibility in the creation of objects, allowing different initial states for an object. For instance, one version of a constructor may only initialise a few attributes while another may require all attributes to be initialised. This enables the programmer to create objects with different sets of data from the same class. It also enhances the class's usability by allowing it to be versatile in different contexts. Overloading constructors can accommodate various instantiation needs while keeping the code clean and coherent.

Practice Questions

Define the term 'object instantiation' and explain the difference between an object and a class. Include an example to illustrate your explanation.

Object instantiation is the process of creating a specific, usable instance of a class in object-oriented programming. A class is a blueprint or template that defines the attributes and methods for objects, but it is not an object itself. In contrast, an object is an instance of a class, equipped with actual values for its attributes and the ability to utilise its methods. For instance, if 'Car' is a class, 'myCar = new Car("blue", "Ford")' creates an object named 'myCar' with the colour blue and brand Ford, instantiated from the Car class.

Explain how object instantiation affects memory usage, and describe a scenario where multiple instances of a single class might be used.

Object instantiation affects memory usage by allocating space for each new instance of a class. This space is used to store the instance's unique attribute values and provide a context for its method executions. For example, in a game, the 'Player' class could be instantiated multiple times to create different player objects, like 'player1 = new Player("Alice")' and 'player2 = new Player("Bob")'. Each player object would occupy its own space in memory, allowing each to maintain separate scores, health stats, and positions within the game world.

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