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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

4.2.2 Hess’s Law and Enthalpy Changes

Hess's Law is a fundamental principle in thermodynamics that allows us to understand and calculate the energy changes in chemical reactions. In this section, we will delve into the application of Hess’s Law in multistep reactions, explore calculations involving standard enthalpy changes of combustion and formation, and examine differences in standard enthalpy of formation values among allotropes of an element.

Application of Hess’s Law in Multistep Reactions

Hess's Law states that the total enthalpy change for a reaction is the same, regardless of whether it occurs in one step or through a series of intermediate steps. This principle is based on the law of conservation of energy, which asserts that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another.

Understanding Hess’s Law

  • The law is applicable as enthalpy is a state function, depending only on the initial and final states of the reaction, not on the path taken.
  • Enthalpy change: It is the heat absorbed or released at constant pressure. It can be represented as ΔH, where a negative ΔH indicates an exothermic reaction and a positive ΔH indicates an endothermic reaction.
A diagrammatic presentation of Hess's Law.

Image courtesy of Anshuman

Applying Hess’s Law

  • To apply Hess’s Law, the enthalpy changes of intermediate reactions are added or subtracted to find the overall enthalpy change.
  • Important Note: If a reaction is reversed, the sign of ΔH is also reversed. If the coefficients of a reaction are multiplied, ΔH must also be multiplied by the same factor.
Diagram showing the application of Hess law to a chemical reaction.

Image courtesy of Johannes Schneider

Calculations involving Standard Enthalpy Changes

Standard Enthalpy Change of Combustion (ΔHc⦵)

  • Definition: The enthalpy change when one mole of a substance is completely burnt in oxygen under standard conditions (100 kPa pressure and 298K temperature).
  • Calculation: Utilising balanced chemical equations and known ΔHc⦵ values of reactants and products.

Standard Enthalpy Change of Formation (ΔHf⦵)

  • Definition: The enthalpy change when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements in their standard states under standard conditions.
  • Calculation: Similar to combustion, but using ΔHf⦵ values. For elements in their standard states, ΔHf⦵ is zero.

Examples and Practice

  • Given the ΔHc⦵ and ΔHf⦵ values for relevant substances, students can practice calculating the enthalpy changes for various reactions, applying Hess’s Law as needed.

Differences in ΔHf⦵ values among Allotropes

Understanding Allotropes

  • Allotropes are different forms of the same element, with different physical and chemical properties.
  • Example: Carbon has several allotropes, including graphite, diamond, and graphene.
A diagram showing allotropes of carbon.

Image courtesy of Diepizza

ΔHf⦵ and Allotropes

  • Different allotropes have different arrangements of atoms, leading to different ΔHf⦵ values.
  • Important: The most stable allotrope under standard conditions is assigned a ΔHf⦵ of zero. Others will have positive or negative values depending on their stability relative to the most stable form.

Application in Calculations

  • When dealing with an element that has allotropes, it’s crucial to use the correct ΔHf⦵ value for the allotrope involved in the reaction.
  • Misusing ΔHf⦵ values can lead to inaccurate calculations and misunderstandings of the reaction’s energetics.

By thoroughly understanding and applying the principles and methods outlined in this section, students will be well-equipped to analyse and calculate the energy changes in chemical reactions, a vital skill in IB Chemistry. Remember, practice is key, so engage with a variety of problems to deepen your understanding and mastery of Hess's Law and enthalpy changes.


Different allotropes of an element have different arrangements of atoms, which results in different bond strengths and lengths. These variations in the atomic structure lead to differences in the stability of the allotropes, which is reflected in their standard enthalpy changes of formation. The allotrope that is most stable under standard conditions will have a standard enthalpy change of formation of zero. Other, less stable allotropes will have positive or negative values, depending on whether energy is required or released when the allotrope forms from the most stable form.

The accuracy of bond enthalpy values is crucial in calculations involving Hess’s Law, as these values are used to calculate the enthalpy changes of reactions. If the bond enthalpy values are inaccurate or imprecise, the calculated enthalpy change of the reaction will also be inaccurate. This can lead to incorrect conclusions and predictions about the reaction, which could have significant implications, especially in fields such as materials science, environmental science, and engineering.

Yes, Hess’s Law can be applied to reactions occurring under any conditions of temperature and pressure. However, it is important to note that the standard enthalpy changes of formation and combustion used in the calculations should be determined under the same conditions as the reaction. If they are not, the enthalpy changes will need to be adjusted to the reaction conditions using appropriate thermodynamic principles and data before Hess’s Law can be applied.

Hess’s Law is not just a theoretical concept; it has practical applications in various fields. For example, in the energy industry, Hess's Law is used to calculate the enthalpy changes of combustion reactions, which is crucial for designing energy-efficient engines and power plants. In environmental science, it helps in assessing the impact of various chemical reactions on the environment, such as calculating the enthalpy changes associated with reactions that produce greenhouse gases. Additionally, in the field of materials science, Hess’s Law is used to analyse the stability and reactivity of different materials under various conditions.

The standard enthalpy change of formation for any element in its most stable form under standard conditions (25°C and 1 atm pressure) is defined as zero. This is a convention used to create a consistent and relative scale for enthalpy values. It allows chemists to calculate the enthalpy changes of reactions involving elements by considering only the bonds being broken and formed during the reaction, without needing to account for the absolute enthalpy content of the reactants and products. This makes calculations simpler and more straightforward.

Practice Questions

Given that the standard enthalpy change of combustion for methane (CH4) is -891 kJ/mol, and for water (H2O(l)) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are -286 kJ/mol and -394 kJ/mol respectively, calculate the standard enthalpy change of formation for methane.

To find the standard enthalpy change of formation for methane, we can use Hess's Law and the given standard enthalpy changes of combustion. The balanced equation for the combustion of methane is CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l). Using the provided values, the enthalpy change for this reaction is (-394) + 2(-286) = -966 kJ/mol. Since the formation of methane is the reverse of its combustion, the standard enthalpy change of formation for methane is +966 kJ/mol.

Graphite and diamond are two allotropes of carbon. The standard enthalpy change of formation for graphite is 0 kJ/mol, and for diamond is +1.9 kJ/mol. Explain what these values indicate about the stability and formation of these two allotropes.

The standard enthalpy change of formation for graphite is 0 kJ/mol, indicating that it is the most stable allotrope of carbon under standard conditions. This is because the standard enthalpy change of formation for an element in its most stable form is defined as zero. On the other hand, the positive value of +1.9 kJ/mol for diamond suggests that it is less stable than graphite under standard conditions. The energy required to form diamond from graphite indicates that the transformation is endothermic, requiring an input of energy. This difference in stability can be attributed to the different atomic arrangements in the two allotropes.

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