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IB DP Biology Study Notes

1.9.2 Comparisons between Current and Past Biodiversity

To appreciate the depth and scale of biodiversity on Earth, one must delve into both the distant past and the immediate present. This juxtaposition helps elucidate the intricate tapestry of life and the rapid transformations it's undergoing.

Biodiversity, or the variety of life on Earth, offers a chronicle of evolutionary achievements, survival stories, and extinction events. Analysing the disparities between today's species richness and historic biodiversity gives us crucial insight into the magnitude and pace of biological changes.

Historical Biodiversity: Delving into Deep Time

The Fossil Record

  • Acts as a historical archive, documenting life from billions of years ago.
  • Chronicles evolutionary milestones, adaptive radiations, and extinction events.
  • Provides clues about environmental conditions, ecological niches, and interspecies interactions.
A picture showing Triassic fossils (mainly vertebrates and mainly from Central Europe).

Triassic fossils (mainly vertebrates and mainly from Central Europe)

Image courtesy of Gretarsson

A picture of fossils in Tampere Mineral Museum.

Tampere Mineral Museum.

Image courtesy of Tiia Monto

Geological Eras and Their Biodiversity Signatures

  • Precambrian Era (4.6 billion - 541 million years ago)
    • Began with the first signs of life: simple, unicellular prokaryotes.
    • Oxygenation of the atmosphere facilitated the emergence of multicellular eukaryotes.
    • Ediacaran biota represented some of the earliest complex multicellular organisms.
  • Paleozoic Era (541 - 252 million years ago)
    • Cambrian explosion marked a sudden increase in diversity, bringing forth many major animal phyla.
    • The Devonian period saw the first terrestrial plants, paving the way for terrestrial animal colonization.
    • Carboniferous period renowned for vast coal forests and the evolution of winged insects.
    • Permian Extinction, the Earth's most severe, eradicated roughly 96% of marine species and significantly reshaped terrestrial ecosystems.
  • Mesozoic Era (252 - 66 million years ago)
    • Dominated by reptiles, notably dinosaurs, amidst diverse ecosystems.
    • Evolution of mammals and birds, with avian dinosaurs representing the lineage of modern birds.
    • Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, possibly triggered by an asteroid, caused the downfall of non-avian dinosaurs.
  • Cenozoic Era (66 million years ago to present)
    • Rise of mammals in terrestrial ecosystems, leading to the development of grasslands.
    • Appearance and evolution of primates, cetaceans, birds, and flowering plants.
    • The Pleistocene epoch, marked by ice ages, saw the evolution of modern humans and the extinction of many megafauna.
Geological time scale- Geological Eras and Their Biodiversity

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Contemporary Biodiversity: A Snapshot of the Present

Documented and Unknown Species

  • Scientists have formally described approximately 1.2 million species, but millions remain undiscovered.
  • Biodiversity hotspots, like tropical rainforests and coral reefs, house a significant portion of undiscovered species.

Modern Extinction Rates

  • Current extinction rates are alarmingly higher than background rates observed in the fossil record.
  • Anthropogenic activities, rather than natural events, are the principal drivers of these accelerated rates.
A picture of extinct Chinese Paddlefish.

The Chinese Paddlefish was declared extinct in 2022.

Image courtesy of shankar s.

Contrasting Eras: Past Versus Present

Evolution and Extinction Dynamics

  • Biodiversity in geological past experienced cycles of radiations and extinctions, shaped by both biological and environmental factors.
  • Today's rapid decline in biodiversity is largely due to human activities, making it a unique period in Earth's history.

Anthropogenic versus Natural Causes

  • Past biodiversity changes were influenced by volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, sea-level fluctuations, and climatic shifts.
  • Today, habitat destruction, pollution, climate change, overfishing, and invasive species are chief culprits of biodiversity loss.

Biodiversity Resilience and Recovery

  • Historically, after major extinctions, biodiversity recovery took millions of years, leading to new evolutionary lineages and ecological niches.
  • The current pace and scale of biodiversity loss raise concerns about the resilience and recovery of modern ecosystems.

Significance of Understanding These Contrasts

  • Human Impact Realisation: Grasping the vastness of historical biodiversity and contrasting it with today's trends forces us to confront the stark reality of human impact on global ecosystems.
  • Guiding Conservation: Recognising the difference between natural and anthropogenic drivers of change helps tailor conservation strategies, ensuring they are relevant and effective.
  • Predictive Insights: By studying past patterns and current trajectories, scientists can better predict future shifts in biodiversity, aiding in proactive conservation planning.

