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IB DP Computer Science Study Notes

3.2.2 Transmission Media

Understanding the transmission media is fundamental in data communications and network design. These media serve as the pathways to transport data from one point to another. The choice of medium affects several critical aspects of data transmission, including speed, reliability, cost, and security. The most common types of transmission media in modern networks are metal conductors, fibre optic cables, and wireless connections, each with its distinct features and applications.

Characteristics of Transmission Media

Selecting the right transmission medium is pivotal for achieving the desired balance between performance and cost. Key characteristics to consider include:


  • Metal Conductors: Often copper or aluminium, offering reasonable transmission speeds. Copper cables used in Ethernet networks can transmit data at speeds up to 10 Gbps (Gigabit per second).
  • Fibre Optic Cables: Provide superior speed, capable of transmitting data at rates of up to several terabits per second (Tbps), making them ideal for the backbone of major networks and the internet.
  • Wireless: Wireless speeds have considerably increased with technological advancements like Wi-Fi 6 and 5G networks, providing gigabit-speed transmissions in optimal conditions.


  • Metal Conductors: Vulnerability to EMI and physical damage can impact signal integrity, especially over longer distances or in industrial environments.
  • Fibre Optic Cables: Offer high reliability, with less signal loss over distance than metal cables, and are immune to electromagnetic interference.
  • Wireless: Subject to interference from other wireless signals and physical obstructions. Reliability is also affected by the distance from the signal source.


  • Metal Conductors: Generally the most cost-effective option for shorter distances and lower bandwidth requirements.
  • Fibre Optic Cables: Higher upfront costs due to material and installation complexities. However, they often offer lower operational costs and longer lifespans.
  • Wireless: Requires investment in wireless infrastructure, such as transmitters and receivers. Operational costs can vary based on the coverage area and the technology used.


  • Metal Conductors: Physical security measures are essential as these can be tapped and intercepted.
  • Fibre Optic Cables: Offer better security against interception and are often used for network connections requiring high security.
  • Wireless: Potentially more vulnerable to eavesdropping and hacking. Implementing robust security protocols and encryption is crucial.

Types of Transmission Media

Metal Conductors

  • Examples: Twisted pair cables (e.g., CAT5e, CAT6), coaxial cables.
  • Applications: Used extensively in LANs, telephone networks, and cable internet services.
  • Pros and Cons: Affordable and easy to work with, but bandwidth and distance limitations need consideration.

Fibre Optic Cables

  • Composition: Consists of one or more fibres encased in an insulating cover. Core made of glass or plastic transmits light signals.
  • Applications: Ideal for long-distance communication and areas where high bandwidth is required, such as data centres and high-speed broadband connections.
  • Advantages: Higher bandwidth capabilities, minimal signal loss over long distances, and immunity to electrical interference.


  • Varieties: Includes radio frequency (RF) waves, microwaves, and infrared signals.
  • Applications: Widely used in mobile communications, WLANs, and satellite communications.
  • Considerations: Installation flexibility and mobility support. Bandwidth and range can be limited, and performance is influenced by physical and environmental factors.

Packet Switching in Data Transmission

Packet switching, an essential concept in network communications, involves dividing data into packets for transmission and then reassembling them at the destination. It's foundational in most modern networks, including the internet.


  • Segmentation: Breaking down data into manageable packets allows for more efficient use of network resources.
  • Independent Routing: Each packet may take a different path to the destination, optimizing network usage and speed.
  • Reassembly: The original message is reconstructed from the received packets, regardless of the order in which they arrive.


  • Flexibility and Efficiency: Eases network congestion and enables more effective use of network bandwidth.
  • Fault Tolerance: If one packet or path fails, others can still reach the destination, enhancing overall network reliability.
  • Scalability: More effective for large networks with high volumes of data transmission, as it doesn't require a dedicated path for each communication.

Impact on Transmission Media

  • Metal Conductors and Fibre Optics: Stable and high-speed mediums like fibre optics complement the efficiencies of packet-switched networks by reducing latency and increasing throughput.
  • Wireless: The inherent variability of wireless media, such as signal attenuation and interference, demands robust packet management and error-correction techniques to ensure reliable data transmission.

In summary, the choice of transmission media in a network architecture heavily influences its overall performance, efficiency, and cost. Each medium – whether metal conductors, fibre optics, or wireless – has specific properties and suits particular applications and environments. Alongside these considerations, understanding the role and function of packet switching in network communications is vital for any student of computer science, particularly those focused on network design and management. This knowledge not only facilitates better decisions in network infrastructure but also prepares students for emerging challenges and technologies in the field of data communication.


