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CIE IGCSE Maths Study Notes

7.4.2 Expressing Vectors

Vectors are mathematical entities that possess both magnitude and direction, crucial for representing quantities in various fields of science and engineering. In this section, we delve into the composition of vectors and explore the concept of collinearity through scalar multiplication.

Composition of Vectors

The composition of vectors involves adding two or more vectors together to form a single vector. This resultant vector encapsulates the combined effect of the original vectors.

Composition of Vectors

Image courtesy of Ankplanet

Adding Vectors

To add vectors, align their components and combine them. For two vectors a=(x1,y1)a = (x_1, y_1) and b=(x2,y2)b = (x_2, y_2), the resultant vector c=a+bc = a + b is computed as:

c=(x1+x2,y1+y2)c = (x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2)

Example 1:

Given vectors a=(3,2)a = (3, 2) and b=(1,4)b = (1, -4), calculate c=a+bc = a + b.

c=(3+1,24)=(4,2)c = (3 + 1, 2 - 4) = (4, -2)

This shows c=(4,2)c = (4, -2) as the sum of aa and bb.

Graphical Representation

Graphically, to perform vector addition, place the tail of vector bb at the head of aa. The vector cc spans from the tail of aa to the head of bb.

Vector Addition Graph

Collinearity and Scalar Multiplication

Collinearity indicates that three or more points lie on a single straight line. Vectors express this through scalar multiplication, with vector dd being collinear with aa if d=kad = ka, where kk is a scalar.

Scalar Multiplication

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Collinear Vectors

Scalar Multiplication

Multiplying a vector by a scalar adjusts its magnitude, not its direction, unless the scalar is negative, which reverses the direction.

Example 2:

Givena=(2,3)a = (2, 3), find dd such that dd is thrice aa.

d=3×a=3(2,3)=(6,9)d = 3 \times a = 3(2, 3) = (6, 9)

Here, d=(6,9)d = (6, 9) is three times the length of aa, directed similarly.

Scalar Multiplication

Assessing Collinearity

Collinearity can be deduced if vectors between points are scalar multiples of each other.

Example 3:

For points AA, BB, and CC with position vectors a=(1,2)a = (1, 2), b=(2,4)b = (2, 4), and c=(3,6)c = (3, 6), determine collinearity.

First, find vectors ABAB and ACAC:

AB=ba=(1,2)AB = b - a = (1, 2)AC=ca=(2,4)AC = c - a = (2, 4)

Since AC=2ABAC = 2AB, points AA, BB, and CC are collinear.

Collinearity of Points

Practice Questions

Question 1:

Given vectors p=(4,3)p = (4, -3) and q=(2,5)q = (-2, 5), find r=p+qr = p + q.

r=(4+(2),3+5)=(2,2)r = (4 + (-2), -3 + 5) = (2, 2)Vector Addition

Question 2:

If vector m=(5,0)m = (5, 0) and n=k(2,4)n = k(2, -4) are collinear, find kk.

To find kk, equate mm to k×nk \times n:

5=k×25 = k \times 2k=52=2.5k = \frac{5}{2} = 2.5Collinearity of Vectors

Question 3:

Prove that points XX, YY, and ZZ with position vectors x=(0,0)x = (0, 0), y=(3,3)y = (3, 3), and z=(6,6)z = (6, 6) are collinear.

Comparing vectors XYXY and XZXZ:

XY=(30,30)=(3,3)XY = (3 - 0, 3 - 0) = (3, 3)XZ=(60,60)=(6,6)XZ = (6 - 0, 6 - 0) = (6, 6)

Since XZ=2×XYXZ = 2 \times XY, XX, YY, and ZZ are collinear with the scalar multiplication factor of 22

Collinear and Scalar Multiplication

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