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CIE A-Level Maths Study Notes

2.1.1. Understanding Absolute Value (|x|)

Absolute value, often symbolised as |x|, is a fundamental concept in algebra. It represents the distance of a number from zero on the number line, regardless of the direction. This topic explores the properties and applications of absolute value, a crucial tool in various mathematical contexts.

The Modulus Function

  • Definition: The modulus of a number, denoted as |x|, represents its absolute value. It gives the non-negative distance of the number from the origin on the number line.
  • Properties:
    • Multiplication: For any two real numbers aa and bb, a×b=a×b|a \times b| = |a| \times |b|.
    • Division: For non-zero bb, ab=ab\left|\frac{a}{b}\right| = \frac{|a|}{|b|}.
    • Square: x2=x2=x2|x^2| = |x|^2 = x^2, showing that the square of a number is always non-negative.
    • Equality: x=a|x| = |a| if and only if x2=a2x^2 = a^2.
    • Square Roots: x2=x\sqrt{x^2} = |x|, as square roots yield non-negative values.

Graphing Absolute Value Functions

  • General Form: The graph of y=ax+by = |ax + b| features a V-shape and is symmetrical about the vertex. This function never produces negative values.
  • Reflection Principle: In graphical representation, any part of the function below the x-axis is reflected above it, maintaining the same distance from the axis.
modulus function graph

Figure: An example of a modulus function graph, illustrating the V-shape and reflection principle.

Solving Equations and Inequalities

  • Equations: To solve xa=b|x - a| = b, set up two equations: xa=bx - a = b and xa=bx - a = -b.
  • Inequalities: For |x - a| < b, the solution is a - b < x < a + b. This represents a range of values where the distance from aa is less than bb.


Example 1:

Equation: Solve 2x+3=7|2x + 3| = 7.


It involves two scenarios: 2x+3=72x + 3 = 7 and 2x+3=72x + 3 = -7, leading to x=2x = 2 and x=5x = -5.

Example 2:

Inequality: Solve |x - 4| < 3.


The solution range is from x4=3x - 4 = -3 to x4=3x - 4 = 3, yielding 1 < x < 7.

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