Equivalence and conversion between fractions, decimals, and percentages are essential skills in mathematics, enabling students to navigate various problems with ease. This section focuses on practical techniques and examples to master these conversions.

Fractions to Decimals
To convert a fraction to a decimal:
- Divide the numerator by the denominator.
- Convert to a decimal.
- Answer:

Decimals to Fractions
Converting a decimal to a fraction involves:
1. Writing the decimal over 1.
2. Multiplying numerator and denominator to remove the decimal point.
3. Simplifying the resulting fraction.
- Convert 0.75 to a fraction.
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Simplifying Fractions
Simplification requires:
- Finding the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of numerator and denominator.
- Dividing both by the GCD.
Simplify .
- GCD of 60 and 84 is 12.
- Answer:
Fractions to Percentages
Convert a fraction to a percentage by:
- Dividing the numerator by the denominator.
- Multiplying the result by 100.
- Convert to a percentage.
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Percentages to Fractions
To convert a percentage to a fraction:
- Write the percentage as a fraction of 100.
- Simplify if possible.
- Convert 28% to a fraction.
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Image courtesy of Kate Math Lessons
Decimals to Percentages
Multiply the decimal by 100.
- Convert 0.84 to a percentage.
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Percentages to Decimals
Divide the percentage by 100.
- Convert 28% to a decimal.
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Mixed Numbers to Improper Fractions
Convert by:
1. Multiplying the whole number part by the denominator.
2. Adding the result to the numerator.
3. Placing the result over the original denominator.
- Convert to an improper fraction.
- Answer:

Improper Fractions to Mixed Numbers
Convert by:
1. Dividing the numerator by the denominator.
2. The quotient is the whole number part, and the remainder is the numerator of the fraction part.
- Convert to a mixed number.
- Answer:

Practice Questions
1. Convert to a decimal and then to a percentage.
2. Simplify the fraction and convert it to a percentage.
3. Convert 40% to a fraction in its simplest form and then to a decimal.
4. Change 0.125 into a fraction and simplify it.
5. Convert into an improper fraction and then to a decimal.
$3 \frac{1}{2} = \frac{7}{2}; \, \frac{7}{2} = 3.5$