Broader Implications for Ecology and Evolution

  • Ecological Niches: The continuous evolution and extinction of species influence the availability and characteristics of ecological niches, affecting species interactions and ecosystem dynamics.
  • Evolutionary Potential: Diverse genetic pools offer potential for evolutionary innovations. Rapid biodiversity loss might limit the evolutionary potential of future lineages.


While it's true that not all organisms fossilise, the fossil record still provides invaluable insights into historical biodiversity. Fossils capture snapshots of life from different geological times, helping to trace evolutionary lineages, ecosystem dynamics, and environmental conditions. Soft-bodied organisms or those in environments not conducive to fossilisation might be underrepresented. However, scientists complement fossil data with other evidence like molecular studies, isotopic analyses, and trace fossils (like footprints or burrows). While the fossil record might have gaps, it offers a framework to understand the broad patterns of life's history, its diversifications, and extinctions.

Biodiversity hotspots are regions with exceptionally high numbers of endemic species, yet they face significant threats from human activities. The importance of these hotspots lies in their concentration of unique biodiversity – species not found anywhere else on Earth. Consequently, the loss of habitat in a hotspot can lead to the extinction of species that are endemic to that region. By focusing conservation efforts on these areas, it is possible to protect a larger number of unique species with relatively smaller areas of land. Moreover, preserving hotspots often helps in safeguarding vital ecosystem services that benefit both the environment and local human populations.

Historical extinction events, often caused by natural factors like asteroid impacts or volcanic activity, resulted in significant biodiversity losses but were followed by long periods of recovery and evolutionary diversification. The current biodiversity crisis differs mainly in its cause, which is overwhelmingly anthropogenic. However, both historical and current extinctions often lead to the loss of key species that disrupt ecological balance. The primary difference lies in the rate: current extinction rates are alarmingly higher than background rates. The lessons from the past underline the potential long-term consequences of extensive biodiversity loss, but the rapid pace and anthropogenic nature of the current crisis present unique challenges for conservation.

The Cambrian explosion, occurring approximately 540 million years ago, is significant because it represents a relatively sudden appearance in the fossil record of most major animal phyla. Over a geologically short time span, there was a dramatic increase in biodiversity, with the emergence of various multicellular organisms, many with complex body plans and differentiated tissues. The reasons for the Cambrian explosion are still debated, but possibilities include changes in ocean chemistry, the evolution of vision (predation and prey relationships), and genetic developments. This event is crucial as it laid the foundation for the complex marine ecosystems and set the stage for further evolutionary events.

Scientists employ a combination of methods to estimate the total number of species on Earth. Direct field observations and species inventories in specific habitats allow for the identification of known species. Mathematical models, based on the species-area relationship, then extrapolate these counts to broader geographical scales. Additionally, taxonomic experts analyse the rates of new species descriptions and utilise this data to project estimates. Lastly, the discovery of new species in under-explored habitats like deep oceans or dense rainforests gives clues about the potential biodiversity in these areas. Combining these approaches provides a more comprehensive estimate, although the actual number remains a subject of ongoing research.

Practice Questions

Describe the main differences between biodiversity in the Mesozoic Era compared to the Cenozoic Era, and explain the potential implications these changes have for understanding the evolution of life on Earth.

During the Mesozoic Era, biodiversity was dominated by reptiles, most notably dinosaurs, amidst diverse ecosystems. This was also the era when the first mammals and birds, including avian dinosaurs which represent the lineage of modern birds, began to evolve. The Cenozoic Era, on the other hand, witnessed the rise of mammals as dominant terrestrial species and the evolution of primates, cetaceans, birds, and flowering plants. The transition between these two eras, marked by the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, underscores the dynamic nature of life on Earth, highlighting the cyclical patterns of evolutionary radiations and extinctions that shape our planet's biodiversity.

Evaluate the significance of contrasting past and current biodiversity levels in the context of anthropogenic influences on modern extinction rates.

Historical biodiversity experienced cycles of radiations and extinctions due to various natural events, such as volcanic eruptions, asteroid impacts, and climatic shifts. In contrast, the rapid decline in current biodiversity is predominantly driven by human activities, such as habitat destruction, pollution, and over-exploitation. Understanding this contrast is of paramount importance as it underscores the unique and unprecedented nature of the present biodiversity crisis. It indicates that we are in an era where the primary drivers of biodiversity loss are anthropogenic, making the current extinction rates alarmingly higher than background rates. This insight necessitates urgent and tailored conservation measures to address the human-induced factors affecting biodiversity.

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