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IB DP Biology Study Notes

10.2.3 Discrete and Continuous Variation

Variation encompasses the differences observed within a population. Classifying variation into discrete and continuous categories is essential for understanding genetic diversity and evolution. This in-depth analysis will explore these categories, their examples, and underlying genetic mechanisms.

Discrete Variation

Discrete variation refers to traits with a limited number of phenotypes, controlled by one or few genes. Discrete traits can be easily classified.

Examples of Discrete Variation

  • Blood Type: Determined by antigens, human blood types are A, B, AB, and O.
  • Eye Colour: Though complex, eye colour has discrete categories like blue, brown, and green.
  • Tongue Rolling: Presence or absence of tongue-rolling ability is a discrete trait.

Genetics of Discrete Variation

  • Single Gene Traits: Discrete variations often involve one gene with different alleles. Understanding the principles of Mendelian genetics can provide deeper insight into how these traits are inherited.
  • Dominant and Recessive Alleles: Expression may follow the pattern of dominance.
  • Sex-linked Traits: Some discrete traits like haemophilia are linked to sex chromosomes.
  • Codominance and Incomplete Dominance: Discrete traits may also follow patterns of codominance or incomplete dominance.

Discrete Variation in Populations

Discrete variation can be easily observed in populations and may lead to rapid evolution if certain traits are favored. This can be seen in cases like antibiotic resistance in bacteria.

Continuous Variation

Continuous variation involves traits showing a range without distinct categories. Multiple genes and environmental factors influence them.

Examples of Continuous Variation

  • Height: Human height exhibits continuous variation.
  • Weight: Weight varies based on genetics and lifestyle.
  • Skin Colour: Several genes and sunlight influence skin colour, causing it to vary continuously. The structure of proteins plays a significant role in the expression of these genes.

Genetics of Continuous Variation

  • Polygenic Traits: Controlled by many genes, these traits show a continuous spectrum. The continuous variation in polygenic characteristics page offers more details on this topic.
  • Environmental Influence: Factors like nutrition, climate, and upbringing affect the phenotype.
  • Normal Distribution: Continuous traits often follow a bell-shaped curve in populations.
  • Additive Effects: The contribution of several genes leads to a cumulative effect on phenotype. This is often seen in the context of DNA replication and its impact on genetic diversity.

Continuous Variation in Populations

In a population, continuous variation allows for a wide array of phenotypes, often leading to a more gradual evolution. The blending of traits allows for more nuanced adaptation to environmental pressures. The concept of evidence of evolution further explores how continuous variation contributes to the evolutionary process.

IB Biology Tutor Tip: Grasping the distinction between discrete and continuous variation underpins our understanding of genetic inheritance and evolutionary processes, highlighting the complexity of biological diversity.

Comparing Discrete and Continuous Variation

Discrete Variation

  • Finite phenotypes.
  • Usually monogenic.
  • Categorical.
  • Minimally affected by the environment.
  • Rapid evolution if a trait is favored.

Continuous Variation

  • Infinite phenotypes.
  • Polygenic.
  • Influenced by environmental factors.
  • Gradual evolution due to nuanced adaptation.
IB Tutor Advice: Focus on understanding examples of discrete and continuous variation, and how they're inherited. This knowledge is crucial for answering questions on genetics and evolution in your IB Biology exams.

Application in Genetic Studies

Understanding these variations is pivotal in many fields:

  • Medical Research: Identifying discrete genetic disorders or continuously varying traits like cholesterol levels.
  • Agriculture: Breeding plants or animals with desired traits, either discrete (disease resistance) or continuous (size).
  • Conservation Biology: Managing genetic diversity within endangered species.
  • Forensic Science: Utilising discrete traits in DNA profiling.


Continuous variation provides a wide range of phenotypes within a population, enhancing adaptability to changing environmental conditions. Greater genetic diversity means that some individuals are likely to possess traits that confer a survival advantage in specific environments. This, in turn, ensures the survival and evolution of the species.

Generally, a trait is either discrete or continuous, but not both. Discrete traits have specific, finite categories, while continuous traits form a spectrum. However, a complex trait could appear to be discrete at a glance but reveal continuous variation under detailed analysis, especially if multiple genes and environmental factors are involved.

Discrete variation is typically caused by single genes that have clearly defined alleles, leading to distinct phenotypes. Environmental influence on discrete traits is usually minimal or nonexistent, as these traits are determined solely by genetics. However, in rare cases, environmental factors might play a role if they significantly affect the expression of the underlying gene.

Human height and weight are considered continuous because they are controlled by multiple genes (polygenic), and the interaction with environmental factors creates a broad spectrum of phenotypes. There are no distinct categories or "either-or" options for these traits; instead, they exist on a continuum.

In continuous variation, the environment plays a significant role in shaping the phenotypic outcome. Factors such as diet, climate, and lifestyle can interact with genetics to determine the final phenotype. For example, a person's height can be influenced by nutritional factors during growth, demonstrating how environmental conditions can modify the expression of polygenic traits.

Practice Questions

Explain the differences between discrete and continuous variation, including at least two examples for each.

Discrete variation refers to traits with a finite number of phenotypes, often controlled by single genes. Examples include blood type and eye colour in humans. Continuous variation, on the other hand, displays an infinite number of phenotypes across a continuum and is usually polygenic. Human height and weight are examples of continuous variation. Discrete traits can be easily categorised, whereas continuous traits often form a bell-shaped curve within a population. Continuous variation is typically influenced by environmental factors, while discrete variation is less susceptible to such influences.

Describe how polygenic inheritance contributes to continuous variation, providing an example.

Polygenic inheritance involves multiple genes, each contributing a small effect to the overall phenotype, resulting in continuous variation. Unlike monogenic traits, which have clear categories, polygenic traits form a spectrum of phenotypes. The additive effects of these genes, combined with environmental influences, create a continuum of variation. An example of polygenic inheritance contributing to continuous variation is human skin colour. Several genes control the amount and type of melanin produced, resulting in a wide range of skin tones. The continuous variation of skin colour is a complex interplay between genetics and environmental factors like sunlight exposure.

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