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CIE A-Level Computer Science Notes

4.2.5 Addressing Modes

Understanding addressing modes in assembly language is crucial for students studying computer science at the A-Level. Addressing modes dictate how an assembler interprets operands in instructions, impacting how data is accessed and manipulated. This comprehensive guide delves into various addressing modes, their applications, and examples, providing a clear understanding for aspiring programmers.

Addressing Modes

Addressing modes in assembly language programming are methods used to specify operands for an instruction. These modes determine how the assembler interprets the operand part of an instruction, whether it’s a direct value, a memory address, or a reference to a location determined by other means. Understanding these modes is essential for efficient programming and manipulating data effectively in assembly language.

Immediate Addressing Mode

  • Definition: Immediate addressing mode involves embedding the operand value directly within the instruction. It is the simplest form of addressing.
  • Characteristics:
    • Offers high speed as the operand is directly available.
    • Limits flexibility, as the value is fixed and cannot be changed dynamically.
  • Example: MOV A, #5 - This instruction moves the value 5 directly into the accumulator A.
  • Application: Typically used for initialising registers or for simple arithmetic operations.

Direct Addressing Mode

  • Definition: In direct addressing, the operand is a memory address. The instruction directly points to the location of the data.
  • Characteristics:
    • More flexible than immediate addressing, as the memory content can change.
    • Slightly slower than immediate addressing due to the need to access memory.
  • Example: LOAD A, 2000H - Loads the value from the memory address 2000H into register A.
  • Application: Commonly used for accessing global variables or constants stored in specific memory locations.

Indirect Addressing Mode

  • Definition: Indirect addressing uses a register to hold the memory address of the operand. The register indirectly points to the operand.
  • Characteristics:
    • Provides dynamic operand referencing, ideal for working with changing data locations.
    • Slightly slower due to the additional step of dereferencing the register to access the operand.
  • Example: MOV A, [BX] - Moves the value from the memory location pointed to by register BX into register A.
  • Application: Essential for implementing pointers, dynamic data structures, and handling arrays.

Indexed Addressing Mode

  • Definition: Indexed addressing combines a base address, usually in a register, with an index value to calculate the actual address of the operand.
  • Characteristics:
    • Highly versatile, allowing for easy manipulation of data structures like arrays.
    • The index can be changed, making it dynamic and flexible for various applications.
  • Example: LOAD A, B[IX] - Loads a value from an array B at a position indicated by the index register IX into A.
  • Application: Ideal for iterating over arrays and complex data structures.

Relative Addressing Mode

  • Definition: Relative addressing mode bases the operand's address on its position relative to the current instruction.
  • Characteristics:
    • Primarily used for program control instructions like jumps and branches.
    • Offers flexibility in code relocation and dynamic execution flow.
  • Example: JMP +10 - Jumps to an instruction 10 bytes forward from the current instruction.
  • Application: Crucial for implementing loops, conditional execution, and handling program flow control.

Comparative Analysis of Addressing Modes

  • Impact on Operand Interpretation:
    • Immediate Mode: Quick but rigid, used for simple, unchanging values.
    • Direct Mode: More flexible, allows accessing global data but requires a fixed memory address.
    • Indirect Mode: Highly flexible, ideal for variable data locations and advanced data structures.
    • Indexed Mode: Combines base address stability with index flexibility, perfect for data arrays.
    • Relative Mode: Essential for control flow, adapting the program execution based on conditions.

Practical Examples in Assembly Language

  • Immediate Mode: ADD A, #10 - Adds the number 10 to the current value in register A, useful for quick arithmetic adjustments.
  • Direct Mode: STO 3000H, B - Stores the content of register B into the memory address 3000H, used for updating global variables.
  • Indirect Mode: MOV A, [DI] - Moves data from the location pointed by DI register into A, used for accessing dynamically changing data.
  • Indexed Mode: MOV C, A[SI] - Moves data from an array A at an index SI into register C, used for array manipulation.
  • Relative Mode: JPE +20 - Jumps 20 bytes ahead in the program if the zero flag is set, used in conditional branching.


