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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.2.2 Properties and Graphs of e^x and ln(x)

A deep understanding of the exponential function exe^x and the natural logarithm ln(x)\ln(x) is essential. These functions are not only foundational in calculus but also have significant applications in various scientific and mathematical contexts.

Definitions and Properties

Exponential Function exe^x

The exponential function, denoted as exe^x, is defined for all real numbers xx. It represents the constant ee (approximately 2.71828) raised to the power of xx.

Natural Logarithm ln(x)\ln(x)

The natural logarithm, denoted as ln(x)\ln(x), is the inverse function of the exponential function exe^x. It is defined for all positive real numbers xx and represents the power to which ee must be raised to obtain xx.

Graphical Representations

Graph of exe^x

  • The graph of exe^x is a continuously increasing curve.
  • It never touches the x-axis, asymptotic to it, indicating that exe^x is always positive.
  • The curve passes through the point (0,1), as e0=1e^0 = 1.

Graph of ln(x)\ln(x)

  • The graph of ln(x)\ln(x) is a curve that increases slowly and is undefined for non-positive values of xx.
  • It passes through the point (1,0), since ln(1)=0\ln(1) = 0.
graph of e^x and ln(x)

Application Examples

Example 1:

Graph y=e2xy = e^{2x} and y=exy = e^{-x}.


graph of e^2x and e^-x

Summary of their characteristics:

  • y=e2xy = e^{2x}: This is an exponential growth function. The graph is a steeply increasing curve, reflecting the rapid increase of e2xe^{2x} as xx becomes larger. The function grows faster than exe^x due to the doubling effect of the exponent.
  • y=exy = e^{-x}: This is an exponential decay function. The graph is a decreasing curve, approaching the x-axis as xx increases, but never actually touching the x-axis. This reflects the property of exponential decay, where the function values become increasingly small as xxincreases, but never reach zero.

Example 2:

Solve e2x=7e^{2x} = 7.


1. Apply the natural logarithm to both sides of the equation to utilize the property that ln(ex)=x\ln(e^x) = x:

ln(e2x)=ln(7)\ln(e^{2x}) = \ln(7)

2. Simplify the left side by using the property of logarithms that ln(ex)=x\ln(e^x) = x :

2x=ln(7)2x = \ln(7)

3. Solve for xx by dividing both sides by 2:

x=ln(7)2x = \frac{\ln(7)}{2}

The precise solution for xx is approximately 0.9729550745276566.

graph of e^2x

The graph shows the function e2xe^{2x} along with the line y=7y = 7. The point where the curve intersects the line y=7y = 7 represents the solution to the equation, which corresponds to the x-value we calculated.

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