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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

3.3.2 Newton's Second Law

Fundamentals of F=ma

Newton's Second Law offers a mathematical relationship, expressed as F=ma, where F is force, m is mass, and a is acceleration. This law is key to understanding how forces affect the motion of objects.

Diagram explaining Newton’s Second Law

Newton’s Second Law

Image Courtesy Science Facts

Breaking Down the Law

  • Force (F): A vector quantity causing an object to accelerate, measured in Newtons (N). It can be a result of several interactions like gravity, electromagnetism, or contact forces.
  • Mass (m): A scalar quantity representing the amount of matter in an object and its resistance to acceleration. It remains constant regardless of the object's location or speed.
  • Acceleration (a): A vector quantity describing the rate of change of velocity. It indicates how quickly an object speeds up, slows down, or changes direction.

Application of the Law

  • Direct Proportionality: The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net external force and inversely proportional to its mass.
  • Directional Agreement: The direction of acceleration aligns with the direction of the net applied force.

Techniques in Problem-Solving

Applying Newton's Second Law in problem-solving involves understanding and calculating forces in linear motion scenarios.

Analysing Scenarios

  • Identifying Forces: Recognize all the forces acting on an object, including gravitational force, friction, tension, and others.
  • Free-Body Diagrams: These diagrams are essential for visual representation and understanding of the forces acting on an object, aiding in calculating the net force.
Diagram showing free-body diagram to explain Newton’s Second law

Free-body diagram and Newton’s Second Law

Image Courtesy OpenStax

Calculation Methodology

  • Summation of Forces: The net force is calculated by vector addition of all individual forces acting on the object.
  • Acceleration Calculation: Once the net force and mass are known, acceleration is determined using F=ma.

Force, Mass, and Acceleration Relationship

Exploring the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration is crucial in applying Newton's Second Law.

Investigating Correlations

  • Mass Variability: With a constant force, increasing the mass will result in decreased acceleration, and vice versa.
  • Force Variability: Changing the force, while keeping the mass constant, alters the acceleration in direct proportion.

Vector Components in Force Analysis

In scenarios involving forces at different angles, incorporating vector components is vital for accurate force analysis.

Component Resolution

  • Decomposing Forces: Forces at angles are resolved into their horizontal and vertical components using trigonometric functions.
  • Component Summation: The net force in each direction (horizontal and vertical) is calculated by adding up the respective components.

Practical Application Examples

  • Inclined Planes: In these problems, forces are analysed along and perpendicular to the surface, considering gravitational force, normal force, and friction.
  • Pulley Systems: Tension in ropes and the weight of objects in pulley systems are analysed by breaking down forces into components.

Complex Multi-Force Problems

Handling complex problems with multiple forces requires a deep understanding of how these forces interact and affect motion.

Problem-Solving Approach

  • Comprehensive Force Identification: Determine and quantify all forces, including internal and external forces, acting on each part of the system.
  • Systematic Application of F=ma: Apply Newton's Second Law to each force, considering both magnitude and direction.

Complex Scenarios

  • Dynamic Forces: Situations where forces change over time or depending on the object's position, often requiring integration or differentiation.
  • Systems with Multiple Objects: Analyzing systems with several interconnected objects, such as in collisions or connected bodies in motion.

Real-World Applications

Newton's Second Law is not just a theoretical construct but is applicable in numerous real-world situations.

Everyday Phenomena

  • Vehicle Motion: Understanding how cars accelerate under various forces, considering engine power (force) and vehicle mass.
  • Athletic Performance: Athletes use the principles of this law to optimise their movements, adjusting force and direction for maximum efficiency.

