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CIE A-Level Physics Notes

19.1.3 Combined Capacitance: Series and Parallel

1. Introduction to Combined Capacitance

In the realm of electronics, capacitors are frequently connected in various arrangements to achieve specific capacitance values according to the needs of the circuit. Understanding how these configurations affect the total capacitance is essential for designing and analysing electronic circuits effectively.

2. Capacitance in Series

When capacitors are connected end-to-end, they form a series circuit. In this arrangement, the total capacitance is less than that of the smallest individual capacitor in the series.

Diagram showing capacitors in series

Capacitors in series

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

2.1 Derivation of Series Capacitance Formula

To understand the series capacitance, let's start with a simple case of two capacitors, C1 and C2, connected in series. The charge Q across each capacitor remains constant, but the voltage across each can differ. The total voltage V across the series combination is the sum of the individual voltages, V = V1 + V2. Capacitance is defined as C = Q/V, thus V1 = Q/C1 and V2 = Q/C2. Plugging these into the voltage sum gives the relationship 1/Ctotal = 1/C1 + 1/C2. This formula can be extended for any number of capacitors connected in series.

2.2 Practical Example: Calculating Series Capacitance

For instance, if we have two capacitors of 10 µF and 20 µF connected in series, the total capacitance can be calculated as follows:

1/Ctotal = 1/10 + 1/20

Thus, Ctotal equals approximately 6.67 µF.

3. Capacitance in Parallel

Capacitors connected across the same two points, sharing the same voltage across them, are in a parallel configuration.

Diagram showing capacitors in parallel

Capacitors in parallel

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

3.1 Derivation of Parallel Capacitance Formula

In a parallel arrangement, the total charge Qtotal stored by the capacitors is the sum of the charges on each capacitor, Qtotal = Q1 + Q2. Since the voltage across each capacitor is the same, using C = Q/V, the total capacitance in a parallel circuit is the sum of the individual capacitances, Ctotal = C1 + C2.

3.2 Practical Example: Calculating Parallel Capacitance

Taking the same 10 µF and 20 µF capacitors, but now in a parallel setup, the total capacitance is simply the sum of their capacitances, amounting to 30 µF.

4. Problem Solving with Combined Capacitance Equations

The formulae for series and parallel capacitance are fundamental in solving problems involving multiple capacitors in various circuit configurations.

4.1 Series and Parallel Combination Challenges

A common challenge in circuit design involves capacitors connected in a combination of series and parallel. The approach to solving these problems involves first calculating the total capacitance of each group of series or parallel connected capacitors and then combining these results according to the overall circuit layout.

4.2 Example Problem: Series-Parallel Combination

Consider a circuit with two capacitors (10 µF and 20 µF) in series, connected in parallel to a third capacitor of 30 µF. The series combination yields a capacitance of 6.67 µF, which, when connected in parallel with the 30 µF capacitor, gives a total capacitance of 36.67 µF.

5. Real-World Applications

The practical applications of capacitors in series and parallel are vast, ranging from tuning radio frequencies to stabilising power supply circuits and creating filters in audio systems.

5.1 Significance in Circuit Design

A deep understanding of how combined capacitance impacts circuit performance is vital for the design and optimisation of electronic devices, ensuring efficiency and functionality.

5.2 Capacitance in Energy Storage

In energy storage systems, capacitors are often used in parallel configurations to increase their storage capacity, illustrating the real-world importance of these concepts.

6. Review Exercises

Engaging in practice problems is an effective way for students to solidify their understanding of combined capacitance in series and parallel configurations.

6.1 Sample Exercise

Calculate the total capacitance of a circuit comprising three capacitors: two 15 µF capacitors in series connected in parallel with a 5 µF capacitor.

6.2 Solution Approach

First, determine the series capacitance by calculating the combined capacitance of the two 15 µF capacitors. Then, add the capacitance of the parallel 5 µF capacitor to this total to find the overall capacitance of the circuit.

7. Advanced Topics

For students interested in further exploring the topic, advanced subjects like the impact of dielectric materials on capacitance, the role of capacitors in alternating current (AC) circuits, and the frequency-dependent behaviour of capacitors in reactive circuits can provide deeper insights.

7.1 Dielectric Materials in Capacitors

Different dielectric materials affect the capacitance value, which is crucial in designing capacitors for specific applications.

