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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

17.1.1 Le Châtelier's Principle

Le Châtelier's principle is an essential concept in the realm of chemical equilibrium. It serves as a guideline to predict the response of a system at equilibrium when subjected to external changes and finds profound implications in the world of industrial chemistry.

Delving into Le Châtelier’s Principle

When a system at equilibrium is subjected to change, the equilibrium shifts in a direction that tends to counteract that change. This can be better understood by dissecting different types of changes:

1. Effects of Concentration Changes

Reactant Concentration:

  • Increasing the concentration of a reactant pushes the equilibrium towards the products, as the system attempts to reduce the added concentration by using up the excess reactants.
  • Conversely, decreasing the concentration of a reactant will shift the equilibrium in the opposite direction, reducing the rate of the forward reaction.

Product Concentration:

  • If we increase the concentration of a product, the system tries to counter this change. As a result, the equilibrium shifts towards the reactants.
  • Reducing product concentration will see the system favouring the forward reaction, producing more of the said product.

However, it's essential to recognise that while the direction of change is predictable, the magnitude of this change can be influenced by various factors, including the nature of the reactants and products and the specific conditions of the reaction. Understanding the factors affecting the rate of reaction can provide deeper insights into how these changes impact equilibrium.

2. Impact of Temperature Variations

Temperature profoundly influences the position of equilibrium, especially when considering exothermic and endothermic reactions.

Exothermic Reactions:

  • In reactions that release energy, increasing the temperature is akin to increasing the concentration of products. Thus, the system will shift towards the reactants to counteract the change.
  • Decreasing the temperature, conversely, will make the system favour the forward, exothermic reaction.

Endothermic Reactions:

  • For reactions that absorb energy, raising the temperature pushes the equilibrium towards the products, as the system tries to consume the added heat.
  • Lowering the temperature for such reactions will favour the backward, exothermic process.

Understanding the temperature dependence is crucial, especially when optimising industrial processes where yield and rate of reaction are paramount. The concept of Hess's Law can further elaborate on the implications of heat exchange in reactions.

3. Pressure Changes in Gaseous Systems

Only reactions involving gases show shifts in equilibrium due to pressure changes. The system will adjust in a direction that opposes the pressure change.

  • If the pressure is increased (by decreasing the volume), the system shifts towards the side with fewer moles of gas.
  • Conversely, reducing the pressure (by increasing volume) will make the system shift towards the side with a greater number of moles.

The magnitude of the shift can be influenced by the difference in mole numbers between reactants and products. The principle of dynamic equilibrium is key to understanding these shifts in gaseous systems.

Industrial Implications of Le Châtelier's Principle

Many industrial processes are designed considering Le Châtelier’s principle to optimise conditions for maximum yield and rate of reaction.

Haber Process Revisited:

  • This process, crucial for ammonia production, is a classic example. High pressures favour the forward reaction, leading to more ammonia. However, the exothermic nature of the reaction means that lower temperatures would also favour the forward reaction. Balancing these factors, industries operate at high pressures but moderate temperatures, also incorporating catalysts to enhance the rate.

Ostwald Process:

  • Employed for nitric acid production, this process involves the oxidation of ammonia. The steps involve various equilibria, and by manipulating pressures and temperatures and using catalysts, industries ensure maximum nitric acid production. The efficiency of these processes is significantly improved by understanding galvanic cells and Lewis acid-base theory.

By understanding and harnessing the nuances of Le Châtelier's principle, industries can significantly boost production efficiency.

Equilibrium: Stress and Response Analogy

At its heart, Le Châtelier's principle embodies the resilience of chemical systems.

Nature of Stress: Stress can emerge from various sources, such as:

  • Addition or removal of reactants/products.
  • Alteration in container volume.
  • Temperature adjustments.

System’s Response: The response of the system, encapsulated by shifts in equilibrium, is its way of opposing the applied stress. It's a system's method of restoring balance, albeit a new balance.


In an ideal closed system, given infinite time, all reactions will eventually reach equilibrium. However, in practical terms, some reactions may take an impractically long time to achieve equilibrium or might seem as if they never do because of extremely slow kinetics. It's important to differentiate between the concept of equilibrium (which is thermodynamic in nature) and the rate at which it is achieved (which is kinetic).

When an inert gas (a gas that doesn't react with any of the species in the equilibrium mixture) is added to a gaseous system at constant volume, the total pressure of the system increases. However, the partial pressures of individual gases in the system remain unchanged. Since the position of equilibrium depends on partial pressures or concentrations of the reacting species, the addition of an inert gas at constant volume does not shift the position of equilibrium. The system remains at equilibrium despite the increase in total pressure.

For reactions involving only liquids and solids, changes in pressure have virtually no effect on the position of equilibrium. This is because the volumes of pure liquids and solids are essentially incompressible and don't change significantly with pressure. Thus, for such reactions, the position of equilibrium remains unaffected by pressure changes, in contrast to gaseous reactions where pressure changes can significantly impact the position of equilibrium.

The addition of a catalyst speeds up the rate of both the forward and reverse reactions, allowing the system to reach equilibrium more quickly. However, a catalyst does not alter the position of equilibrium or the equilibrium constant. This is because a catalyst lowers the activation energy for both the forward and reverse reactions equally, without favouring one direction over the other. Le Châtelier's principle revolves around shifting the position of equilibrium, but since a catalyst doesn't influence this position, it doesn't directly relate to Le Châtelier's principle.

Solids and pure liquids are omitted from the equilibrium expression because their concentrations remain essentially constant throughout a reaction. Unlike gases and solutions, the concentration (in terms of mole/L) of solids and pure liquids does not change even if the amount present changes. This is due to their incompressible nature. Hence, changing the amount of solid or pure liquid does not influence the position of the equilibrium or the equilibrium constant, making it unnecessary to consider them when applying Le Châtelier's principle.

Practice Questions

A container holds a gaseous system at equilibrium consisting of A2(g) and 2B(g). When the volume of the container is halved at a constant temperature, explain the shift in equilibrium using Le Châtelier's principle.

The halving of the container's volume effectively doubles the pressure on the gaseous system. According to Le Châtelier's principle, the system will shift in a direction that opposes the change. Since the forward reaction involves the decomposition of A2(g) into two moles of B(g), the system will shift towards the side with fewer moles of gas, which in this case is the side of A2(g). This is because reducing the total number of gas moles will counteract the increase in pressure. Thus, the equilibrium will shift towards the formation of A2(g).

The Ostwald process involves the oxidation of ammonia to produce nitric acid. Describe how Le Châtelier's principle might be used in this industrial process to maximise the yield of nitric acid.

The Ostwald process involves two primary reactions: firstly, the oxidation of ammonia to form nitrogen monoxide and water, followed by the further oxidation of nitrogen monoxide to form nitrogen dioxide, which subsequently reacts with water to form nitric acid. To maximise nitric acid yield, conditions should favour the forward reactions. Based on Le Châtelier's principle, increasing the concentration of reactants, such as oxygen and ammonia, would push the equilibrium towards the products. Additionally, the use of a catalyst will enhance the rate without affecting the position of equilibrium. Adjusting temperature and pressure conditions while considering the exothermic or endothermic nature of the reactions will also help in increasing the yield of nitric acid.

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