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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

24.2.1 Production and Use of X-rays: X-ray Generation

24.2.1 X-ray Generation

Mechanism of X-ray Generation by Electron Bombardment

The Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

  • Structure: The cathode ray tube is an essential component in X-ray generation. It consists of an evacuated glass tube, ensuring that electrons can move without encountering air molecules.
  • Electron Emission: At one end of the CRT is the cathode, a heated filament that emits electrons when heated, a process known as thermionic emission.
  • Acceleration Towards the Anode: The electrons emitted from the cathode are then accelerated towards the anode, a piece of metal placed at the opposite end of the tube, using a high voltage. This high voltage is crucial as it determines the energy of the electrons and hence the energy of the X-rays produced.
DIagram showing the mechanism of X-ray generation

X-ray generation

Image Courtesy Dr Christopher Clarke

Interaction with the Target

  • Production of X-rays: When these accelerated electrons strike the metal target of the anode, X-rays are generated. This process happens through two primary mechanisms:
    • Characteristic X-rays: These are produced when an incident electron displaces an inner-shell electron of the target atom, leading to electron transitions from higher to lower energy levels, emitting X-rays with specific energies characteristic of the anode material.
    • Bremsstrahlung X-rays: Also known as "braking radiation," these are produced when the incident electrons are decelerated by the electric field of the nuclei within the target material, resulting in the emission of X-rays with a continuous spectrum of energies.
Image showing Bremsstrahlung X-rays generation

Bremsstrahlung X-rays

Image Courtesy Iowa state university

Calculation of Minimum X-ray Wavelength from Accelerating p.d.

Understanding the Concept

  • Energy Considerations: The kinetic energy acquired by an electron due to the accelerating potential difference is transformed into X-ray photon energy upon collision with the target.
  • Maximum Energy Transfer: The maximum energy transfer occurs when an electron is completely stopped in a single collision, resulting in an X-ray photon with minimum possible wavelength.

The Mathematical Approach

  • Applying the Energy-Wavelength Relationship: The energy of an X-ray photon can be equated to the electrical energy gained by an electron, which is the product of the charge of the electron and the accelerating voltage.
  • Deriving the Formula: The energy of a photon is given by E = hf, where h is Planck’s constant and f is the frequency of the photon. Since c = f * lambda, we can rearrange to find lambda = hc / E.
  • Minimum Wavelength Equation: Hence, the minimum wavelength (lambdamin) is given by lambdamin = hc / (eV), where e is the charge of the electron, and V is the accelerating voltage.

Practical Example

  • Scenario: Consider a CRT with an accelerating voltage of 100,000 volts.
  • Calculation: Applying the formula lambda_min = (6.63 * 10-34 * 3 * 108) / (1.6 * 10-19 * 100,000), the minimum wavelength of X-rays produced is calculated to be approximately 1.24 * 10-11 meters.

Key Considerations in X-ray Generation

  • Efficiency of X-ray Production: Notably, the efficiency of X-ray production is relatively low. A significant portion of the electron energy is converted into heat, necessitating cooling systems in X-ray tubes.
  • Factors Influencing X-ray Spectrum: The nature of the anode material and the accelerating voltage significantly influence the X-ray spectrum. Higher atomic number anodes produce more intense characteristic X-rays, while higher voltages increase the intensity and decrease the minimum wavelength of Bremsstrahlung X-rays.
  • Safety Measures: Due to the ionising nature of X-rays, proper shielding and safety protocols are mandatory to protect operators and patients from exposure.

In summary, the generation of X-rays through electron bombardment in a cathode ray tube is a fascinating and complex process. Understanding the physical principles behind this phenomenon, including the interaction of electrons with the target material and the calculations involving energy and wavelength, provides a solid foundation for students studying advanced topics in physics. This knowledge is not only academically enriching but also crucial in comprehending the workings of technologies that have revolutionised fields like medical diagnostics and materials science.


X-rays are considered ionising radiation because they have enough energy to ionise atoms and molecules, i.e., to remove electrons from them. This ionising capability arises due to their high energy and short wavelength. The implications of X-rays being ionising are significant, especially in terms of biological effects. When X-rays interact with biological tissue, they can cause ionisation of the molecules within the cells. This can lead to direct damage to the DNA and other critical cellular structures, which can cause mutations and potentially lead to cancer. Therefore, while X-rays are invaluable in medical imaging and treatments, their use must be carefully controlled. Appropriate shielding, limiting exposure time, and using the lowest effective dose are essential for minimising the risks associated with their ionising nature. It's also why safety protocols and regulations are stringently applied in both medical and industrial contexts where X-rays are used.