Direct addressing mode plays a crucial role in interfacing with hardware devices in assembly language programming. In many systems, hardware devices are mapped to specific memory addresses. Direct addressing allows the programmer to read from or write to these addresses, thereby interacting directly with the hardware. For example, a specific memory address might be dedicated to a status register of an I/O device. By using direct addressing, an assembly program can check the status of the device by reading from this address or can send commands to the device by writing to this address. This mode is straightforward and efficient for such operations because it allows direct access to the memory-mapped hardware registers without any additional computation or reference needed. It is widely used in embedded systems and low-level hardware programming, where precise and direct control over hardware components is essential.

Immediate addressing mode has a significant impact on the optimization of assembly language code, particularly in terms of execution speed and code compactness. By embedding the operand directly within the instruction, it eliminates the need for additional memory or register accesses to retrieve the operand, leading to faster execution of the instruction. This is particularly beneficial in time-critical sections of code where performance is paramount. Furthermore, immediate addressing can lead to more compact code since it removes the necessity for prior instructions to load the operand into a register or memory. However, it also imposes limitations on flexibility and scalability of the code, as the operand values are fixed at compile time and cannot be dynamically altered during execution. Therefore, while immediate addressing can optimise code for speed and size, it needs to be used judiciously in contexts where the operand values do not require runtime modification.

Indirect addressing mode is essential for implementing dynamic data structures in assembly language due to its ability to handle variable memory locations effectively. In this mode, a register holds the address of the data, rather than the data itself. This approach allows for dynamic referencing of data locations, which is a key requirement in structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs, where the data elements and their locations can change during runtime. Indirect addressing provides the flexibility to access and manipulate data that isn't at a fixed memory location, making it possible to create complex data structures that can grow, shrink, or reorganize during the program's execution. It's particularly useful for implementing pointers, which are a cornerstone of dynamic memory management and data structure implementation in lower-level programming languages.

Relative addressing mode is particularly advantageous in scenarios involving branching and the implementation of control structures, such as loops and conditional statements. Unlike direct addressing, which requires an absolute address, relative addressing specifies an operand's address in relation to the current instruction's address. This makes the code more adaptable and relocatable, as the relative distances between instructions remain constant even if the entire code block is moved to a different memory location. It's especially useful in creating jump instructions within a program, where the flow of execution needs to be altered based on certain conditions. Relative addressing enables efficient, compact code for control structures and is essential for creating flexible and modular assembly language programs.

Indexed addressing mode significantly enhances the efficiency of loop operations by facilitating easy access and manipulation of array elements. In a loop structure, especially when dealing with arrays or data sequences, it's common to perform operations on each element sequentially. With indexed addressing, a base address (the start of the array) is combined with an incrementing index value, allowing the program to access successive elements in a loop efficiently. This approach eliminates the need for complex calculations or multiple instructions to access each element. It allows for more concise and readable code, as the index can simply be incremented or decremented within the loop. Additionally, this mode enables dynamic data manipulation within the loop, as the index can adjust to different array sizes or data structures, making it highly adaptable for various programming scenarios.

Practice Questions

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of using Immediate Addressing Mode in assembly language programming.

Immediate addressing mode offers the advantage of speed and simplicity. Since the operand value is embedded directly in the instruction, it eliminates the need for additional memory access, leading to faster execution. This mode is especially advantageous for setting initial values or performing simple arithmetic operations. However, its major disadvantage lies in its inflexibility. The value is fixed at compile-time and cannot be altered during program execution. This limitation makes immediate addressing unsuitable for scenarios requiring dynamic data manipulation or operations on variable data.

Describe a scenario in which Indexed Addressing Mode would be more beneficial than Direct Addressing Mode, and explain why.

Indexed addressing mode is particularly beneficial in scenarios involving array manipulation. For instance, when iterating through an array to perform operations on each element, indexed addressing allows the programmer to use a base address (the start of the array) and an index (to specify the current element). This mode enables easy and efficient traversal of the array elements by simply incrementing the index. In contrast, direct addressing mode would be less efficient for this purpose, as it requires specifying the address of each array element individually, making the code more cumbersome and less adaptable to arrays of varying sizes.

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