Metal conductors, such as copper cables, have several limitations compared to fibre optics and wireless transmission. One of the primary limitations is bandwidth; metal conductors offer considerably lower data transmission speeds than fibre optics. They are also more susceptible to signal degradation over long distances, requiring the use of repeaters to maintain signal integrity. Furthermore, metal cables are vulnerable to electromagnetic interference (EMI), which can distort the signal and reduce data quality. This makes them less suitable for environments with high levels of EMI, such as near industrial machinery or power lines. Additionally, metal conductors have a higher security risk since they can be more easily tapped into for data interception compared to fibre optics, which require physical cutting of the cables, thus disrupting the transmission and alerting to the breach.

Fibre optic cables are largely immune to weather conditions; they are not affected by rain, temperature changes, or electromagnetic interference from storms, which can be a significant advantage over metal conductors. However, physical damage to fibre optic cables, such as that caused by construction work or natural disasters, can disrupt service. Wireless transmission, in contrast, can be significantly affected by weather conditions. Rain, fog, and other forms of atmospheric moisture can absorb or scatter the wireless signals, reducing their strength. Similarly, extreme temperatures can affect the performance of hardware components in wireless networks. Moreover, obstacles such as buildings and trees can obstruct signal paths, affecting signal strength and network reliability.

Wireless transmission is often preferred in scenarios where flexibility, mobility, and ease of installation are key considerations. It is ideal for environments where physical cabling is impractical, expensive, or disruptive, such as in historic buildings, across expansive outdoor areas, or in rapidly changing environments like trade shows or temporary venues. Wireless networks are also essential for mobile devices and for applications where users need to move freely while maintaining network connectivity, such as in hospitals, campuses, and large office buildings. In situations where scalability and quick deployment are crucial, setting up a wireless network can be faster and more cost-effective than laying down physical cables. However, the choice between wireless and wired transmission depends on a comprehensive assessment of factors including speed, capacity, security, reliability, and cost.

Installation and maintenance of transmission media vary significantly. Metal conductors like copper cables are relatively easy and inexpensive to install but may require more frequent maintenance due to susceptibility to damage and degradation (such as corrosion). They might need replacements or repairs, especially in areas with extreme environmental conditions. Fibre optic cables, while more challenging and costly to install due to their fragility and the need for specialised equipment and handling, require less maintenance once in place. They are less prone to physical degradation and interference, leading to longer lifespans and more stable network performance. Wireless networks eliminate the need for physical cabling to each access point, making initial setup simpler in some aspects. However, maintaining strong and secure wireless coverage can be complex, requiring regular updates, monitoring, and potentially additional equipment (like repeaters) to ensure robust network coverage.

Different transmission media have varying environmental impacts. Metal conductors, often copper or aluminium, can have significant environmental impacts due to mining, processing, and disposal. The extraction and processing of these metals often involve energy-intensive activities, contributing to pollution and habitat destruction. Fibre optic cables, on the other hand, are generally more environmentally friendly. Their production requires less raw material than metal cables, and because they are capable of carrying more data over longer distances with less energy, they are a more sustainable choice in the long term. Wireless transmission, while avoiding the direct environmental impact of physical cable installation, does raise concerns related to electromagnetic radiation and energy consumption of wireless network infrastructure. As the wireless technology advances, its infrastructure becomes denser, potentially increasing the ecological footprint. Hence, sustainable and efficient design and deployment of these technologies are crucial to minimise their environmental impact.

Practice Questions

Describe the main differences between fibre optic cables and wireless transmission, focusing on speed, reliability, and security.

Fibre optic cables offer superior speed, transmitting data at rates up to several terabits per second, significantly faster than current wireless technologies. They are highly reliable due to their immunity to electromagnetic interference and lower signal attenuation, which makes them ideal for long-distance and high-speed data transmission. In terms of security, fibre optics are less prone to eavesdropping and are difficult to tap into without detection, thus offering a higher security level compared to wireless transmission. Wireless, while flexible and supporting mobility, faces challenges with signal interference, range limitations, and security vulnerabilities. Security for wireless transmission heavily relies on robust encryption and security protocols to mitigate risks of eavesdropping and hacking.

Explain how packet switching enhances the efficiency and reliability of a network.

Packet switching increases network efficiency by allowing multiple communications to use the network simultaneously. In this process, data is divided into packets, each of which can travel independently from source to destination. This method optimises the use of the available network bandwidth and reduces congestion, as each packet can take the least busy route, leading to more efficient use of network resources. Additionally, packet switching enhances network reliability. If a packet is lost or a particular path becomes unavailable, the network can resend the packet or reroute others, minimising the impact of failures and maintaining data integrity. This flexibility and adaptability make packet switching a robust and efficient method for data transmission in modern networks.

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