The accelerating voltage in an X-ray tube significantly influences the properties of the X-rays produced. Higher accelerating voltages increase the kinetic energy of the electrons travelling from the cathode to the anode. This increased energy results in X-rays with higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths, which are more penetrating. Specifically, a higher voltage decreases the minimum wavelength of the X-ray spectrum produced (as per the relationship lambdamin = hc / (eV)), leading to a 'harder' (more penetrating) X-ray spectrum. Additionally, higher voltages generally increase the intensity of the X-ray beam. However, it's important to note that excessively high voltages can lead to increased patient dose in medical applications and may require more stringent shielding measures. Hence, the choice of voltage must balance the need for penetrating power with safety and image quality considerations.

X-rays cannot be focused using traditional optical lenses like visible light. This is due to the fact that X-rays have much shorter wavelengths compared to visible light. When X-rays encounter materials used for traditional lenses, such as glass or plastic, they are either absorbed or pass through without significant refraction. To 'focus' or manipulate X-rays, different techniques are employed. One common method is the use of X-ray mirrors, which operate under the principle of total external reflection at very shallow angles, known as grazing incidence. These mirrors can focus X-rays but require very smooth surfaces and precise angles. Another method involves the use of crystal diffractors, which exploit the diffraction of X-rays through the crystal lattice to focus or redirect them. These methods are more complex and limited compared to the focusing of visible light and are predominantly used in specialised applications like X-ray crystallography and high-resolution X-ray imaging systems.

The vacuum inside an X-ray tube plays a crucial role in the efficient generation of X-rays. In the absence of a vacuum, the free electrons emitted from the cathode would collide with air molecules, leading to unnecessary energy loss and reduced kinetic energy upon reaching the anode. This would result in a decrease in the efficiency of X-ray production. Additionally, air molecules could become ionised and produce secondary electrons, leading to unwanted background radiation and reducing the clarity of the X-rays produced. A vacuum ensures a clear path for the electrons to travel from the cathode to the anode without interference, maximising the transfer of kinetic energy into X-ray photons upon collision with the target. Furthermore, the vacuum prevents oxidation and degradation of the internal components of the tube, particularly the cathode and anode, thereby extending the lifespan of the tube.

Tungsten is commonly used as the target material in X-ray tubes due to several of its advantageous properties. Firstly, it has a high atomic number (74), which increases the efficiency of X-ray production, particularly characteristic X-rays, as higher atomic number materials emit X-rays more efficiently. Secondly, tungsten has a high melting point (approximately 3422°C), making it capable of withstanding the intense heat generated during X-ray production. This is crucial since a significant portion of the kinetic energy of the electrons is converted into heat. Additionally, tungsten's thermal conductivity is relatively high, which helps in dissipating this heat effectively. Its low vapour pressure also minimises the risk of the target material evaporating and contaminating the vacuum inside the tube. These properties make tungsten an ideal candidate for producing high-quality X-rays while ensuring the longevity and reliability of the X-ray tube.

Practice Questions

An X-ray tube operates at a potential difference of 120,000 volts. Calculate the minimum wavelength of the X-rays produced. Use the following constants in your calculation: Planck's constant (h) = 6.63 × 10^-34 Js, speed of light (c) = 3 × 10^8 m/s, charge of an electron (e) = 1.6 × 10^-19 C.

To calculate the minimum wavelength, lambda_min, of the X-rays produced, we use the formula lambda_min = hc / (eV). Substituting the given values, we have lambdamin = (6.63 × 10-34 Js × 3 × 108 m/s) / (1.6 × 10-19 C × 120,000 V). Solving this yields lambdamin = 1.03 × 10-11 m. This indicates that the minimum wavelength of the X-rays produced by the tube operating at 120,000 volts is approximately 1.03 × 10-11 meters.

Explain the differences between characteristic X-rays and Bremsstrahlung X-rays produced in an X-ray tube.

Characteristic X-rays and Bremsstrahlung X-rays are produced through different processes in an X-ray tube. Characteristic X-rays occur when an electron from the electron beam displaces an inner-shell electron of a target atom, causing an outer electron to transition to the lower energy level, emitting X-ray photons with specific energies that are characteristic of the target material. In contrast, Bremsstrahlung, or braking radiation, is produced when the accelerated electrons are decelerated by the electric field of the nuclei in the target material. This deceleration results in the emission of X-rays with a continuous spectrum of energies. Essentially, characteristic X-rays are line emissions with specific energies, while Bremsstrahlung X-rays form a continuous spectrum.

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