Engineering and Technology

  • Machinery Design: The principles of F=ma are used in designing machines and engines, ensuring they can produce sufficient force for the desired acceleration.
  • Spacecraft Trajectories: Newton's Second Law governs how rockets and spacecraft manoeuvre in space, dictating fuel usage and thrust requirements.
Diagram explaining the application of Newton;’s Second Law in a Rocket on a sled

Application of Newton’s Second Law in a Rocket

Image Courtesy OpenStax


Air resistance significantly affects the application of Newton's Second Law for objects in free fall. Initially, when an object begins to fall, the only force acting on it is gravity. However, as the object's velocity increases, air resistance begins to counteract this gravitational force. Eventually, the object reaches terminal velocity, where the force of air resistance equals the gravitational force, resulting in a net force of zero. At this point, according to Newton's Second Law, the acceleration becomes zero, and the object falls at a constant velocity. This demonstrates how forces like air resistance can alter the motion of objects, requiring a modified approach to applying F=ma.

Newton's Second Law can be applied to calculate the tension in a string or rope in various scenarios, such as towing a car. When a car is being towed, the tension in the towing rope is the force that pulls the car forward. By applying F=ma to the car, where F is the tension in the rope, m is the mass of the car, and a is its acceleration, we can calculate the required tension. If the car moves with constant velocity, the tension equals the resistive forces like friction. In scenarios where the car accelerates, the tension must overcome both the resistive forces and provide the necessary force to accelerate the car as per Newton's Second Law.

In a vacuum, the absence of air resistance means that the only force acting on falling objects is gravity. According to Newton's Second Law, the acceleration of an object is the force acting on it divided by its mass (a = F/m). In this case, the gravitational force (F) acting on an object is proportional to its mass (F = mg). Therefore, when substituted into the equation, the mass cancels out (a = mg/m), leading to a = g. This means all objects in a vacuum, regardless of their mass, fall at the same rate because the acceleration due to gravity is constant and independent of mass.

During a rocket launch, Newton's Second Law explains the increasing acceleration through the decreasing mass of the rocket. As the rocket burns fuel, its mass decreases, but the thrust provided by the engines remains nearly constant. Since acceleration is inversely proportional to mass (a = F/m), as the rocket's mass decreases, its acceleration increases. This scenario is a practical application of Newton's Second Law, where the force (thrust) is constant, and the changing mass leads to changes in acceleration. It's a unique situation where the system's mass is not constant, making the rocket's acceleration not uniform.

Newton's Second Law in circular motion involves centripetal force, which is the net force causing an object to move in a circular path. For a car rounding a bend, this force is provided by the friction between the tyres and the road. As per F=ma, the centripetal force (F) required to keep the car moving in a circle depends on the mass (m) of the car and its acceleration (a), which in circular motion is the centripetal acceleration. This acceleration is directed towards the centre of the circle, causing the car to change direction continuously while moving along the bend, thereby maintaining its circular path. The required frictional force must be sufficient to provide this centripetal acceleration; otherwise, the car may skid out of its circular path.

Practice Questions

A 5 kg box slides down a 30° inclined plane with a constant velocity. Calculate the force of friction acting on the box.

The box is in equilibrium since it's sliding with a constant velocity. The gravitational component acting along the inclined plane is mg sin θ. Substituting the values, we get 5 kg x 9.8 m/s² x sin(30°), which calculates to 24.5 N. This force is counteracted by the frictional force for the velocity to remain constant. Hence, the force of friction acting on the box is also 24.5 N, balancing out the gravitational component along the plane.

In a pulley system, a force of 50 N is applied to lift a 10 kg mass. Ignoring air resistance and friction in the pulley, calculate the acceleration of the mass.

In this scenario, the forces acting on the mass are its weight (downward) and the tension in the rope (upward). The weight of the mass is 10 kg x 9.8 m/s², which equals 98 N. The net force acting on the mass is the applied force minus its weight, which is 50 N - 98 N = -48 N (the negative sign indicates the direction of the net force is upwards). Using Newton's Second Law, F = ma, the acceleration, a, can be calculated as -48 N / 10 kg, resulting in -4.8 m/s². This means the mass accelerates upwards at 4.8 m/s².

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