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IB DP Biology Study Notes

2.5.3 Stem Cell Niches in Adult Humans

Stem cell niches are specialised environments in the body where stem cells reside. These niches not only provide shelter to stem cells but also supply them with the specific signals needed to maintain their undifferentiated status or guide their differentiation when needed.

What is a Stem Cell Niche?

The stem cell niche concept underscores the significance of the microenvironment in which a stem cell exists. The niche serves as a 'safe house' for stem cells, offering protection, nutrients, and molecular signals.

  • Undifferentiated State: Stem cells retain their general characteristics without transforming into a specialised cell type.
  • Differentiation: Depending on the body's needs, stem cells can be guided by niche signals to adopt specific roles and forms.
Undifferentiated stem cells and differentiated cells.

Image courtesy of Mykola Syvak

Key Locations of Stem Cell Niches in Adult Humans

Several stem cell niches are found across the human body, each serving a unique purpose:

1. Bone Marrow

  • Location: Inside larger bones, like those in the hips and thighs.
  • Stem Cells Present: Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs).
    • HSCs: These stem cells differentiate into various types of blood cells, from red blood cells that transport oxygen to white blood cells that defend against infections.
    • MSCs: Possess the potential to develop into cells that make up skeletal tissues such as cartilage, bone, and fats.
Diagram showing bone marrow

Image courtesy of marina_ua

2. Hair Follicles

  • Location: These niches are nestled at the base of hair strands in tiny cavities across our skin.
  • Stem Cells Present: Hair Follicle Stem Cells (HFSCs).
    • HFSCs: They're primarily tasked with generating new hair, but they also play a role in repairing and rejuvenating the skin around the follicles.

3. Brain

  • Location: While once believed that the adult brain couldn't generate new cells, we now understand that stem cells reside in regions like the Subventricular Zone (SVZ) and Hippocampus.
  • Stem Cells Present: Neural Stem Cells (NSCs).
    • NSCs: These cells can morph into various brain cells such as neurons, which transmit information, and glial cells, which support and nourish neurons.

4. Intestines

  • Location: Found in the crypts of the intestines.
  • Stem Cells Present: Intestinal Stem Cells (ISCs).
    • ISCs: As the lining of our intestines needs regular renewal due to constant wear and tear, ISCs take up the role of refreshing the epithelial lining, ensuring the efficient absorption of nutrients.

5. Skin

  • Location: Residing at the base layer of the skin and near sweat glands.
  • Stem Cells Present: Epidermal Stem Cells.
    • Epidermal Stem Cells: The skin, being our body's frontline defence, is prone to damages. These stem cells are crucial for regular skin repair and regeneration.

Stem Cell Niches' Functional Dynamics

The niches are not merely physical addresses; they play active roles in the life cycle of stem cells:

1. Maintenance of Stem Cells

  • Physical Protection: Niches shield stem cells from potential external harms, including physical and oxidative damage.
  • Nutrient Provision: Ensuring the continuous nourishment of stem cells is a primary role of the niche.

2. Decision on Cell Fate

  • Balancing Act: The niche maintains an equilibrium between stem cell renewal (self-replication) and the creation of differentiated offspring.
  • Guided Differentiation: As organs require rejuvenation or repair, niches release specific signals that guide stem cells towards required differentiation pathways.

3. Proliferation Regulation

  • Growth Modulation: By releasing growth modulators, niches can enhance or inhibit stem cell proliferation.
  • Cell Cycle Oversight: The niche ensures the regulated progression of stem cells through their lifecycle, averting unchecked growth that might lead to tumours.

Delving into Niche Functionality

Understanding how niches maintain or promote proliferation and differentiation can be elucidated through several mechanisms:

1. Extracellular Matrix Interaction

  • The extracellular matrix (ECM) acts as both a scaffold and a messenger. By binding to stem cells, it offers both physical support and relays biochemical directives.
  • Components of the ECM, like collagen and laminin, directly impact stem cell decisions to adhere, proliferate, or differentiate.

2. Paracrine Signalling

  • Cells within the niche excrete paracrine factors, which are influential molecules that can guide the actions of nearby cells.
  • Such signals can either reinforce the stem cell's unspecialised status or prompt them to adopt a specific role.
Diagram showing Paracrine signalling.

Image courtesy of Medium

3. Direct Cell-to-Cell Interplay

  • Direct communication avenues exist between stem cells and their neighbours, facilitated through gap junctions or adhesion molecules.
  • These direct communications are pivotal for synchronising cellular activities and fate decisions.