7.2 Capacitors in AC Circuits

In AC circuits, capacitors exhibit unique behaviours, such as phase shifts between voltage and current, making their study relevant for AC applications.

Diagram showing an AC circuit with a capacitor

A capacitor in AC Circuit

Image Courtesy BYJU’S

7.3 Frequency Response of Capacitors

The response of capacitors to different frequencies is a key aspect in designing circuits for signal processing and communication systems.

8. Conclusion

Grasping the principles of combined capacitance in series and parallel configurations is fundamental for students delving into electronics and physics. By engaging with practical examples and exercises, students can develop a comprehensive understanding of these concepts, laying a solid foundation for advanced studies and applications in the field of electronics.


In a series configuration, the charge on each capacitor is the same, but the total voltage across the capacitors is the sum of individual voltages. This arrangement effectively increases the distance between the charges (since the distance across each dielectric adds up), leading to a reduced overall capacitance. The reduced total capacitance can be understood by considering that adding more capacitors in series is like increasing the thickness of the dielectric in a single larger capacitor, which lowers its ability to store charge at a given voltage. Hence, the combined capacitance of capacitors in series is less than the smallest individual capacitance in the series.

Temperature can affect the capacitance of individual capacitors, typically causing it to change due to the temperature dependence of the dielectric material used in the capacitor. In series and parallel configurations, this means that the total capacitance can also vary with temperature. If all capacitors in the configuration have similar temperature coefficients (the rate at which their capacitance changes with temperature), the overall effect on the combined capacitance will be consistent with the effect on individual capacitors. However, if different types of capacitors are used, their capacitances may react differently to temperature changes, affecting the total capacitance of the configuration in a less predictable manner.

In a parallel combination of capacitors, the voltage across each capacitor is the same and equals the supply voltage. This is because, in parallel circuits, all components are connected across the same two points and therefore experience the same potential difference. The voltage across each capacitor in a parallel combination is not dependent on the capacitance values of the individual capacitors. Therefore, to calculate the voltage across each capacitor in a parallel configuration, one simply needs to know the voltage of the power supply connected to the circuit.

When capacitors are connected in series or parallel, the total energy stored in the configuration can change. In a parallel connection, since the voltage across each capacitor remains the same, the total energy stored (given by 1/2 C V2) increases because the total capacitance increases. In contrast, for capacitors in series, the total capacitance decreases, leading to a decrease in the total stored energy if the voltage across the whole combination remains constant. However, the individual energy stored in each capacitor may vary depending on the specific values of capacitance and the voltage across each capacitor.

The physical size of a capacitor primarily affects its capacitance by determining the area of the plates and the distance between them. Larger plate areas or smaller distances between plates generally increase the capacitance. However, when capacitors are connected in series or parallel, their physical size does not directly influence the combined capacitance calculation. In series, the combined capacitance is determined by the reciprocal sum of individual capacitances, and in parallel, it is the sum of individual capacitances. The size may indirectly affect the circuit if larger capacitors have higher capacitance values, but the fundamental principles of combining capacitances in series or parallel remain unchanged.

Practice Questions

A circuit contains two capacitors, C1 and C2. C1 has a capacitance of 4 µF, and C2 has a capacitance of 6 µF. They are connected in series with a battery of 12 V. Calculate the total capacitance of the circuit and the charge on each capacitor.

The total capacitance in series is found using the formula 1/C_total = 1/C1 + 1/C2. Substituting the given values, we get 1/Ctotal = 1/4 + 1/6, which simplifies to Ctotal = 2.4 µF. The charge on each capacitor is the same in a series circuit and is given by Q = Ctotal × V. Substituting the values, Q = 2.4 µF × 12 V = 28.8 µC. This answer demonstrates an understanding of the series capacitance formula and the charge relationship in a series circuit.

Three capacitors, each with a capacitance of 3 µF, are connected in a combination of series and parallel. The first two capacitors are in series, and this series combination is then connected in parallel with the third capacitor. Calculate the total capacitance of this arrangement.

Firstly, calculate the series capacitance of the first two capacitors: 1/Cseries = 1/3 + 1/3, resulting in Cseries = 1.5 µF. Then, this series combination is connected in parallel with the third capacitor. The total capacitance for parallel capacitors is the sum of individual capacitances, so Ctotal = Cseries + Cparallel = 1.5 µF + 3 µF = 4.5 µF. This solution shows proficiency in applying the formulae for series and parallel capacitance and understanding how to combine these in mixed configurations.

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