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IB DP Chemistry Study Notes

16.2.1 Activation Energy: An Introduction

Activation energy is fundamental in the realm of chemical kinetics. It represents the energy barrier that molecules must surpass for reactions to proceed. Grasping its nature, especially through energy profile diagrams, is crucial for understanding chemical reactions' speeds and mechanisms.

Energy Profile Diagrams

What Are Energy Profile Diagrams?

Energy profile diagrams, sometimes known as reaction coordinate diagrams, visualise the energy transformations during a chemical reaction. They plot potential energy against the progression of the reaction, offering a graphical representation of how energy is consumed and released.

Key Features of the Diagram

  • Reactants and Products: The diagram typically begins with reactants at a particular energy level. As the reaction unfolds, the energy profile changes, culminating at the energy level of the products. The disparity between these two points illustrates the net energy change of the reaction.
  • Activation Energy (Ea): Represented as the height of the energy barrier in the diagram, this is the extra energy molecules required to initiate a reaction. The peak of this barrier correlates with the transition state, the most energetically unstable point of the reaction.
  • Exothermic vs. Endothermic: If the products reside at lower energy than the reactants, the reaction releases energy, categorising it as exothermic. Conversely, if the products are at higher energy, the reaction absorbs energy, marking it as endothermic.

Activation Energy Insights from the Diagram

  • Barrier Height: A diminutive energy barrier (lower Ea) hints that the reaction will likely be swift, as it's easier for molecules to surpass this threshold. A towering barrier suggests the opposite. Understanding the basics of collision theory can further elucidate this point.
  • Transition State: The peak of the energy barrier, often the most challenging step for reactants to attain. It's a fleeting, high-energy configuration of atoms that exists momentarily before the reaction moves towards the formation of products. The concept of the transition state theory provides a deeper dive into this critical phase.

Activation Energy and Reaction Rate

Why Activation Energy Matters

Activation energy serves as the energy gatekeeper for chemical reactions. While molecules are in perpetual motion and constantly collide, only those with energy surpassing the activation threshold can react and form products. This is a cornerstone concept in understanding the factors affecting the rate of reaction.

Factors Affecting Activation Energy

  • Nature of Reactants: The inherent characteristics of the reactants play a pivotal role. For instance, molecules with polar bonds or unstable configurations might have lower activation energies, facilitating reactions.
  • Reaction Pathway: A reaction can proceed through multiple mechanisms, each with its series of steps and associated energy barriers. The pathway chosen often depends on factors like temperature, pressure, or the presence of a catalyst. Different rate equations can demonstrate how these factors influence the reaction kinetics.

Correlation with Reaction Rate

  • Energy Distribution: At any given temperature, molecules in a system have a range of kinetic energies. Only a fraction possesses energy exceeding the activation threshold. Thus, the higher the Ea, the fewer molecules there are with enough energy to react, leading to slower reaction rates.
  • Temperature Dependency: Upping the temperature bolsters the kinetic energy of molecules. Consequently, more molecules achieve energies surpassing the activation threshold, quickening the reaction rate. Conversely, a temperature drop hampers the reaction rate. This temperature effect is quantitatively explained by the Arrhenius equation.
  • Boltzmann Distribution: This statistical method describes the probability of a particle having a particular energy in a system. With higher Ea, fewer particles lie beyond this threshold on the Boltzmann distribution graph, indicating a slower reaction.

Activation Energy in Daily Life

  • Biological Enzymes: Within living organisms, enzymes act as biological catalysts, lowering the activation energy required for critical reactions, and ensuring swift reactions even at mild temperatures.
  • Industrial Relevance: Industries often strive to modulate activation energies. By introducing catalysts or tweaking conditions, they ensure reactions are rapid and efficient, optimising energy consumption and maximising yields.


While average kinetic energy provides a general idea of the system's energy, it's crucial to remember that molecular energies in a sample are distributed across a range. This distribution is described by the Boltzmann distribution. Even if the average kinetic energy is below the activation energy, there might still be a subset of molecules with energies exceeding the activation threshold. These molecules can react and produce products. However, if the average energy is substantially below the activation energy, this fraction is minuscule, leading to an exceedingly slow reaction rate.

Inhibitors are substances that decrease the rate of a chemical reaction. They typically function by increasing the activation energy of a reaction, thus making it more challenging for reactants to convert into products. In contrast, catalysts speed up reactions by reducing the activation energy. While catalysts provide alternative reaction pathways with lower energy barriers, inhibitors might bind to reactants, form complexes, or introduce other mechanisms that elevate the energy barrier. It's worth noting that both inhibitors and catalysts do not get consumed in the reaction, but their influence on the activation energy and subsequent reaction rate is in opposing directions.

The transition state is a temporary, high-energy configuration of atoms that exists momentarily during a reaction's progression. It represents the highest energy point along the reaction pathway and is associated with the activation energy barrier. Transition states cannot be isolated due to their ephemeral nature. On the other hand, intermediates are species that form during the reaction process but are not present in the initial or final states of the reaction. They are more stable than transition states and, under certain conditions, might be detected or isolated during the course of the reaction.

Catalysts are substances that expedite chemical reactions without being consumed in the process. They function by offering an alternative reaction pathway with reduced activation energy compared to the uncatalysed pathway. This diminished energy barrier means that, at a given temperature, a larger fraction of molecules in the system will have sufficient energy to surpass the activation threshold. As a result, the rate of reaction accelerates. It's essential to note that while catalysts alter the speed of a reaction by affecting its activation energy, they don't influence the thermodynamic equilibrium of the reaction or the enthalpy change.

Theoretically, if a reaction's activation energy is zero, it indicates that no energy barrier needs to be overcome for the reaction to proceed. In such a case, as long as reactant molecules collide with the correct orientation, they can convert directly into products. In reality, very few reactions might exhibit this characteristic, as most reactions necessitate some energy input to initiate the breaking and forming of bonds. However, some spontaneous reactions can occur with negligible activation energy, especially in cases where the reactants are inherently unstable or in high-energy states.

Practice Questions

Describe the difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions using energy profile diagrams. How can activation energy be identified on such a diagram?

Exothermic and endothermic reactions can be distinguished using energy profile diagrams by examining the energy levels of reactants and products. In an exothermic reaction, the energy level of the products is lower than that of the reactants, resulting in a net release of energy. Conversely, in an endothermic reaction, the products have a higher energy level than the reactants, indicating a net absorption of energy. On an energy profile diagram, the activation energy (Ea) can be identified as the energy difference between the energy of the reactants and the highest point on the curve, representing the transition state.

How does temperature influence the fraction of molecules surpassing the activation energy in a system? Elaborate in the context of the Boltzmann distribution.

Temperature plays a pivotal role in the kinetic energy of molecules within a system. As the temperature increases, the average kinetic energy of the molecules also rises. This means that a larger fraction of molecules will possess energy exceeding the activation threshold, enabling them to participate in the reaction. In the context of the Boltzmann distribution, raising the temperature shifts the curve towards higher energies, widening the area under the curve beyond the activation energy threshold. This graphical shift indicates that a higher proportion of molecules now have energies sufficient to overcome the activation barrier, thus accelerating the reaction rate.

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