4. Systemic Signal Responsiveness

  • Stem cells also heed distant calls, such as hormones circulating in the blood.
  • An illustrative example is in the bone marrow, where erythropoietin from the kidneys can stimulate HSCs to ramp up the production of red blood cells.


Indeed, researchers are making strides in creating artificial or lab-engineered stem cell niches. By recreating the intricate microenvironment of a natural stem cell niche, these artificial niches aim to culture and expand stem cells outside the body for therapeutic purposes. This can be especially valuable for stem cell transplantation therapies, tissue engineering, and organ regeneration. These engineered environments are equipped to offer physical support, optimal nutrients, and essential molecular signals, closely resembling a natural niche. While challenges remain in perfectly mirroring in vivo conditions, advancements in biomaterials and microfabrication technologies are propelling this field forward.

Hormones, being systemic signals, play a crucial role in influencing stem cell niches. These chemical messengers, circulating in the bloodstream, can modulate the behaviour of stem cells within their niches. For instance, in the bone marrow, the hormone erythropoietin, produced by kidneys in response to low oxygen levels, stimulates Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) to increase the production of red blood cells. Similarly, hormones involved in the menstrual cycle can influence stem cells in the uterine lining. By binding to specific receptors or modulating niche signals, hormones can dictate stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and other activities, showcasing the interplay between systemic cues and local niche environments.

Yes, stem cell niches can become compromised or damaged due to various factors such as disease, inflammation, radiation, and ageing. When these niches are adversely affected, it hampers their ability to maintain and regulate the resident stem cells effectively. This can lead to a decline in the regenerative capacity of the affected tissue. For instance, a compromised bone marrow niche may result in reduced blood cell production, leading to conditions like anaemia. Moreover, disrupted niche signalling might cause stem cells to proliferate uncontrollably, potentially leading to tumour formation. Hence, maintaining the integrity of stem cell niches is vital for tissue homeostasis.

Stem cell niches play a significant role in the ageing process. Over time, the efficiency of stem cells in repairing and regenerating tissues diminishes due to various factors, including changes within their niches. As the signalling dynamics and the microenvironment of the niche alter, stem cells may lose their potency or face a decline in their numbers. A tangible manifestation of this is seen in skin ageing, where reduced functionality of stem cells in hair follicles and epidermal layers leads to wrinkles and hair thinning. Understanding the influence of stem cell niches on ageing offers potential avenues for anti-ageing therapies and regenerative medicine.

Stem cell niches in embryonic stages differ notably from those in adulthood in terms of their functionality and objectives. During embryonic development, niches focus on rapid proliferation and the initial differentiation of stem cells to form various tissues and organ systems. The embryonic environment is rich in signals prompting differentiation into a plethora of cell types. In contrast, adult stem cell niches primarily work on maintenance, repair, and replacement of cells in specific tissues. Adult niches are more about sustaining tissue homeostasis and responding to injuries rather than constructing an entire organism, as seen during embryonic stages.

Practice Questions

Define a stem cell niche and provide two examples of such niches found in adult humans.

A stem cell niche refers to the specialised environment within the body where stem cells are located, offering them protection, nutrients, and crucial molecular signals. This environment helps in maintaining the stem cells in their undifferentiated state or guiding their differentiation based on the body's needs. Two primary examples of stem cell niches in adult humans include the bone marrow and hair follicles. The bone marrow houses Haematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs), which differentiate into blood cells and skeletal tissues, respectively. On the other hand, hair follicles contain Hair Follicle Stem Cells (HFSCs), primarily responsible for generating new hair and assisting in skin repair.

How do stem cell niches play a role in the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells? Explain using two specific mechanisms.

Stem cell niches play a pivotal role in both the proliferation (increase in numbers) and differentiation (specialisation) of stem cells. One key mechanism is Paracrine Signalling, where cells within the niche release influential molecules called paracrine factors. These factors can guide the actions of nearby cells, either reinforcing the stem cell's unspecialised status or prompting them towards a specific function. Another significant mechanism is Direct Cell-to-Cell Interaction. Stem cells and their neighbouring cells communicate directly, facilitated by structures like gap junctions or adhesion molecules. This direct communication synchronises cellular activities and influences decisions on cell fate, ensuring the right balance between maintenance and differentiation.

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