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CIE IGCSE Maths Study Notes

7.2.1 Describing Translations

Translations are transformations that move points or objects in a plane without changing their shape or orientation. This section focuses on understanding translations through vector notation, crucial for IGCSE students mastering geometry.

Introduction to Translations

In geometry, a translation moves a figure or point from one location to another on the plane. This movement is described using vectors, providing a clear mathematical representation of the translation process.


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Understanding Vector Notation

Vector Basics

  • A vector represents both direction and magnitude.
  • In 2D, vectors are written as (x,y)(x, y), where xx and yy indicate horizontal and vertical movements.

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Vectors and Translations

  • A translation vector AB=(x,y)\vec{AB} = (x, y) shows the shift from point AA to point BB.
  • xx and yy detail the movement along the x-axis and y-axis.

Applying Translations

Translation Formula

For any point P(x1,y1)P(x_1, y_1) translated by v=(x,y)\vec{v} = (x, y), the new position PP' is calculated as: P=(x1+x,y1+y)P' = (x_1 + x, y_1 + y)

Worked Examples

Translating a Point

Given: Point A(2,3)A(2, 3), Vector v=(4,2)\vec{v} = (4, -2)

Find: New position AA'


A=(2+4,32)=(6,1)A' = (2 + 4, 3 - 2) = (6, 1)

Hence, AA moves toA(6,1) A'(6, 1).

Vector and Translation

Translating a Shape

Given: Triangle vertices A(1,2)A(1, 2), B(3,5)B(3, 5), C(5,3)C(5, 3), Vectorv=(2,3) \vec{v} = (-2, 3)

Find: New vertices positions


  • AA': A=(12,2+3)=(1,5)A' = (1 - 2, 2 + 3) = (-1, 5)
  • BB': B=(32,5+3)=(1,8)B' = (3 - 2, 5 + 3) = (1, 8)
  • CC': C=(52,3+3)=(3,6)C' = (5 - 2, 3 + 3) = (3, 6)

New vertices: A(1,5)A'(-1, 5), B(1,8)B'(1, 8), C(3,6)C'(3, 6).

Translating Triangle

Practice Problems

Problem 1

Given: D(4,1)D(4, -1), v=(3,4)\vec{v} = (-3, 4)

Find: DD'


D=(43,1+4)=(1,3)D' = (4 - 3, -1 + 4) = (1, 3)

Translating a Point

Problem 2

Given: Square verticesP(1,1) P(1, 1), Q(4,1)Q(4, 1), R(4,4)R(4, 4), S(1,4)S(1, 4), v=(2,3)\vec{v} = (2, -3)

Find: New vertices positions


  • PP': P=(1+2,13)=(3,2)P' = (1 + 2, 1 - 3) = (3, -2)
  • QQ': Q=(4+2,13)=(6,2)Q' = (4 + 2, 1 - 3) = (6, -2)
  • RR': R=(4+2,43)=(6,1)R' = (4 + 2, 4 - 3) = (6, 1)
  • SS': S=(1+2,43)=(3,1)S' = (1 + 2, 4 - 3) = (3, 1)

New square vertices: P(3,2)P'(3, -2), Q(6,2)Q'(6, -2), R(6,1)R'(6, 1), S(3,1)S'(3, 1).

Translating Square

Success Tips

  • Draw diagrams to visualize translations.
  • Solve various problems for practice.
  • Ensure understanding of vector operations (addition, scalar multiplication).

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