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IB DP Computer Science Study Notes

C.3.3 Data Compression

Definition and Importance

Data compression is the technique of encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation, a fundamental practice for enhancing storage and communication in distributed computing.

Lossless Compression

Fundamental Principles

Lossless compression algorithms reduce the size of data without any loss of information, ensuring that the original data can be perfectly reconstructed from the compressed data.

Techniques and Use Cases

  • Run-Length Encoding (RLE): Efficient for data with many consecutive repetitions.
  • Huffman coding: Utilises variable-length codes for different characters based on frequency.
  • Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW): Builds a dictionary of data sequences during the encoding process.


  • Data Integrity: Ideal for legal, medical, and scientific data where precision is critical.
  • Reversibility: Enables perfect reconstruction, essential for archival purposes.


  • File Size: Less effective in reducing file sizes, particularly for high-fidelity media files.
  • Complexity: Some algorithms can be computationally intensive.


  • Text and Data Files: Where every bit of original data is crucial.
  • High-Resolution Images: Like medical imagery where detail is non-negotiable.

Lossy Compression

Fundamental Principles

In lossy compression, data is permanently eliminated. The technique is designed to discard 'non-essential' information, optimising file size at the cost of a perfect reproduction.

Techniques and Use Cases

  • JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group): Dominant for compressing photographic images.
  • MPEG (Moving Picture Experts Group) and H.264: Standards for video compression.
  • MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer III): Pervasive audio compression format.


  • Size Reduction: More efficient in reducing file sizes, making it suitable for streaming and storage.
  • Flexibility: Compression rate can be adjusted to balance quality and size.


  • Quality Loss: Can result in noticeable artefacts, especially at high compression rates.
  • Irreversible: Once information is discarded, it cannot be retrieved.


  • Streaming Media: Where bandwidth is limited.
  • Web Images: Faster loading times for websites.

Trade-offs Between Quality and File Size

  • Lossless: No quality compromise; larger files.
  • Lossy: Reduced quality; more storage-efficient.

Decompression Software

Role in Data Transfer

Decompression software is essential for accessing and utilising compressed data, translating it back to a usable format.

Preserving Data Integrity

  • Lossless decompression: Guarantees a perfect replica of the original data.
  • Lossy decompression: Approximates the original content with some potential quality degradation.

Impact on Transmission Speeds

  • Faster Transmission: Smaller files move more quickly over networks.
  • Decompression Time: Must be factored into the overall 'speed' of data access.

Practical Insights Through Testing

Evaluating Compression Methods

Testing different compression methods across various file types allows for an empirical understanding of the trade-offs involved.

Observing Decompression

  • Monitoring decompression times is crucial for applications like real-time video streaming.
  • Verifying data integrity post-decompression helps in assessing the suitability of a compression method.

Detailed Analysis

Lossless vs. Lossy in Depth

Quality Metrics

  • Fidelity: Lossless ensures perfect fidelity, lossy trades fidelity for size.
  • Visual and Auditory Perceptibility: Lossy compression exploits imperceptibility thresholds.

Compression Ratios

  • Lossless: Lower ratios, typically between 2:1 and 5:1.
  • Lossy: Higher ratios, can exceed 10:1 without noticeable quality loss for the intended use.

Algorithmic Efficiency

  • Speed: Some lossless algorithms are faster but less compressive; others are slower but achieve smaller files.
  • Resource Usage: Lossy algorithms may require less computational power.

Social and Technical Implications

  • Data Ethics: Lossless is imperative where data alteration can have legal or ethical implications.
  • User Experience: Lossy compression's efficiency improves user access to multimedia, a vital aspect of modern web utilisation.

Statistical Data Analysis

  • Empirical testing of compression methods with statistical analysis aids in understanding the real-world implications of each method.
  • Machine Learning: Advanced algorithms that learn the best compression strategies for different types of data.
  • Quantum Computing: Potential to revolutionise data compression through new paradigms of computing.


As we immerse deeper into the digital age, the art and science of data compression and decompression remain at the forefront of technological evolution. These methods not only conserve our digital resources but also dictate the speed and efficiency with which we access and share information. For the astute IB Computer Science student, mastering these concepts is not just about passing an exam; it's about preparing to contribute to the next leap in computing technology.


The choice of compression algorithm can have a significant impact on the computational resources required for decompression. Algorithms that achieve higher compression ratios often do so at the cost of increased complexity, which can require more processing power and memory to decode. For example, decompressing data compressed using a sophisticated lossless algorithm like BZIP2 typically requires more CPU time compared to a simpler algorithm like RLE. This can be particularly relevant for devices with limited processing capabilities, such as mobile devices or IoT gadgets. Choosing the right algorithm involves balancing the space savings with the available system resources for decompression.

While lossy compression is generally not used for text files due to the need for precise data retention, there are specific circumstances under which it could be applicable. For example, in a scenario where a large volume of text data needs to be analysed for patterns or trends, and not for the exact content, a lossy compression algorithm could be used to reduce the data size and speed up processing. However, this would be a specialised application and not common practice, as the loss of even a single character in a text file can alter its meaning or functionality.

Despite the advantages of reduced file sizes, lossy compression is unsuitable in scenarios where the exact original data needs to be preserved, such as in legal documents, software applications, and medical records. In such contexts, any loss of data could lead to misinterpretation or errors with potentially severe consequences. Furthermore, professional fields that require high-fidelity data, like archival services, scientific research, and high-quality printing and photography, also demand lossless compression to ensure that no detail is compromised during the compression process.

Common file formats that use lossless compression include PNG for images, FLAC for audio, and ZIP for general file archiving. These formats are chosen for types of data where preserving the original content is critical. PNG is used for images that require transparency or where image quality cannot be compromised, such as logos or text-heavy graphics. FLAC is an audio format that compresses without loss of audio fidelity, preferred by audiophiles and professionals. ZIP is widely used for archiving and transferring files because it can compress a variety of file types and is supported by many operating systems, ensuring data integrity and compatibility.

Compression techniques, particularly lossless compression, work significantly by identifying and eliminating redundancy in data. Redundancy refers to the unnecessary repetition of data elements. Lossless compression algorithms like Huffman coding or LZW identify these repetitive patterns and replace them with more space-efficient representations. By reducing redundancy, these methods reduce the overall size of the data without affecting the content. However, the level of redundancy that can be removed is dependent on the nature of the data itself; for instance, a text file with many repeated words will compress much more effectively than a random sequence of data.

Practice Questions

Describe the difference between lossless and lossy data compression, and give one example of where each type might be appropriately used.

Lossless data compression is a method where data can be compressed and then decompressed to its original form without any loss of information. This is crucial for applications where maintaining the exact original data is important, such as text files or executable programs. An example where lossless compression would be used is in compressing source code files, where every character is significant.

Lossy data compression, on the other hand, permanently removes some information from the data and is typically used for audio and video files where a reduction in quality is tolerable. For instance, lossy compression is used in MP3 files where slight quality loss is acceptable for the benefit of reduced file size which makes it easier to store and transmit.

Explain how the use of lossy compression could affect the user experience on a multimedia website.

The use of lossy compression on a multimedia website allows for faster loading times and reduced bandwidth consumption, which can significantly improve the user experience, especially for users with slower internet connections. However, if the compression is too aggressive, it may lead to noticeable artefacts in images and videos, or a loss of clarity in audio files, which could detract from the user's enjoyment of the content. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance between file size and quality to maintain a positive user experience.

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